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Junk Removal Blog

Colorado Treadmill and Exercise Machine Disposal

Are you happy with your body? Most of us would answer, “no.” Whether it’s wanting to be taller or shorter one thing everyone has in common is that we can all lose “a few pounds.”  Most of us have been fighting the good fight against those last “few pounds” for quite some time. That’s why we invest in home gym equipment. The idea is that if all we have to do is walk down the hall to exercise we’ll shed those pounds in no time. So, how did that work out for you? Do you have clothes hanging on the treadmill? Is a dumbbell being used to prop open a door? How many gadget have you ordered from late night TV infomercials only to use them twice? If you’re serious about your health and serious about losing those pounds then you need to get serious with your exercise regime. The best place for that is a professionally run gym.

If you’ve ever gotten into the routine of working out then you know how great it makes you feel. Yes, you might be sore the next day but those aches soon fade away. What they are replaced with is greater energy. Keep at it and before long it will be time to buy a new wardrobe. One of the big pluses with a gym membership is that you never have to get board. If you feel like your workout routine is growing stale switch it up. You’ve got all the equipment right there to pull that off. That’s a big difference from that home treadmill that you’re stuck on.

A gym is also an opportunity to socialize. You’ll meet all types of folks at different stages of their weight loss program but at least you’re all sharing in the common goal of getting into better shape. Depending on the gym, you could have the chance to sign up for several classes. Here is where you’ll really form some bonds with your fellow gym members. Nothing says friendship more than sweating it out in a spin class.

Convinced about joining a gym? Good. Now turn your attention to ridding yourself of that reminded of a failed workout program. You need to get rid of the old treadmill and other home gym equipment. You don’t need and nobody wants it. Time for it to go. That’s when Junk King Colorado Springs can come to the rescue.

Junk King is the Colorado Springs based business who focuses all of their attention on taking the clutter out of your life. If you’ve got a treadmill in a spare room or garage it’s going to be taking up a lot of space. It’s also going to take at least two guys to move it out. Junk King won’t have a problem with that. And thanks to their big truck, saying good-bye to the treadmill will be a snap.

It’s Time to Call A Colorado Springs Junk Removal Specialist

Around your home there are some clear signs when you need to call in a specialist. When the plumbing backs up you’re going to call in a plumber. Hopefully, that won’t be on a holiday weekend or in the middle of your dinner party. If you experience leaks during a rain storm it might be time to call in a roof specialist to access the need for a quick fix or a total roof replacement. But what about a junk removal specialist? Do you know the warning signs of when it’s time to call them in?

Thanks to reality TV we’ve all had the opportunity to become familiar with the concept of obsessive hoarding. At its core, a hoarder is someone who has trouble throwing anything away. For some reason there is a disconnect in the way their mind processes information to make it seem like there is a sentimental attachment to a pile of old newspapers or trash from take-out dinners. A serious hoarder will hold onto anything and everything. It just goes into a pile. They don’t even recognize when those piles turn into literal hazardous waste or when they can even navigate through their own home.

Let’s say it’s not that bad for you. You’re willing to throw away stuff you just don’t have the means. It could be that a weekly garbage pickup wouldn’t be enough to get rid of all your junk. Fortunately, you have an option in Junk King Colorado Springs. This is the local Colorado Springs business that helps people get rid of their clutter no matter how close they are to becoming a hoarder.

If you’re ready to call in this kind of specialist then you’re not alone. Junk King has been serving the Colorado Springs area for awhile now and they have already carted off tons of garbage from homes, businesses and apartments. Don’t be embarrassed that you can’t fit into your garage anymore. Just throw open those doors and start a pile for the Junk King. A great rule of thumb to follow is that if you haven’t used something in at least six months and don’t have any intention of using it for six months it should be tossed out. Put aside your noble intentions of investing in all that exercise equipment; if you’re not going to use it then get it out!

The Junk King Colorado Springs crews are all courteous and professional. This is their job and they take great pride in a job well done. How can they help you with your junk removal? Give them a call and find out today at 1-800-995-5865

Colorado Junk Removal Prices

There is just no telling what you’ve got hiding in your home. A couple over in Steamboat Springs found quite a surprise stuffed in the back of their barn: a folk-art cabinet worth $20,000! The homeowners were planning to sell off some of their furniture and called in a professional appraiser. While there, they thought they would show the appraiser the cabinet that was in the barn. It had been there since they moved in left behind from the previous owner and it was something they were happy to get rid of. They thought it might be worth 200 bucks at the most. Turns out that a customer at the consignment shop recognized the cabinet as one from Vermont artist Stephen Huneck. Further inspection revealed Huneck’s signature and date of creation. It was the real deal and worth quite a bit.

