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New Year Resolution Do’s and Don’ts

New Year Resolution Do’s and Don’ts

In theory, the New Year can be a time to reassess life, make new goals, and take the first steps in living a better life. In reality, the time it takes to create and break a New Year’s Resolution can happen so fast a stopwatch can’t track the time.

When making New Year’s Resolutions, it’s important not to get carried away or overwhelmed with the goal you’ve created for yourself. Thinking about a resolution as just another chore you don’t really want to do completely defeats the purpose of the resolution.

With that in mind, consider these simple suggestions for making and keeping your New Year’s Resolutions.

DO: Be realistic.

If you’re serious about achieving a resolution, it helps to treat the goal as something that can be accomplished. In that sense, keeping a resolution has a lot in common with getting everything on a grocery list. Keep your resolution goals realistic.

DON’T: Go overboard.

If your New Year’s Resolution includes goals like winning the Academy Award for Best Actor, maybe pump the brakes and reevaluate what you want to accomplish.

DO: Be specific.

Popular resolutions tend to be listed in general terms: I want to lose weight, I want to be healthy, I want to write a book, I want to travel.

While those desires can be an excellent starting point, it’s better to be specific about the resolution goals. So instead of saying “I want to be healthier,” be specific with the goal like “I want to lose five pounds in a month.” That specificity allows a smoother path to reaching the goal, thus increasing the odds of meeting the resolution goals quicker.

DON’T: Get discouraged.

Some resolutions can be very difficult to accomplish, and can lead to early failures and setbacks. If your resolution was to “Grow your own food,” and all the crops died, it’s very easy to throw your hands up and call it a year. Allow yourself the ability to fail and learn from those failures.

DO: Plan.

Once you’ve identified your specific goal, take the time to plan how to accomplish the resolution.

DON’T: Overplan.

It’s very easy to fall in love with the act of planning, which can leave you with little or no energy to actually do the work of the plan. Likewise, it’s also possible to get intimidated and overwhelmed with planning a resolution that you lose any enthusiasm you had for the resolution in the first place.

Keep it simple, keep it basic, and keep moving forward.

DO: Enjoy The Success.

Depending on the resolution, it’s possible to enjoy the minor successes that come with working to your goal. For example, if your health-related resolution helps you feel better and more energized even before you complete the resolution, take some time to enjoy the small victories.

Or if you’re resolution was “Learn to Cook,” celebrate when you’ve successfully made a meal, even if the finished product was short of your expectations.

DON’T: Go Ballistic At The Failures.

It’s going to happen. Don’t go nuts when it happens. 

A previously stated, a resolution should ultimately allow you to live a better life. So plan accordingly, accept the challenge, and have as much fun with the resolution as you can!


New Year Resolution Do’s and Don’ts


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