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Junk Removal Blog

Charlotte Christmas Tree Disposal

All the fun of Christmas is quickly becoming a memory as folks around Charlotte are already looking towards what’s ahead for 2012. One of the major events on the calendar will be the upcoming Democratic convention. While that’s still months away, it was recently announced that President Obama will accept the nomination at the larger Bank of America Stadium as opposed to the Time Warner Arena where the rest of the convention will be held. No matter which side of the political aisle you’re on, having a high profile even like this in Charlotte is going to be a big boost to the local economy. It’s also a wonderful showcase to spotlight why Charlotte is such a great place to live. One of the big reasons for this is the pride that Charlotte residents take in their own homes. Which spins us right back to Christmas, as in what happened to your Christmas tree this year?
If you are reading this article and still have your Christmas tree sitting on your curb, then clearly there has been a breakdown in the line between your living room and the city dump. This is understandable because most municipal garbage crews won’t pick-up Christmas trees. If that did that they wouldn’t have any room for the garbage. Plus, the automatic trucks aren’t designed for this kind of removal. That’s why you should contract with a local Charlotte junk hauling business like Junk King Charlotte. You can schedule a pick-up appointment with that kind of company and make sure your dried up Christmas tree is taken away but you don’t have to stop there. What other junk did you discover over the holidays?
Every year, folks go digging through attics, basements and garages for their Christmas decorations. And every year most of these same folks end up stumbling over junk collected from years past. This would be all that stuff that was jammed into your storage spaces because you didn’t have room for it anywhere else in your home. Once an item goes to live in the attic, basement or garage it might be there for a long while. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Why not mark those items for removal by your Christmas tree removal crew? It’s not a stretch to ask those junk haulers to throw some more items on the back of your truck along with your Christmas tree.
Imagine all the space you could create once you remove that junk. The only thing stopping you from turning your basement into a family screening room or your garage into a productive workspace is all that junk. Why not make a new New Year’s resolution to get rid of that junk once and for all? All it takes is one phone call to the professional junk haulers and they’ll handle the rest. Once you’ve hired Junk King Charlotte, you could schedule an appointment for next year’s Christmas tree pickup. Nothing wrong with planning ahead!

Charlotte Appliance Buying and Disposal Guide

Now that the holiday shopping rush is officially over it’s time to look forward to the New Year and figure out what you really need around the house. Sure, you might have received plenty of thoughtful gifts but were they what you really needed such as a new refrigerator or dishwasher? While it is true that those big ticket items aren’t usually associated with holiday gift giving that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t appreciate trading in your old faulty appliances for brand-new versions. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover that major kitchen appliances are being sold at sharp discounts. That’s because stores want to move out their inventory from last year and make way for the newer models.
As you make your way to the Charlotte area shopping malls to check out the potential appliance bargains you should be thinking about exactly what your needs are. If you’re shopping for yourself that’s easy: you just pick what works for you. However, if you that a house full of folks who will be putting these appliances through their paces you need to consider size and features. Size does matter especially with larger families. This is why you should be shopping for a bigger capacity refrigerator or dishwasher. With a larger capacity dishwasher you’ll be able to fill it up with more dishes and run it less often than you would with a smaller dishwasher. As for the bigger refrigerator, you just need that for all the food! But that doesn’t mean you can’t be shopping for appliances with better energy efficiency than the ones you’re using now. In fact, you might find that the extra money you spend on a modern energy-efficient refrigerator could end up saving you money on your electricity bill down the road.
As with every other major purchase it pays to shop around when you are looking for appliances. Today, comparison shopping is easier than ever. You can go to one store, find a model you’re looking for and then scan the barcode into a special phone app. That app then tells you exactly where to find the same model at a better price. Armed with that kind of information you could turn to your sales clerk and simply say “match this price or I’m out of here!”
You’ll also want to find out about the extras in terms of delivery and installation. Any major kitchen appliance will require some form of hook up and installation. If you find yourself in a DIY kind of mood that won’t be a problem but you might be better served to let the professional handle the installation.
Speaking of professionals, you could also call upon these types of folks with regard to getting rid of your old appliances. Professional junk haulers from Junk King Charlotte can arrive in the same day that you expect delivery of your new item and take away the old fridge, stove or dishwasher. While these junk haulers are carting off your appliances they can also take away all kinds of other junk you might be hanging onto for no good reason! Use the excuse of buying new appliances for also getting rid of all your junk.