Clearly, a story like this should have you running to your garage, basement or attic to see what you’ve got stuffed in there. Before cashing in you’ll need to consider providence. That is the termed used by professional art dealers to determine where a particular piece comes from. There have been hundreds of stories of paintings thought to be the work of masters only to be duds. It’s understandable when you consider that through the generations most serious art students spend time copying a masterpiece to try and learn the technique of the original painter. It’s not a stretch to imagine those copies ending up in some yard sale.

What about valuable furniture? Again, think of the providence. If you can remember buying that item from a furniture store than chances are it’s not going to be worth a lot of money. On the other hand if you have a piece that was handed down to you from a relative then it might make sense to have it appraised to see what it could be worth. As for anything else it might just be junk. Are you looking to get rid of that junk? Then you should consider a call to Junk King Colorado Springs

Junk King is a local company in Colorado Springs who is part of a national franchise. You might not expect that junk removal would be such a big business but it’s actually a growing concern for a lot of folks who want to get rid of their junk the right way. That would be through proper recycling whenever possible. Gone are the days when dumping junk at a landfill is your only option. With Junk King Colorado Springs you’ll find a company who is dedicated to all things “green.” That matters a lot to everyone living and working in Colorado Springs.

As for their pricing policy, you’ll find that Junk King  is not only competitive but extremely fair minded. They don’t charge by the hour or by travel time. They charge by volume. Whatever space your junk will take up on their truck is what you’ll pay. No extra charges or hidden fees. This is really the best way to get rid of junk.

Colorado Springs Air Conditioner Disposal

Welcome to the dog days of summer in Colorado. If you’re lucky you’re living in a place with central air conditioning. That means you can keep your whole home as chilly as you like. Even a single air conditioning unit might just do the trick. That unit could also be a big help with cutting down on your energy bills. Instead of running the house wide central air, you could keep that small unit humming in your bedroom over night. If you’re considering getting a new AC unit to replace an older model you’re in luck. Prices have come down recently and energy efficiency has gone up. That means you’ll be saving money right out of the gate when you buy your new unit and with every monthly electric bill.

First you’ll want to consider the size. The smaller the room, the smaller the unit you’ll need. Most average rooms can be cooled off with an AC that generates between 5,000 to 6,000 BTUs. Don’t think that bigger is going to cool down faster. In fact, you might find that a huge unit pumping out 14,000 BTUs will cool off a room so fast that the air becomes cold and clammy. That’s not comfortable. Just as with heating a pot to boil, you want a gradual cooling off time.

You’ll also want to check the noise level of the unit. This is especially true if you’re going to be plugging the AC into your bedroom at night. If you can’t turn the AC on in the store to hear how it sounds, you should rely on internet reviews. It’s the best way to get a sense of how a new model AC might work.

Consider also the placement of your new AC. The goal would be to have it blow air as close to the center of a room as possible. That allows for an even disbursement. If the only window you have in the room is tucked into a corner you might find the AC is working harder to cool down the space. You’ll also want to make sure you’ll be able to secure your window around the AC. Measure your window twice before heading out to the store.

Finally, you want an AC that comes with a decent warranty and is convenient to maintain. To keep an air conditioner working properly you’ll probably have to swap out the filter every season. Make sure your new AC comes with easy to follow instructions. You might also want to stock up on a couple of extra filters while you’re at it.

Then there is the issue of getting rid of the old AC. This is not something you can toss out into the garbage or recycling bin with this week’s newspapers. An air conditioner has to be properly disposed of. That’s where Junk King Colorado Springs can come into play. The Colorado Springs based Junk King specializes in bulky junk removal. Not only can they get rid of your AC but you can also use them to get rid of any other oversized item you want gone. Remember, less junk in your home means more cool air circulating!

Cool Off By Clearing Clutter In Your Colorado Home

The wildfires which recently swept through Colorado left a path of scorched earth in their wake. Once those fires were brought under control, the heat didn’t necessarily leave. Rising temperatures have stuck around Colorado and most of the rest of the country resulting in a devastating drought that’s going to have a lasting impact well into the fall. If you’re looking for instant relief there are plenty of options around the Colorado area.

Up at the Vail Cascade Resort, guests are invited to watch outdoor movies. Not cool enough? Well, these movies are shown by the pool which means you can float in the cool waters while munching on popcorn and catching a flick. Of course, it wouldn’t be Colorado without a trip down the rapids. There are many of terrific spots like the Cache la Poudre River near Fort Collins to help you beat the heat by dipping into the raging waters.

