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Tag Archives: Albany Junk Removal

Home Downsizing Tips in Albany

When you consider the shaky economy it only makes sense to consider downsizing as a viable option to prepare for the future. Whether you’re approaching retirement age or starting out in a new relationship, it makes sense to downsize. The overriding benefit will be in savings. A smaller living space is just more efficient and cost effective. If you’re ready to take the downsizing plunge you’re first going to have to sort through your stuff. That means get the stickers ready!

As you move through your home you can carry with you rolls of three sticker colors. The categories you’ll be focusing on are:

  • Keep
  • Give
  • Toss

Obviously the “Keep” stickers will go on those items you intend on taking with you. Remember you’re downsizing so it’s time to let go of things. Obviously, you’ll want to hang onto to those precious keepsakes and memorabilia but you don’t need to keep a set of golf clubs you bought at yard sale ten years ago and never used!

The “Give” stickers would be for all of those things you want to either pass onto other family members or friends or donate. Typically, this would be the sticker for a lot of clothes and shoes you’ve outgrown or never even worn. Yes, it’s finally time to tackle your overstuffed closets. Your new downsized home or apartment will have less closet space which means you only want to pack the essentials.

As for the “Toss” stickers those will go on everything else. It might turn out that your “Toss” pile is the biggest pile of all! To help get rid of that stuff you should call upon the Junk King Capital District. Junk King is the Albany business that focuses on all kinds of junk removal. Think of them as your downsizing partner.

Before moving to your new space you’ll need to take some decent measurements to see what pieces of your furniture will fit. For everything else, Junk King can haul away. Sure, you might have a dining room table or chairs to pass on to a family member but often the furniture we don’t want to take with us shouldn’t be passed on to anyone! That’s because it’s worn out, stained or busted. It’s better to let Junk King handle that.

Junk King can also take care of all those things you definitely wouldn’t be able to take to a new space like patio furniture, home gym equipment or any other bulk item that you won’t be able to cram into a trashcan. That last thing you want is to take that stuff with you. Downsizing is all about starting with a clean slate and that’s exactly what Junk King Capital District can help you accomplish.

Albany Patio Furniture Disposal

Do you have an Adirondack on your patio? For many residents of upstate New York, the Adirondack is a must have item and for good reason: this is the region where the chair was invented. Back in 1903, furniture designer Thomas Lee was on vacation in Westport when he realized he didn’t have anything comfortable to sit on in his backyard. A few sketches, some sawing and hammering and voila, the Adirondack chair was born. His original version of the chair was made from eleven pieces of wood that were cut from a single board. These slats were the straight back and along with the wide armrests they became the hallmark of the Adirondack design.

Lee offered his chair to Harry Bunnell, a local carpenter looking for work. For the next twenty years, Bunnell made quite a living building his version of the Westport plank chair. His even autographed his original creations and today they are among the most coveted pieces of modern craftsman furniture found anywhere.

Today, the Adirondack chair is a staple of many a backyard patio. Although designed to withstand the elements, a weatherworn Adirondack can become a bit of an eyesore. If the paint is peeling and the wood splintering it will also be extremely uncomfortable to sit in. Do you have some Adirondacks in bad shape? If so then it might be time to swap them out for new models. Of course, it’s going to be extremely difficult to toss out your old Adirondacks or any other big patio furniture. Sure, you could try putting it out on your curb and hope someone will come to pick it up but if you don’t think that furniture is worth using any more chances are neither will anyone else. How often have you seen furniture on the curb sit there for days on end? You’re better off calling Junk King Capital District.

Junk King is the Albany based business that specializes in all kinds of junk removal. Loading up their truck with your old patio furniture is the perfect reason for hiring them but you don’t have to stop with the backyard. Junk King can also help you clear out the clutter from your garage, basement or attic. In fact, any piece of unwanted junk can be tossed on the Junk King truck and be finally gone from your life for good.

When you get right down to it the only reason we hold onto most of that clutter is because we simply can’t throw it away. Imagine how much more storage space you can open up when you get rid of your junk. In some extreme cases, there have been folks who have reclaimed entire rooms thanks to Junk King Capital District. And don’t worry about the heavy lifting; Junk King does all the work. All you have to worry about it what color you’ll be getting your new Adirondacks in.