Charlotte Construction Waste Removal

The Charlotte business Journal recently put forth a prediction for what the local economy will look like in the year 2012. According the finance editor, 2012 might start off feeling a lot like 2011 in terms of a sluggish economy. One area where there is a bright spot in Charlotte is in the energy industry. There was an expansion of Charlotte’s electrical system infrastructure that accounted for 30% of all construction spending in 2011 and that trend appears to be on par to continue next year. Any time there are many major construction projects there is going to be a big boost for the economy. Even construction on the smallest scale like a home remodeling job is going to provide work for many local residents. That’s a good thing all around! No matter how big or small the construction job will become they all have one thing in common and that’s all that waste that is created and has to be removed.
Construction waste is a natural by product that can’t be avoided. Look at it in very simple terms: cutting a piece of wood for a rafter means you’re going to have scrap piece of wood left over because not everyone piece of wood conforms the spot where it is needed. Multiply that scrap piece by hundreds and thousands of pieces and you suddenly got a huge pile of wood that has to be tossed out! Add into that all the scraps of drywall, roofing tiles, and other construction materials and you can see how it all piles up.
Then there is the issue of demolition. Typically to build something you first have to tear something down. This holds true if you’re replacing an abandoned warehouse with a new apartment complex or swapping out your old kitchen cabinets for new ones. Whatever the reason you are going to tear down the old to make way for the new. That in and of itself is going to be a huge pile of construction waste that also has to be removed.
While it is true that for a home remodel project you might be able to get away with tossing out some of that construction waste in your weekly garbage pickup, it might not be enough. You could end up filling up several containers of garbage with all that construction waste which means it’s going to take several weeks to get rid of it all. The last thing you want is to have any of that trash piled up outside your home as a potential safety hazard. That’s why if you’re planning a remodeling or construction job of any size you should also include hiring a professional team of construction waste removal experts as part of your budget – namely, Junk King Charlotte.
Diving into remodeling job will have you focused on the outcome as opposed to the process. But you don’t want to get bogged down in the process of waste removal. That can be easily taken care of with one phone call to Junk King’s Charlotte Construction Waste Removal team. Let them handle all the trash and you stay focused on the big picture.


Charlotte Office Clean Out

If there is one way to find out exactly who you’re working with it’s the office Christmas party. This is the perfect time of the year when your co-workers get the chance to “let their hair down” and not be focused on work. Sure, you’ve probably already have your own “lunch group” of co-workers that you’re friendly with. Depending on the size of your office, it is conceivable you’re working with folks you only know from a name on a memo. This is especially true in a multi-floor office. No matter how many employees work for your company, you should make the most of the office Christmas party to break away from your lunch clique and meet your fellow co-workers. You might just be surprised as how much you have in common with those folks beyond having a paycheck signed by the same person!
If you’re lucky enough to be put on the party planning committee then you’ll have a lot of responsibilities towards making sure the party is a good time for everyone. Naturally, any business will have an eye on the bottom line. Some Charlotte company’s might want to tighten up their budget by cancelling the Christmas party because of the expenses. You could offer up an alternative by having a pot luck Christmas party right in the office. While this might not be the most extravagant of parties, it can still accomplish the task of allowing employees to wind down after a year of hard work and come together in a celebration.
Throwing an office party right in the office is a perfect opportunity to engage in a thorough Charlotte office cleanout. When was the last time anyone did a total inventory review of the office space? Quite often, junk gathers in and around an office because nobody wants to take responsibility of getting rid of the junk. This could mean that busted desk chairs are merely shoved into a storage closet instead of being tossed out like that should. Instead of throwing out old and outdate office equipment like fax machines, copiers or printers that are relegated to be stored in an abandoned cubicle. Is this really the most efficient use of your office space?
The best method for completing an office cleanout is to hire a local crew of professional junk haulers like Junk King Charlotte. This would be a team of qualified haulers who know how to properly dispose of office furniture and equipment.
All of that office equipment you’ll be tossing out is considered e-waste. This means it shouldn’t go to a landfill but should be taken to a proper recycling facility. No need to do research for which facility will be the best option; the professional junk crew will already know this because that’s their job! As soon as all that junk is cleared out of your office, you can begin your Christmas party planning in earnest.

