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Oakland Cardboard Disposal and Recycling

There’s good news to be found around Oakland when it comes to recycling. According to a recent survey conducted by the city, since 2000 recycling has gone up by 33%. This translates into a reduction of garbage headed for landfills by about 27%. All totaled Oakland residents have recycled over 700,000 tons of magazines, junk mail, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, paper and yard waste. All 700,000 tons of that recyclable material has been converted into reusable materials. This has provided many businesses with a much improved bottom line. With numbers like these you'll also find that many essential resources like forest growth and waterways have also been protected. It simply a win-win all around for Oakland residents. If you are new to the city or new to recycling then you need to familiarize yourself with the parameters of the Oakland program. For residents in one to four unit buildings there is a once a week pickup of garbage and recyclable materials. Oakland utilizes a three cart system. The green cart is for yard trimmings or food scraps that can be recycled. The gray cart is for bottles, cans, jars, paper and cardboard. The burgundy cart is for all the rest of the garbage or non-recyclable materials. This doesn't include electronic waste or hazardous materials. They have to be handled separately. To someone observing from the outside it might seem like this three cart system is a bit complicated. But many Oakland residents have found that once they fall into the routine of recycling it's easy to remember which type of garbage goes into which garbage bin. The big issue is what to do with all of those things that don't fit into the recyclable bins. This is especially true for piles of cardboard left over from moving boxes or the delivery of large items like a television or kitchen appliance. When those types of materials have become too big for the weekly pickup it might be time to call in the pros. In this case the pros would be experienced junk haulers who have a big truck waiting to be filled up - Junk King Alameda. Once you make the decision to hire professional junk haulers for your excess cardboard you don't have to stop there. The same junk haulers are more than willing to cart off all the rest of the stuff you might have around your home or apartment that you're just dying to get rid of. Once again, it's an issue of something being too big to be thrown out in the weekly garbage pickup. This could mean a sofa or bedroom set you been hanging onto or left over construction materials from a remodeling job. There could even be piles of yard waste like tree trimmings or sod that you need to get rid of. The bottom line is that you'll have an empty truck at your disposal that can be quickly filled up. Just remember you don't have to do any of the heavy lifting!
Oakland Cardboard Disposal and Recycling


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