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How to Be a Successful Landlord

A rental property investment is a great way to bring in additional revenue. This can either be a vacation rental, a single-family home or a multi-unit apartment building. In either scenario, you're going to become a landlord. The primary goal is to find tenants that are going to be responsible and pay the rent on time. It will help if you also show that you care about your property. Here are some great tips on how to be a successful landlord. 800px-Empty_apartment_living_room Provide Printout of Local Amenities Most of the tenants that are moving into your rental property is going to be new to the neighborhood. They will appreciate a printout of local amenities like dry cleaners, grocery stores and restaurants. Once you make up this master list, you can print it out every time you get a new tenant. Write a Welcome Letter Although you will personally be exchanging keys for rent, you should also provide your tenet with a welcome letter. This sets up a positive tone for their new living environment. That letter should include your emergency contact information along with any other special instructions like garbage pickup or recycling that every tenet should know. It's great to have all that information in one spot. Make Yourself Available Emergencies are going to happen at your property. You need to make yourself available. If you don't want to be disturbed at home, then you can always set up a dedicated cell phone line that will take messages or texts. This will help you keep your business separate from your personal life. The hope is that your tenants won't abuse the privilege but you will certainly want to know if a toilet is overflowing in the middle of the night! Review the Lease The lease you give your tenet should spell out all the particulars about the agreement you are going to enter into. It will include things about smoking, pets and changes to the apartment. Many leases are "boilerplate." A tenant might not read the fine print. But if there is something that is important to you, then make sure point that out to them. If the lease is more than one page, then make sure they are initialing or signing each page. Take Care of the Trash It is your responsibility as landlord to provide a way for your tenants to dispose of their trash. That might mean a communal dumpster or trashcans assigned to each unit. That may come a time when there are additional rubbish items that won't fit in a trashcan or dumpster that need you need to get rid of. That's when Junk King Atlanta South can be a big help. A session with these professional junk haulers can have your property clear of any discarded furniture, appliances or other debris. There great company to have when a tenant moves out and leave stuff behind. Junk King Atlanta South are the perfect junk hauling partners to help you become a successful landlord.
How to Be a Successful Landlord


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