Charlotte Hot Tub Disposal

There is nothing quite like soaking in a hot tub. This is a very easy concept to embrace: It’s a big round tub, its hot water and it’s relaxing. Soaking in a hot tub also carries a special medical classification: Hydrotherapy. This is what you get when the warm water in a hot tub generates three healing ingredients of heat, buoyancy and massage. Ironically, as kids most of us did everything we could to avoid getting into a tub but now in our more “advanced years” there can be nothing better than slipping into a hot tub at the end of a work day. There is a long list of benefits for hydrotherapy.
First and foremost, hydrotherapy reduces stress in a natural way. There is no need to take a pill for a headache when you can submerge yourself in a hot job. By doing that, you will be dilating your blood vessels which in turns help prevent headaches from ever happening in the first place. Soaking in a hot tub before heading to bed could also help you get to sleep faster because you’ll be in a state of total relaxation. Just don’t fall asleep in the hot tub!
Another benefit that can be found from hot tub hydrotherapy is the increased blood circulation that relaxes your muscles. That increased circulation helps bring much needed nutrients to strained muscles and in turn helps speed up the repair process. This same principle applies to folks who might be suffering from arthritis. Believe it or not, studies have found that hot tub hydrotherapy also helps control diabetes. Once again the issue is blood circulation. When everything is flowing as it should, blood pressure is lowered along with blood sugar level.
Add it all up, and it’s clear that a hot tub is a great investment for your Charlotte home that can be used every day of the week. If you are fortunate enough to have the space then installing a new hot tub should be easy. On the other hand, if you’re living in a home where an old hot tub is going to waste then it’s time to get rid of that clunky model and bring in a new and improved hot tub. To accomplish that you should call upon the services of an experience Charlotte hot tub disposal crew like Junk King. An old hot tub is not something you can just pack up and toss into the garbage can on the curb. There a many large components to a hot tub that have to be broken down. This means you need some muscle and more importantly you need a big enough truck to haul all those broken down pieces away. That’s just what you’re going to get when you hire a professional crew of hot tub disposal experts. Let them handle all the “back-breaking” work of pull out that old hot tub. All you should concern yourself with is who are you going to invite in your new hot tub?

Charlotte Refrigerator Buying & Disposal Guide

Some people are just die-hard shoppers. They will think nothing of hopping into the SUV and heading off to the SouthPark or NorthLake Mall at the crack of dawn to be the first in line for a new sale. These are the same folks who might camp out overnight on Thanksgiving to makes sure they’ll be able to snag some black Friday bargains. If you have a shopper like this in your life, its sometimes better to just give them your own list and let them have at it instead of trying to tag along. In many cases, you’ll just be left in the dust!
Then there is the shopper who likes to do their research before buying any item. For them there can be no great resource than the internet. With just a click of the mouse they can download all kinds of consumer report ratings, testimonials and comparison shop. There are also apps for the iPhone which let you snap a picture of a product in a store and see if you can find a better deal somewhere else. Usually this type of intense research works best when you are considering a major purchase such as a computer, television or big kitchen appliance.
If you happen to be in the market for a new refrigerator you might want to consider the following areas of research:
Capacity. When thinking about refrigerator capacity, you’re basically thinking about how much food and drinks you want to keep cold or frozen. This comes down to a matter of how many folks are living under your roof. A married couple can get away with around 8 cubic feet of storage capacity. That is just on the cold side. Add another 8 cubic feet for the freezer. For each additional person, factor in an additional cubic foot for cold and freezer foods. That will be a good capacity to shoot for.
Size. Talking about the size of your refrigerator has to do with how the ice box is going to fit in your current kitchen layout. This comes down to an issue of standard size (which is the most common) or a custom model that is built in to your existing countertops. The refrigerators that become flush with cabinetry can give a very sleek and elegant look to a kitchen but they also might be hard to replace. There are also smaller kitchens that take a fridge that fits under the counter.
Special features. How much fun do you want to have with your refrigerator? Do you want water dispensed along with ice? Would you like different kinds of ice (crushed or cubed)? Do you want a built in TV screen? A special container for eggs? A lettuce crisper? There a plenty of special features you can add to get the most out of your fridge experience.
EnergyStar. We live in an age where the majority of our kitchen appliances are EnergyStar rated. This means they comply with federal regulations with regard to energy efficiency. But even with the EnergyStar rating you can still compare different makes and models to find the one that will generate the most savings.
Style. This refers to what your new fridge is going to look like. Gone are the days of being able to pick just a white refrigerator. You can now select from a wide variety of colors and finishes.
As soon as you pick out your new fridge, make sure you make arrangements for Junk King Charlotte to show up to get rid of your old model in an easy and affordable manner.