Hoarding Help in Albany, NY

Hoarding is a very serious psychological disorder that can tear a family apart. A person who suffers from this type of obsessive compulsive behavior can not only put themselves at risk but also all of their neighbors. Then there are the instances where a hoarder takes in animals to satisfy their hoarding tendencies and puts those helpless creatures at risk. At the Halfmoon Town Court an entire family was recently arraigned on charges of animal cruelty for hoarding cats. In one of the cases 134 cats were found living in a trailer in deplorable conditions. Obviously this is a situation when someone’s hoarding tendencies has gotten out of control. Once the law has had their say with these folks they will still need to go through intensive therapy to break the hold that hoarding has on them.

Hearing about a story like this certainly puts your own hoarding tendencies into perspective. Hopefully, you haven’t reached the tipping point between holding onto junk because you have no way to get rid versus never letting go of any trash. If it’s just a matter of not having the means then you can find a great ally in Junk King Capital District.

Junk King is a Capital District business that specializes in all types of junk removal. A Junk King crew won’t be the least bit shocked by any amount of trash you might want removed from your property. In fact, they aren’t happy unless they can fill up their truck for each appointment!

It’s as simple as setting up an appointment to get the job done. When Junk King makes an appointment they keep it. It’s not like you’re going to be waiting around all day as you would with the cable company or phone service. On the day of the appointment, the Junk King crew will arrive with that empty truck and all you need to do is tell them what you want removed. You have the option of either supervising this job or just piling up your junk up in your driveway with instructions for the crew to take it all away.

An appointment with Junk King becomes the perfect chance for you to get rid of all that stuff that has been taking up valuable space in your home and garage. If you haven’t used something in over a year then there’s really no reason for you to keep it. When the job is done you can also rest assure that Junk King will do everything within its power to make sure your garbage is recycled. Junk King prides itself on being able to divert the vast majority of all the junk they collect away from landfills and towards the proper recycling centers. You’ll never be accused of becoming a hoarder as long as you’ve got Junk King standing by.

Albany NY Old TV Disposal

A growing concern for many cities is what to do with all of our electronic waste. This is no different here in Albany as many residents are replacing their old devices with newer models. This is especially true for televisions as folks make the switch over to HDTV. If you’ve ever gone to an electronics store and has seen the crystal-clear pictures provided by HDTV then you know what you’ve been missing. It’s hard to go back your old set after something like that! As a way of providing a method of getting rid of electronic waste the city of Albany has stepped up and provided a procedure to handle this type of disposal. Unfortunately, it might not be the most convenient of programs.

If you want to get rid of unwanted electronics like your television you can take them to the Department of General Services Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 5 PM and “deposit them in the convenient drop-off area located in the parking lot.” The other option would be bring those same electronic devices to the scheduled Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics drop-off events. These are scheduled throughout the year and you can check back to the city of Albany website to find out the dates. Although noble, what’s the common denominator with these programs? You have to do all the work.

If you’re dropping off an old television that means you need to find someone to help you move it out of your house and load it into your car. That might work if you’ve got a friend with muscles and a big enough car otherwise you would be out of luck. The other problem is the restrictive nature of the times for the drop-off. If you work Monday through Friday it’s going to be hard to drop-off that old television during those work hours. You could try to squeeze in some time during your lunch break but then you would have an old TV sitting in your car that might prove to be too tempting a target. There is a better way.

An alternative to you doing all the work is to hire a team of professional junk haulers like Junk King Capital District to come to your house and remove the old television. This means they’ll be working on your schedule. If a Saturday morning pickup works better for you then that’s when it can be scheduled for. They’ll also do all the heavy lifting. All you really need to do is unplug that old television set. Once these professional movers have loaded up your old television you can also get them to fill up their truck with any other junk you want to get rid of. You’re not going to be able to drop-off old furniture, an unused mattress or a refrigerator at the city’s drop-off center. But when you hire the professional haulers like Junk King’s team they’ll have no trouble filling up their truck with all your junk. That’s a much better use of your time and energy!

Albany New York Refrigerator Disposal and Buying Guide

What is your old fridge worth? You might be thinking it’s time to replace that old clunker in your kitchen in favor of a newer model with more “bells and whistles.” Nothing wrong with that but as you go shopping for your new ice box you might want to investigate the “Buy Green, Save Green NY High-Efficiency Appliance Rebate Program.” That’s government speak for “you can get cash for your old fridge.” How much green? How does a $350 rebate on a refrigerator and $250 rebate on a washing machine sound? All of a sudden buying a new kitchen appliance is starting to make a lot more sense.

