Have an Awesome Staycation With These Terrific Ideas According to surveys, the average American vacation costs around $1,100 per person and that is doing just the bare minimum. A family of four could spend the same amount in one week that they would spend in an entire month for their household expenses. That's why many people are turning towards the idea of the staycation. This is where you stay home for your vacation but have just as much fun. The goal to successful staycation is to stop work just as you would on a regular vacation. That means no returning phone calls, texts or emails. Your job can survive without you for the week. As for what you'll do, the possibilities are unlimited. Consider these few: Take a Day Trip You could go two hours in any direction from Albany and find yourself in some amazing places. Taking a day trip has the same fun of a road trip but without the hassle of checking in and out of the hotel. You could head in a different direction every day of your staycation and still have plenty of time left over to explore things right in your own neighborhood. Try a New Restaurant When you go on vacation in a new city, you are literally trying a new restaurant every time you go out. You should take that same approach for your staycation. There are probably at least a dozen places that you've always wanted to try. Now you can. Keep in mind that trying to new restaurant doesn't mean dressing up and going out. Most restaurants offer take out. Enjoy the food in the comforts of your home watching a great movie. Take In a Show Not every live performance has to be a Broadway show with $100 ticket. There are plenty of local theater companies who do amazing work all throughout the summer. Where do you think all the performers from Broadway go when they don't get a job? There are also a lot of free outdoor concerts around Albany that are great way to spend an evening. Try Something New You don't just have to try a new restaurant on your staycation. You could try something new by taking a class or indulging in a hobby. What's the one thing you've always wished you could do? Now's the time to get it done! Before the official start of your staycation, you should make sure everything around the house is in order. You certainly don't want to spend your week off cleaning and fixing things. This is where call to Junk King Albany can make a big difference. If you've been putting off that junk removal task, then one call to these professional junk haulers will finally get the job done. You'll enjoy your staycation a lot more once Junk King Albany has cleared out all the clutter from your home. Have an Awesome Staycation With These Terrific Ideas