Charlotte Mattress Purchase and Removal Tips

What could be easier than buying a new mattress in Charlotte? You go into the store, you lay down on the mattress and the one that feels right you buy. Quick, easy and nobody gets hurt, right? Actually, there are some unscrupulous mattress dealers out there that are working a couple of scams that you should be aware of. The last thing you want to do is get ripped off. Here are some mattress selling scams to be on the lookout for:
The Brand Name Swap
The goal for mattress retailers is to hook you once you’ve come into their shop. There are some popular brand names like Serta, Sealy or Simmons that you’ll recognize but other names not so much. Here’s the deal, most of the mattresses are all made at the same factory no matter what the brand name is. The reason for the switch is that you won’t be able to comparison shop and that means that the retailer can hook you. If you see a retailer who offers up a “personalized line” of mattress know that it’s probably a major brand name with a different label slapped on. Forget the name and focus on what is on the inside of the mattress and how it feels to you.
Avoid the Mumbo Jumbo
For the most part, all mattresses are created equal in the sense that they all have some very basic components that make up their “stuffing.” Do a little research first and you’ll discover the talk of reviews have to do with coil count, layers of foam, and type of foam. That’s really all you need to focus on. A mattress salesmen is going to come at you will all kinds of fancy terms like “medical grade” or “super-soft cell” or other flowery descriptions of the same stuff. Keep your eye on the prize and know what you want.
Be Wary of the “Goldilocks Syndrome”
Buying a mattress is a big deal. This is something you’re going to be spending a lot of time on and it can make all the difference between whether you have a good day or a bad day. That’s why you want to get your pick of mattress “just right:” not too hard, not too soft but “right.”  The way a mattress feels in the showroom might not be the way it feels in your home. For instance, a memory mattress in the showroom could feel very comfortable because it’s been broken in. But once it is delivered to your bedroom it’s going to feel stiff. That’s why you should allow yourself at least 30 days to settle into your new mattress. If the mattress dealer you’re buying from doesn’t offer a full money-back guarantee then don’t buy from them.
Once you make your way through those potential pitfalls, you also have to schedule the old mattress removal. An old mattress isn’t something you want to keep. Hire a professional crew of junk haulers like Junk King Charlotte to take away that old mattress and any other junk you have to get rid of. That’s a very productive use of the junk haulers!  Simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Charlotte Foreclosure Clean Out

Don’t let the dire news reports fool you: real estate investment in Charlotte, NC is still a smart way to gain financial security. The key is making sure you invest the smart way. This means not getting into a situation where you can’t afford to make mortgage payments while you wait to sell or rent the property. Yes, real estate investment is less about you buying a home for yourself but about finding a property that will either create a revenue stream or let you flip it for a profit. One area where you might benefit from those types of investments is with foreclosed property.
Charlotte homes that have been foreclosed on are considered “toxic assets” for the bank or loan company who is holding the deed. In this case the word “toxic” doesn’t refer to hazardous material but the fact that the property is just going to sit there not making any money for anyone. Banks would love nothing more than to clear their accounting books of all their foreclosed homes. That means you can swoop in and make a sweetheart deal for just about any piece of property. And since this won’t be your own home, if you don’t get the deal you like just walk away and move onto the next one.
As you tour foreclosed homes you might be shocked to find what kind of condition they are in. Often the previous owners weren’t exactly happy about being foreclosed on so they could have left a mess behind. If that property has been sitting without TLC for some time it could be rather grimy. Instead of getting down on your hands and knees with a bucket and scrub brush why not hire a team of professional foreclosure clean out experts like Junk King Charlotte who can show up turn that property around. In other words, don’t let a layer of dirt or abandoned furniture dissuade you: that can all be easily cleaned up.
An experienced foreclosure clean-up and hauling service will not be scared away by any mess left behind. They’re goal is to strip the property down to the bare walls. This could mean loading up their truck with pretty much anything that isn’t nailed down. Even if you want to pull up dingy carpets this crew can handle the job. It might also be time to yank out all the old kitchen appliances to make room for new fixtures. This would be especially important if you intended to rent out the property. Before you give the place a fresh coat of paint, you need to make sure everything is pulled out.
Remember that a foreclosure clean up isn’t limited to just what was left behind indoors but also what is outdoors as well. First impressions matter in the real estate game and if you want to sell or rent a property you want to make sure that front and back yard is in good shape. Once again the foreclosure cleanup crew can ride to the rescue! While they are cleaning up, you can start lining up buyers. That is smart investing.

