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How Women Are Leading Empowering Franchise Brands

How Women Are Leading Empowering Franchise Brands

Women in business are an unstoppable force so much so, that nearly one-third of today’s small business owners and franchisees are women. Women are known to possess strong communication skills, are skilled networkers and work well collaboratively. These characteristics don’t just qualify them as excellent franchisees, they also indicate that women are likely to excel in entrepreneurship by joining an established franchise network and working as part of a team; being in business for themselves, but not by themselves.

For many female franchisees, one of the most attractive parts of entrepreneurship through franchising is the network of others to give support, share best practices and provide insight. On a broad scale, organizations such as the Women's Franchise Committee provide programs and resources for women seeking career growth opportunities in franchising.  

At Junk King, franchisees are supported internally, too. We foster a dynamic business environment that emphasizes collaboration and communication, providing our franchisees with the tools and skills needed to drive results.

In a traditionally male-dominated field, Junk King is proud to boast many powerful female entrepreneurs breaking barriers in the junk removal industry. Don’t just take our word for it though, hear from a few of our Junk Queens themselves about their experiences franchising with Junk King:


Kimberly Prica, Owner of Junk King Palm Beach, FL

“Just like I’ve told my daughters, for many years women have been fighting for the same rights both of my daughters are in the military so we go out there and we get it done. Can I lift the same thing as a man? No. Am I smart enough to put it on a dolly, take it to the side of a truck and break it down in pieces? Absolutely.”

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Shelly Rote, Owner of Junk King San Antonio, TX

 “Women need to be seen as leaders of the world. I think we can be great salespeople; not just the analytics of it, but we’re able to appeal to people on an emotional level, rather than a business level.”

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Countless women have made their mark on the franchise industry, and the same can be said for the empowering network of female franchisees right here at Junk King.

If you’ve been searching for the perfect next investment, look no further! As our Junk Queens can attest, you’re sure to receive the royal treatment by franchising with Junk King.


How Women Are Leading Empowering Franchise Brands


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