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Construction Removal of Debris Made Easy [Tips]

Construction Removal of Debris Made Easy [Tips]

We've all heard the saying, "Work smarter, not harder." But oftentimes it is challenging to put that sage advice into practice in a way that really matters. And when it comes to building or demolition, the task of construction removal of waste, debris and other junk can easily remain a labor intensive and costly chore.

How can you be "smarter" about something as simple, but time-consuming as cleaning, hauling and disposing of construction trash? By being strategic and approaching that facet of your construction project as an opportunity for cost-saving innovation.

Being Strategic With Construction Removal

The vast majority of general contracting firms are relatively small. In other words, according the SBA, general building and heavy construction contractors generate $36.5 million in average annual receipts while "special trade construction contractors" earn about $15.0 million average annual receipts. Of those numbers, relatively few firms are in the top ten or so "big guys". 

There are almost 730,000 construction firms in the U.S. and over 72,000 of these are in California alone. This means amount the 50 states in the country, California has almost 10 percent of all of the construction companies. And of these, almost 80 percent are considered "small to medium-sized" concerns.

What this means on a practical level is that relatively few construction firms have the resources to reliably and consistently remove, haul and properly dispose of all their own construction and demolition (C&D) waste cost-effectively and efficiently. This means, too, that most contractors - especially the smaller companies - are impacted far more significantly with the direct and indirect costs of construction removal of waste and debris.

What's a Contractor To Do? Think Like a Business Person.

No one needs to tell a general contractor or construction company owner that they are, in fact, business owners. But the practical reality is often that most GCs tend to think and act like, well, contractors. In other words, getting the job done is almost always "Job Number One" for these folks. Taking time to step back and look at the larger context of the construction business outside of a specific project is not necessarily an intuitive approach for many contractors. This is because they tend to be more "hands-on" and "on-time and under-budget" types.

And that is all requirements for being a really good General Contractor.

But a truly effective contractor, running a contracting company, must also look for ways to minimize labor, lower on-going costs, and maximize existing resources. Innovation with processes, systems, and procedures must be paramount in the effective GCs game plan.

What's all this got to do with C&D waste and construction removal of debris? Plenty. 

One of the most efficient ways to minimize un-productive labor cost and maximize your existing resources is to outsource all of the construction removal and C&D waste hauling to a professional firm that specializes in this type of work. What are the benefits?

Here's five to consider:

Five Ways to Boost Cost-Effectiveness By Outsourcing Construction Removal

1. Leverage the Convenience Factor

When you stop to consider the amount of time involved in clearing out, loading, and then hauling and disposing of your junk you may be talking about number of hours, possibly days lost. The time you or your employees spend doing this kind of work is time not spent doing what you pay them for.

2. Take into Account the Health and Safety of Your Employees

Depending on the quantity and nature of your waste, the simple work of moving it can be hazardous. Cuts, abrasions and back strains are very real consequences of clearing and hauling junk. In addition, you may be working with actual hazardous materials that need to be handled properly and legally. Without proper training and proper equipment, disposing of some waste can lead to complications.

3. Take Advantage of the Measurable Cost Savings

When you factor in not only the time and wages spent on employees (or yourself) cleaning and hauling your junk, and the opportunity cost of other that’s work not getting done, it becomes an expensive proposition. Using your own employees for junk hauling not only invites potential issues with injuries and overtime costs.

4. Factor in the Intangible Benefit of Enhanced Aesthetics

A common option for far too many businesses is to simply shuffle their excess equipment, furniture and other junk from one storage space to another. Sometimes these items end up outside their place of work, creating unsightly and potentially hazardous conditions. But the prospect of having to sort, load, haul and somehow dispose of all that stuff keeps them from doing anything about it. Yet having it removed quickly and safely by a professional hauling company will instantly improve the aesthetics, safety and appearance of a business site.

5. Benefit from the Reliability and Efficiency of a Professional Firm

There is more to proper junk removal than simply throwing stuff into the back of a truck. Knowing what can be disposed of legally and where constitutes a large part of what makes a professional firm the better choice. And simply taking everything to the local landfill – assuming there is one – is not always the most cost-effective means of disposal. Recycling and re-purposing many items and materials is a responsible approach for a business to take.

Finding Cost-Effective Construction Removal Service

Junk King provides an efficient, safe and eco-friendly construction removal service so you don’t need to worry about the pick up or disposal of the debris after your construction project is complete.

Whether you need our services several times during a project or just once after it is complete, our hauling professionals will ensure that the junk and debris is out of your way so that you can get on with the job of finishing your construction project.

Our team specializes in commercial junk removal. And we can be at your site in minutes, so call us today! You can be assured that our crew is fully insured and well-trained, so you can trust them to get rid of your debris in a professional and courteous fashion.

One of the best things about hiring Junk King is that we recycle a much of the material we pick-up. We do this as part of our genuine commitment to being an eco-friendly removal service.

If you have questions about what we do or what we believe, give us a call at (707) 744-4254.




Construction Removal of Debris Made Easy [Tips]


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