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Pre-Back to School Junk Removal - Start Teaching Early

Pre-Back to School Junk Removal - Start Teaching Early

Some folks believe that cleaning should take place after the kids go back to school, but why waste all those extra hands that can help you get the job done right now?
Depending on the ages of your children, you could recruit some assistance and have all that junk in your house hauled away by Junk King before you have to deal with the insanity of class schedules, lunches, and homework. Parents know that the fall is not a time of rest and relaxation just because the kids aren’t around the house all day. You might enjoy the silence for a little while, but life gets busy pretty quickly.
Start your back to school cleaning by assembling the troops. If they’re too young to help, tell them to put away anything they don’t want thrown out. That will get them to clean their rooms at least. Once all the toys, clothes, and various kid collectables are off the floor, you can go to town. Start piling items in boxes and bags and haul then outside. This is another area where the kids can help. Let them play while you clean, then have them do the heavy lifting and hauling for you. If they’re too young, have Junk King's pros do it.
If your children are older and can legitimately help you, use the opportunity to teach them how to keep a clean house. Explain the reasoning behind creating more space and try to do some recycling of old furniture and appliances. It’s important to instill a sense of responsibility in children and part of that is making sure they don’t think that just anything can go out in the trash. That’s what we were taught when we were young and now landfills are overflowing with toxic chemicals and plastic that will never break down.
The chaos begins right after Labor Day. In some states, kids are going back to school even sooner than that; don’t waste any time getting you cleaning done. You’ll want to get rid of all the old clothes before you start shopping for the new school year. Some can be handed down, some can be donated, and others will need to be recycled or destroyed. Check the material labels to make sure you’re not throwing rayon or polyester into the regular trash. They can be just as damaging to the environment as some pesticides and plastics can be.
Cleaning is the least favorite chore for most parents. It involves hard work, selective thinking, and the willingness to examine your housekeeping skills. It usually starts out with good intentions, but often sputters and fails after a few hours. To avoid that, set realistic cleaning goals for yourself and your 'team,' and don't forget that Junk King is a call away to help you out. Make sure you do it now and not after school starts though. You’ll have a host of other things to worry about once that first class is in session.
Pre-Back to School Junk Removal - Start Teaching Early


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