This is all part of a $3.5 million federal program that recently began for New York residents. In order to receive your rebate the new piece of equipment you purchase has to meet standards for energy efficiency. These standards were developed by the Consortium for Energy Efficiency.

“This rebate program gives residents the funding to make their homes more energy efficient, it makes it possible for New Yorkers to spend less on energy costs, and it provides a needed boost to retailers across the state,” Governor Cuomo said in a statement earlier this month.

The other caveat is that when the funds run out the program will end. Within the first couple of days of the announcement of this rebate program $500,000 in rebates was scooped up by smart shoppers. You can still get in on this action but you’ll have to act fast. When you go shopping for a new fridge, you’ll want to start by looking for any model that has an Energy Star rating. This means the manufacturer has taken up the recommendations provided by the EPA as to what energy efficiency means. Basically, the new design of refrigerators lets you run that box for less energy. This means your electric bill should be reduced once you plug in your updated ice box.

In most homes, the refrigerator is the single biggest user of electricity so it only stands to reason you should want to get a better bang for your buck in terms of energy use. Appliance retailers are already seeing a boom in business.

“Business on those items is through the roof,” Ed Isenberg, the manager of Olum’s, an appliance store told WGRZ. “It’s good to stimulate the economy, but it gets the energy-efficient appliances in the homes and that’s why New York State does the program.”

Of course, buying a new refrigerator is only half the job. First, you have to get rid of your old model. This can be accomplished when you hire a team of professional junk haulers like Junk King Capital District.  These same junk haulers can also make use of the refrigerator removal appointment to take away whatever other piles of junk you have. Make a clean sweep of your home and start saving money today!

Albany NY Appliance Disposal

National Grid Electric is the company that services upstate New York by providing power to many residents. They have also instituted a second refrigerator freezer recycling turn in program. What they are trying to do is encourage their customers to recycle a second refrigerator or freezer which can cost those customers upwards of $150 a year to operate. If a customer decides to recycle this appliance they could earn a $30 rebate. However, there are some strict conditions to this program which might not make it practical for a lot of people.

First of all, this unit has to be a secondary unit not the primary refrigerator. And it can only be between 10 and 30 cubic feet. Also there needs to be that accessible and clear path for the removal of this item otherwise it will be ignored. This brings up many questions. What if you only have one refrigerator but still want to get rid of that? Suppose you have other appliances that need to be recycled? And can you really hope to replace an old freezer for $30? While there are obvious good intentions behind this program you might need to be a bit more proactive when it comes to your own appliance disposal.

With signs that the economy is bouncing back consumer confidence is on the rise. Basically that means that folks are more willing to spend some of their savings on practical items. If you have been putting off buying that new stove or dishwasher perhaps now is the time to take the plunge and make that investment. There comes a point in the life of every appliance where it is more cost-effective to replace it then pay for repairs. When you go shopping for new appliances you’ll be excited to discover all the many great innovations that have been added into these machines thanks to advancements in technology.

Most of today’s major kitchen appliances incorporate some form of “smart” technology. What this means is that your dishwasher, washing machine and dryer will all have touchpad features that allow you to designate the type of washing load you’re going to use. This helps on water consumption and in turn will lower your monthly bills. There are also special time features which allow you to designate when you want to start a particular cleaning cycle. You might find that using these types of appliances in off-peak hours is another way to save on your monthly energy bill.

All of those features are for the new appliances but what about the old ones? The best way to get rid of them is to contact a team of professional junk haulers in Albany like Junk King Capital District who can show up at a scheduled appointment to take away those bulky items. A benefit of bringing in outside professionals for this type of work is they’ll also be able to help you get rid of any other kind of junk you might be holding onto. What this all means is that you can say goodbye to the old refrigerator and the old sofa in one trip!

For the best in Albany Appliance Disposal, or any Capital District Hauling, call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Albany New York Foreclosure Clean Out

Even though the real estate market has lately been described as a wild roller coaster ride that fact remains that real estate investing is still a shrewd choice for anyone looking to improve their financial portfolio. The key is making the right choice. In other words, you don’t want to over extend yourself by buying a property that you can’t afford. There are many folks who are taking advantage of the current trends in real estate pricing by becoming proactive buyers. When prices drop it easy to get into the market and find a home that can be of great value either as a flipped property or a rental. Nowhere is this truer than with the foreclosed homes available for purchase. Albany is no different than any other city across the country in terms of foreclosed homes. But for every foreclosed home there is a silver lining of an opportunity.

