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Recycling News in Charlotte

For this year's Earth Day celebrations the University of North Carolina at Charlotte has reason to be very proud of themselves. Last year the campus broke their own record by recycling over 2,000,000 pounds of garbage. If you know a college aged student then you can appreciate how much garbage they can generate! UNC also was able to divert 39% of the campus trash away from landfills. This year the UNC Charlotte's Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling Projects say that they are on target to break their own record once again and plan to hold a huge party on Earth Day. At this year's Earth Day celebration many campus organizations will be involved in the festivities. Among them will be the work of UNC Charlotte’s Sustainability Office, Charlotte Green Initiative, Venture, Earth Club, Geography Club and Recreational Services. The engineering students are also getting into the spirit of recycling with their unveiling of two original interactive recycling bins. One of the bins which is meant for indoor use will start a football themed game whenever someone drops a can into the bin. The second been is powered by a small solar panel and launches a game inspired by the Price is Right. Both of these bins will be up and active starting this summer. As if these accomplishments weren't enough the Carolina Recycling Association also named UNC Charlotte's recycling department as "the best among many colleges and universities in the Carolinas." The efforts of the students and faculty at UNC have a positive ripple effect throughout the entire community. Many local businesses are also getting into the recycling spirit by making sure their customers have the opportunity to properly dispose of any garbage that is generated at their stores. Keep in mind that the recycling effort isn't restricted to the UNC campus and surrounding business community. You can get in on the act too, especially if you decide to hire Junk King Charlotte. Junk King is a company made up of professional junk haulers who specialize in removing your clutter and making sure it is properly disposed of. Just like the campus programs, Junk King strives to divert the vast majority of what they collect away from landfills. While it might seem like a hassle for you to give up hours of your free time driving to recycling centers around Charlotte the Junk King crews make these drop-offs part of their daily routine. When Junk King becomes involved in your recycling it's usually to handle those bigger items that can't fit in the weekly garbage pickup. Yes your sofa, old television, broken refrigerator and mattress can all be recycled. If you want to follow the lead set forth from the UNC students then keep up with your weekly recycling and make sure Junk King becomes your partner for junk removal.
Recycling News in Charlotte


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