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Colorado Springs Rubbish Removal

If you have some small rubbish items you want removed you might want to track down Dave Alvarez. He's a Colorado Springs local who has been turning trash into art for years. His home and creative space is chock full of all kinds of things that most people would throw away. Call it organized chaos but you could find bins of items like broken guitars, cardboard packaging, bits of wood, lumber and debris. Even a bag of buttons. "What are you going to do with a bag of buttons? Who knows? But when I need a bag of buttons, I've got a bag of buttons," Alvarez recently told The Gazette. "I call it the Zen of recycling. People don't often know what they have. That's fine. They get rid of it; I'll take it." It stands to reason that after this article first appeared, Dave was probably overrun with rubbish. Not everyone knows an artist like Dave who would gladly take away their trash. For the rest of us who are stuck with piles of junk the best course of action would be to turn to the junk removal experts. That would be Junk King of Colorado Springs. One call to them will set a junk removal project into action and you're home will be clutter free in no time. Junk King doesn't really care what you want to get rid of. No doubt every piece of junk you're throwing out could tell a story but that doesn't mean you have to hold onto those things. Do you really need to keep the broken skis or the sled that everyone in the family has outgrown? What about that saggy mattress you replaced long ago? Are the shelves in your garage overflowing with debris? All of those are perfect excuse for a Junk King removal appointment but you don't have to stop there. When you hire Junk King you're actually hiring two very capable movers. That means any junk you have down in your basement or up in your attic can finally be hauled away in a single trip. If you put off your big "spring cleaning" project you can turn it into a "fall cleaning" project. This is the perfect way to get ready for the holidays. Making sure your home is clear of clutter will change the energy and make your home warm and inviting once again. Don't let another week go by surrounded by junk. Call Junk King and ask them how they can help. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how fast it can all happen!
Colorado Springs Rubbish Removal


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