If you are entering into the real estate investment arena then you definitely want to consider foreclosed homes as a potential purchase. Before you embark on this type of investment journey it will be a big help to get preapproved for your own mortgage loan. That way you’ll know exactly how high you could go in terms of pricing on a foreclosed home. The next important step you need to take is to study the sale prices of comparable homes in the neighborhood that you plan on shopping in. This will give you a sense of the going rate in terms of what you should be looking for.

With regard to finding a foreclosed home in Albany there are many realtors who specialize in these types of properties. You can even contact local bank branches to find out if they are holding any auctions of foreclosed properties. You might see the term REO pop up a lot as you search the listings. This means real estate owned which is another fancy way of saying foreclosed property.

Once you get into the actual touring of potential homes you might find that the appearance of these foreclosed properties leaves a lot to be desired. As a potential buyer you are essentially going to be purchasing these foreclosed homes “as is.” That means is not to be a lot of wiggle room with regard to changing the price like you would with a traditional home sale. What you need to do is look beyond any piles of junk that might have been left behind and consider all the possibilities.

Rest assured that you can always call upon the services of a professional Albany Junk Hauling team like Junk King to accomplish a foreclosure clean out. These pro junk haulers will be experienced in removing any kind of debris from a home. It will be easy as the new owner to tell Junk King to take it all away. Once that junk is cleared out you’ll be able to bring in new carpeting and paint it will be as if the mess was never there to begin with!

Albany Hot Tub Benefits & Disposal Options

Winter in Albany, NY is not for the faint of heart. It’s not uncommon for there to be a string of days where the temperature barely breaks out of the 30s. This is the perfect weather for cuddling up in front of a warm fireplace. It’s also the perfect weather for taking a dip in a backyard hot tub. While it might seem odd to want to go out of the snow wearing your “hot tub outfit” there are actually many benefits to be found from a hot tub session even in the most chilly of temperatures.

If you are having trouble getting to sleep at night a quick session in the hot tub before heading to bed might just do the trick. The soothing heat found in those waters can reduce the tension and stress built up in your body over the course of a day. The simple pleasure of floating in warm water is totally relaxing. There have also been studies that have found that the drop in body temperature that occurs after getting out of your hot tub could actually help you get to sleep faster. The recommendation is for 15 minutes in a hot tub at least 90 minutes before you go to bed.

Along with the benefits of helping you fall asleep, a hot tub that has massaging jets can work to relax muscles and stiff joints. This is referred to as hydrotherapy and is recommended by doctors to many of their patients who suffer from arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. This relaxation of the muscles in turn creates decrease pain and stiffness which allows the hot tub user to get a lot more accomplished during the course of the day.

A hot tub can also help your heart. When soaking in those warm waters your blood vessels will open up which decreases blood pressure and improves circulation. This also had an added effect of providing a boost for your immune system and digestion. There have been also studies conducted to show that a half hour a day session in a hot tub can help persons who been diagnosed with type II diabetes to help lower their blood sugar, lose weight and improve their sleep patterns. This is especially important for those folks who might have trouble exercising but are still looking for the benefits of proper blood circulation.

All of this adds up to a great list of why you should have hot tub brewing in your backyard. If you’re saddled with an old hot tub that needs to be disposed of  then you should call in a professional team of junk removers, like Junk King Capital District,  who will be well versed in this type of hot tub breakdown & disposal. Breaking down a hot tub and loading the pieces onto a truck is definitely a team effort but that’s not something you need to concern yourself with as long as you have the right help.

Albany NY Foreclosure Clean Out Albany Foreclosure Clean Out

There’s good news on the way for Albany homeowners who have been served with foreclosure notices. In the annual State of the Judiciary speech (who knew there was such a thing?) Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman announced a new initiative that provides remedies to help streamline the mortgage settling process. According to news reports this is an “unprecedented” deal between the state, legal service groups and four large banks — Wells Fargo, Citibank, Chase and Bank of America — includes the creation of a new court part that will hear only foreclosure settlement conferences. Each week of the month will be dedicated to a different bank, with one attorney assigned to handle all cases for that lender.”

“There will be no more excuses, no more delays,” Lippman told the Reuters News Agency. “Real negotiations will take place, and homeowners will leave the table with the best available offer.”

The need for this kind of assistance is genuine and can help homeowners who find themselves “under water”  to get help fast. In many cases, this could mean that a foreclosure might be prevented by working out a payment plan that is agreeable to everyone. However, if a foreclosure is deemed to be the only viable option then at least the process won’t drag on for months.

