Avoid Moving Disasters

So, almost 30 years ago I moved into my current house. But moving day here was a disaster. What happened? The old tenants had an ice-maker in their refrigerator.
We didn't. The old tenants removed their refrigerator after the water service had been shut off. But, they didn't turn off the water source to the tube that supplied the water to the ice-maker. So, we were moving into the house, and the water got turned back on, and then water started to gush out under the floor.
I also blew out the engine of my VW bus hauling a load of firewood up the hill to my new house. Ouch. What a day!
So, the moving tip for this blog is get your ducks in a row.
First get help. We did most of this move on our own without help. I think we had a truck deliver the heaviest material, but the rest we moved by car and VW bus. Not a good option. Get friends or hire someone to help. Rent a truck. It will pay for itself in the long run, and perhaps in the short run.
Also, have someone to watch your children that day, hopefully off-site. Kids and moving don't mix. Give 'em a day at Grandma's or their friends house. Easier to pick them up later than to cater to them during the move.
Here's a tip that most people don't consider. If you are moving into a house, have it written into your contract that the seller (or renters) will remove all debris. After all, the stress of moving into our fixer-upper, we noticed all the junk left in the yard for us to remove. There was an old outboard motor, dirt bike (we sold that,) and a bunch of other stuff that we had to haul away.
You know, moving creates a lot of stuff you don't want to deal with later. Maybe the old tenants left you a bunch of junk. Maybe you have boxes and debris left over. So, here's a tip for making the aftermath of a move a lot easier. Call Junk King. We'll come and pick up the mess where it lays and haul it away. Finally, something to do with moving that is easy. Point your finger, and Junk King does the rest. Pre-move or post-move, Junk King is fast, green, and professional. Don't haul your junk to the new house, and don't put up with junk once you are there. Call Junk King. We'll make it go away.
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Avoid Moving Disasters