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New Year, New Resolutions

New Year, New Resolutions

It comes up at the end of every year: What’s the New Year’s Resolution?

It’s an annoying question, a form of unwanted homework forced upon already busy lives. But not to worry; a New Year’s resolution can also be a refreshing form of self-improvement. Consider these ideas:

1. Commit to It

Yoda said it best: “Do, or do not. There is no try.”

New Year’s resolutions tend to start on January 1 and end on January 14, and that happens because the individuals don’t give themselves permission to commit. If you truly want to achieve a resolution, you have to commit to doing it. 

This goes with every resolution, big or small. If your resolution is “I resolve to keep a houseplant alive longer than two weeks,” commit to hosing that ficus down as needed (or if you get a cactus, just give it an occasional spritz). 

2. Permission to Fail

Conversely, a New Year’s resolution is not a blood oath or holy sacrament, so give yourself permission to screw up. 

Resolved to get healthier? There’s gonna be cheat days. Resolved to get your finances in order? Expect to still splurge occasionally. But even if your resolution seems as tiny as “Resolving to change the air filter more frequently,” allow yourself to absorb those moments when you neglect the resolution. 

3. Respect the Resolutions

If a friend or associate shares their resolution with you, take care not to mock it. Yes, resolutions may seem trivial to many, but they can also be a form of self-improvement, which should be encouraged as long as the resolution isn’t dangerous. 

Allowances have to be made, of course. For example, if your friend announces their resolution involves learning how to juggle chainsaws while riding a unicycle, maybe have a word with them.

Some individuals will take a more militant approach to achieving their resolution goals. That’s fine, too; let those individuals train for their marathons while wearing weighted vests and running with live badgers strapped around their shins. That might encourage you to pursue your own health goals, just without the weights and aggressive animals. 

4. Size Doesn’t Matter

There’s a popular tendency to commit high with resolutions, but remember they can be small resolutions, too.

Resolving to “get in shape” conjures images of crowded gyms and sweaty bodies in January, but it might also mean taking more walks and eating less processed foods. “Keeping a clean home” might involve aggressively wiping down every flat surface at least one a day, but it might also be just “vacuuming the carpet twice a week.”

5. Resolve Early, Resolve Often

If you plan on actively working on a resolution for 2022, have an idea of where to start before the ball drops on December 31. A resolution should never be homework, but it’s easier to achieve a goal with a plan.

And it doesn’t have to be just one big resolution, either. As a matter of fact, there’s not a limit on the number of resolutions one person can make for the New Year. So set a big one and a few small ones, or maybe a few small ones throughout the year.


New Year, New Resolutions


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