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Real Estate Pros And Value Added Services

Real Estate Pros And Value Added Services

Regardless of the state of the market, realty is a competitive field. Real estate professionals must strive to find clients and deliver. So how can you find a competitive edge that works?

As a real estate professional, you know that you are part of a large and competitive industry. Finding clients and delivering on promises can be a grinding challenge for many professionals, even in the best of times. Striving to stand out in the crowd has always been difficult, but there are ways to do so that are not costly or overly difficult

Adding Value as a Real Estate Professional

Many business owners and professionals make it a point to provide "extras" for their customers and clients, which are often referred to as "value added services" by some. These can be anything from complimentary products, to large-scale recurring services, depending on the business and the industry.

So, what are "value added" services anyway?  

One way to define value-added services, or VAS, it that they are add-ons to the core services of a business. While these typically have unique characteristics, they are relevant to the core services and the other services offered in a firm. Another aspect of VAS is that they also provides benefits for client that the core services usually cannot.


Most real estate professionals must deal with the marketing reality that they are selling essentially the same product as their competitor. Sometimes it seems that the only competitive edge used by most agencies is that their firm has “great service” or some other questionable point of difference, such as a long number of years in the same community.

When it comes to choosing real estate agent or brokerage, it doesn't seem to matter much to clients when it comes to implied prestige or claimed expertise. The fact is, within many service industries, most firms and providers are perceived as roughly the same.

When it comes to real estate firms, the typical home buyer or seller will not see any major value difference between agencies. Because the services and commissions are roughly the same, real estate agents are forced to sell their services on connections, relationships and persistence.

How can you stand out from the crowd? The good news is that you can be perceived as unique and in demand by your prospective clients. This isn’t accomplished just with good marketing, but by offering the client additional services and products they probably won’t get from other agents.

The Value of Value Added Services

Keep in mind there are two benefits to you as the service provider. First, by offering additional services or perks, you will be far more likely to be hired again when the need arises. Second, your client will be far more inclined to be a promoter of you or your firm, and far less likely to move to another agent or broker.

The key is to start small and only add services you know will be beneficial to your client. Remember that value added does not make up for less value from your core service. Don’t be burdened with the details of your value added services, but make sure you can offer things that can be outsourced.

There is added value for your marketing in this approach, as well. Real estate professionals who offer value added services will stand out from the pack. Being unique and being seen as a “cut above” your competition in the eyes of prospective clients is a huge benefit in marketing yourself.

What type of services can be added?

Value added service can be anything that your real estate clients might want or need. While there are probably dozens of products or services you could offer or provide, here are five top ones that provide great value for your clients:

A Neighborhood Analysis Report

Most real estate agents normally provide an overview of a neighborhood that a client is interested in. However, a truly value-added report is an in-depth neighborhood analysis with detailed information about parks and other facilities, the local schools, and even rate of crime in a given area. In addition, this type of analysis could include permit requirements, zoning and land use details, property types in the area, and if the neighborhood is primarily residential or mixed use with both residential and commercial structures.

A Professionally Produced Virtual Tour

A virtual tour of a home has become much more popular with real estate professionals. It offers a much more engaging and interactive way to display a property online.  Instead of having just still photos of a home, the virtual tour can take viewers through a house and the outside of the home with videos and 360-degree panoramic images. In addition, these can be combined with music, narration, and even overhead shots using drones.

Provide a Free Home Staging

Many clients and/or their agents make of home staging to make a property visually and aesthetically appealing when shown. The idea is that a properly staged home can be sold more quickly and for a higher amount. When done well, home staging can transform a home into a welcoming, attractive place that helps make prospective buyers visualize themselves living there. This is a value-add that can benefit everyone.

Concierge Services

According to an article in a Westchester Magazine blog: “(R)ealtors have taken to offering “concierge services” as a way to assist busy buyers and sellers with real estate-related needs—and endear themselves to their clients. Concierge services connect clients with vetted vendors and ease the process of moving into or out of a house. They include everything from help with pre-closing services like title insurance to post-close needs like painting and utility setup.”

House Clean Out Services

Sellers often find that they are pressed for time and that the move out and clean up can be overwhelming, especially when they have a deadline to meet. Providing a complimentary house clean out service can really make you out to be a hero. Sometimes, too, the buyers might benefit from a house clean out prior to moving in, especially if the property has already been vacant for an extended time. Everyone appreciates the value of clean home.

Outsourcing Your House Clean Out Service

Once you decide to outsource your house cleanup part of your real estate deal, you need to determine which firm is the right one for the job. And while you can certainly find someone with a truck to do the job, choosing that alternative may end up costing you more than you hoped to save.

This is why Junk King really is the firm of choice. Junk King provides an efficient, safe and eco-friendly residential junk removal service so you don’t need to worry about the pick up or disposal of household items and debris after the sale is complete.

Our team specializes in large waste removal and furniture hauling. We can be on location in mere minutes, so call us today! Our crew is fully insured and well-trained, so you can trust them to get rid of your unwanted items in a professional and courteous fashion.

One of the best things about hiring Junk King is that we recycle a much of the material we pick-up. This is proof of our commitment to being an eco-friendly removal service. If you have questions about what we do or what we believe, give us a call at (707) 744-4254.



Real Estate Pros And Value Added Services


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