For the best in foreclosure clean up services in the Charlotte, NC area, give Junk King a call at 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Charlotte Yard and Storm Waste Removal

If you think that hurricane season is getting rougher each year you’re not alone. Not only are more powerful storms starting earlier in the season, but that are bringing with that a more devastating path of destruction. Thanks to early warning systems, we can be prepared when a tropical storm turns into a hurricane. Since Hurricane Katrina, folks are smart enough not to take any chances when the evacuation order comes in. Even if that order never comes, there are also important steps that people can take to prepare themselves. The bottom line is prepare for the worst.
Most federal agencies recommend that you stock up with enough supplies so that you can go at least three days without power if you had to. This means plenty of fresh water and canned goods for food. Imagine not having a stove or fridge to keep things heated or cold. If you want to try a little experiment see how long you can go in a weekend without using any power. You might get away with that during the day but what happens when the sun goes down? Will you be ready for the next big storm in Charlotte?
If there is one thing you can count on with an approaching storm is that folks will race out to the nearest Charlotte grocery store and clear the shelves of water, batteries and other non perishable items. Don’t get caught up in that mess. You should always have some emergency rations on hand just in case. It is better to have and not need than to need and not have.
Getting prepared for a storm is one thing but how prepared are you for after a storm. Specially, how prepared are you for the clean-up? In a neighborhood with a lot of fallen trees, the most popular person becomes the one with the chain saw. You could go a step further by having the number of a professional team of junk haulers on stand-by. This number should go right alongside all your other home maintenance type of workers such as handymen, plumbers and electricians.
Professional junk haulers like Junk King Charlotte will have the manpower and the trucking equipment to clear out the debris left from any type of storm. There is just no telling what could be blown into your backyard. Anything from shrubbery to roof tiles to boats could suddenly end up as part of your property. That’s not something you want sticking around. With a qualified team of junk haulers on alert, you’ll be able to speed dial them up (1-888-888-JUNK) and make arrangements for a pickup.
Can you utilize Junk King Charlotte’s services other than for storm debris removal? Most definitely! The best way to do that is to get them to take away some of your regular yard waste or junk. That would be all the stuff you brought in, not a storm! That can clean up a back yard in just a few hours and have it looking brand new… until the next storm!

Charlotte Junk Recycling – The Circle of Junk

There is good news around the real estate market for the Charlotte area. The average price of homes climbed by 2% during these the summer months. This reflects a slightly upward trend for the rest of the country as well. It’s also a glimmer of hope that our economy might be slowly turning around. When home prices go up it is a win-win all around. Much of the determination of a home price has to do with supply and demand. If there are many homes available then obviously the price drops and the reverse holds true.
However, there are ways that a homeowner can increase the individual value of their home by making improvements. Most of these improvements fall under the category of cosmetic changes. This could mean new landscaping, new tiles on the roof or even a brand-new paint job. The other way to make your home attractive is make sure it’s clean of all its clutter. Think of it this way: would you be comfortable letting someone come in and appraise your home today or would you need to do a big cleaning first?
Getting rid of junk in the Charlotte area has never been easier thanks to your experienced crew of local junk haulers – Junk King Charlotte. The benefit with hiring a professional hauling team is that they’re not just loading up your garbage and taking it to a landfill. Instead, they are working hard to divert your junk and recycle it whenever possible. This process is a great way for you to feel good about reducing your carbon footprint but in the grand scheme of things it’s a big benefit Charlotte.
The more garbage that can be diverted from landfill the better off it is for the environment around the city. This translates into making Charlotte a better place to live and work. Guess what that does? You got it; it raises the value of your home! Think of this as the circle of junk!
Junk King Charlotte
8425 Old Statesville Rd. Unit 4
Charlotte, NC 28269
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-6P

Providing junk removal services to the Charlotte area, including:

and these nearby zip codes:
28027, 28031, 28035, 28036, 28070, 28075, 28078, 28126, 28202, 28203, 28204, 28205, 28206, 28207, 28209, 28210, 28211, 28213, 28215, 28216, 28218, 28220, 28221, 28222, 28223, 28226, 28230, 28231, 28232, 28233, 28234, 28235, 28236, 28237, 28242, 28243, 28244, 28246, 28247, 28253, 28254, 28255, 28256, 28258, 28260, 28262, 28263, 28265, 28269, 28272, 28274, 28275, 28280, 28281, 28282, 28284, 28285, 28287, 28288, 28289, 28290, 28296, 28297, 28299