While this program will be a big help, there are still going to be many outstanding foreclosure properties waiting to be scooped up by some savvy real estate investors. Most of these homes are structurally sound; they just are in a bit of a messy state. That’s where a company like Junk King can be of great assistance. Junk King is an Albany based business that specializes in all kinds of junk removal and clean-up. No job is too big or too small for a Junk King Capital District crew.

If you are considering buying a foreclosed property you’ll want to get a quick return on your investment. This will come in the form of either flipping the home or getting it ready for renters. In either case, you’re going to want Junk King to be your first call. The experienced Junk King team will arrive at the appointed hour ready to haul away whatever might have been left behind by the previous occupant. Those occupants could have decided to simply abandon the property and only took what they considered valuable items. This means all kinds of things would be left behind. These would be the bulky items that can’t be thrown out in the garbage like ratty furniture, old mattresses, drapes, carpeting and kitchen appliances that are totally busted.

Once all that junk is carted off by Junk King then you can get down to the serious business of repainting and re-carpeting. Then the home will be ready for viewing and the stigma of being a “foreclosed” property will be forever removed. It’s a smart choose to house hunt for foreclosed properties and an even smarter choice to involve Junk King.

Albany Construction Waste Removal

Recently New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released the 2012 budget from the state’s capital here in Albany. Included in the $132 billion budget proposals are $15 billion in funds set aside to improve New York’s infrastructure. Part of that project is going to be building a new Tappan Zee Bridge that will be go right alongside the existing span. If the budget is approved and the money is allocated that’s going to mean a lot of new construction projects starting around Albany and throughout the rest of the state. That’s good news for many workers who have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for the chance to get back in the game. Major construction projects have a very positive impact on the economy. Not only does it put money into the pockets of those construction workers but those funds also trickle down to many ancillary businesses. Everything from food trucks to material suppliers to waste removal companies will benefit from these construction jobs.

When it comes to construction waste removal this is a phase of any project that needs to be properly planned. The amount of construction waste generated by the demolition of an apartment building or excavation for a new road could be huge. We’re talking tons of debris and dirt. All of that has to be hauled away just as quickly as it’s been created in order to make room for incoming equipment and the erection of the construction project. This makes construction waste removal of vital link in a major infrastructure project.

If you were to scale down that construction project to something like a home remodeling job then you would still be facing the need for immediate construction waste removal. On some level it’s even more important around your own home. If you are tackling a remodeling job like adding a new bathroom or completely making over your kitchen then you’re going to be doing a lot of ripping out of cabinets, floor and walls. That’s going to make heaps of trash that won’t fit in your small garbage can. You certainly don’t want to keep those piles of waste stacked outside your house where kids might end up playing. That’s why on the day of the demolition you should schedule a group of professional garbage haulers who will be standing by to take away all that construction waste.

While it is true that your contractor might offer these removal services as part of his job, you might be in a stronger position to contract your own professional construction waste haulers like Junk King Capital District. For one thing, it might be more affordable than going through a contractor who will be marking up those types of services. But it can also allow you to take advantage of these junk haulers to not only take away all your construction waste but also haul away any other junk you might have lying around the house. While Albany’s infrastructure is getting repaired and your home is getting fixed up make sure all that trash will be taken away!

Junk King Albany
132 Lincoln Ave Suite 402
Albany, NY 12205
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-12P

Providing junk removal services to the Albany area, including:

Averill Park
Ballston Lake
Ballston Spa
and these nearby zip codes:
12007, 12009, 12010, 12015, 12016, 12018, 12019, 12020, 12023, 12024, 12025, 12168, 12169, 12179, 12180, 12181, 12182, 12183, 12201, 12202, 12203, 12204, 12205, 12206, 12207, 12208, 12209, 12210, 12211, 12212, 12214, 12220, 12222, 12223, 12224, 12225, 12226, 12227, 12228, 12229, 12230, 12231, 12232, 12233, 12234, 12235, 12236, 12237, 12238, 12239, 12240, 12241, 12242, 12243, 12244, 12245, 12246, 12247, 12248, 12249, 12250, 12252, 12255, 12256, 12257, 12260, 12261, 12262, 12288, 12301, 12302, 12303, 12304, 12305, 12306, 12307, 12308, 12309, 12325, 12345, 12405, 12502, 12503