When the blazing sun goes down, a guided nighttime photo tour could be just the ticket. The same can be said for a sunset sail up at the Blue Mesa Reservoir. Bottom line: there are lots to do to cool off around the state but have you noticed the common denominator here? All of these activities involve you leaving your home. Have those folks discovered your secret: you home is an inferno? Well, there is a great way to cool off indoors as well and that might be with clearing out your clutter.

One of the reasons our homes become so stuffy and trapped with heat is that the air can’t circulate freely. Even with a central air conditioning system, you could be hindering the efforts by clogging up the passageways with junk. You don’t have to be an extreme hoarder to have this kind of restriction. A small amount of misplaced junk is all it would take to get in the way of your cool air properly circulating around the home. You can fix that with a call to Junk King Colorado Springs

Junk King is part of a national franchise of professional junk haulers who have been helping folks get rid of their junk for years. What’s truly great about Junk King is that all of their workers are fulltime employees. This means they’ve gone through the proper training and are totally licensed and insured. When it comes to inviting workers into your home, these are the exact kind of workers you want to hire.

Having Junk King Colorado Springs take care of your clutter removal means you won’t have to break a sweat. They’ll do all the heavy lifting. All you have to do is point to what you want carted off and the Junk King crew will do the rest. Head out and take advantage of all those wonderful cool off events but know you’ll be coming home to an even cooler space thanks to Junk King.

Colorado Springs Fire Damage Cleanup

Recently the news has been dominated by the tragedy of the Colorado Springs fires. This latest bout of wildfires forced tens of thousands to flee the area and destroyed an estimated 346 homes. This makes the 2012 wildfires the most destructive in the state’s history. In some cases entire neighborhoods have been wiped out with homes being burnt down to the foundation. The small glimmer of good news from this disaster is that so far no lives were lost. Folks who lived in the area were given plenty of advance notice about evacuating. Even so, the anxiousness was at a heightened level as these homeowners scrambled to decide what items would be taken with them. This brings up the question of what would you take if you had to evacuate in instant?

Think about that for a moment. You’re given the order to evacuate and told you might have only 30 minutes to leave the area never knowing if you’ll have a home to return to. What would you take? Are all the important documents such as birth certificates, passports and insurance policies in one place or are they scattered throughout the house? When was the last time you backed up your computer files? What about irreplaceable family heirlooms? Are those easy to grab and pack up? If asked most of those homeowners that were ordered to evacuate probably thought this could never happen to them. That’s why you need to have a plan no matter where you live for getting out of your house what you need in as little time as possible.

As you consider what you might have to take with you there might also be an issue of junk standing in the way. For instance, suppose you’ve done a good job of keeping all those in court documents in a lockbox or other type of small container. That container could be stored in a closet but if your closet is now crammed full of junk it might mean finding that box is going to take up precious time that you might not have. The same can be said for anything of value that you want to take with you. Even having the ability to utilize an empty container could be a problem if you’ve got all of your containers loaded with junk. There is a better way and that would be to get rid of all the unnecessary clutter taking up space in your house. Instead of being overwhelmed with the prospect of a project like that think about bringing in a partner like Junk King Colorado Springs to help facilitate your clutter removal.

Junk King is a local business that specializes in the removal of any kind of junk. The emphasis there is with the words “any kind.” No item is too big or too small for Junk King to toss onto the back of their empty truck for removal. The goal is to streamline your life and reduce the amount of junk that could stand in the way of you and a smooth evacuation. With this type of emergency it’s better to be ready and never need then to need and not be ready.

Colorado Springs Grill Disposal and Recycling

When you mention the word “barbeque” to a foodie you could be sparking an intense debate between Memphis style versus Kansas City style of BBQ. Is dry rub better than marinade? What’s the best wood for smoking? What about dipping sauces? Yes, a barbeque conversation can go on for hours. The best way to talk about barbeque is actually while enjoying barbeque. Just because we live in Colorado Springs doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate a good ol’ fashioned BBQ cook-out. In fact, the recent Boats, Bands and BBQ held its 12 Annual event over at the Historic Arkansas Riverwalk of Pueblo. This HARP event featured a chicken wing and ice cream eating contest. However, the main attraction had to be the Kansas City Barbeque Society sanctioned cook-off of professional grillers. These are folks who took their BBQ very seriously.

It was expected that the event would draw around 48 teams from around the country. The goal was simple: cook any kind of ribs any kind of way and grill something using Pueblo chilies. This was definitely a competition everyone can sink their teeth into! What’s amazing about these contests is that the chefs don’t just cook for the judges. They’re also cooking for all the event goers. Translation: For one small fee you could sample the most amazing BBQ ever to hit the Colorado area. All it takes is for one new dry rub ingredient or sauce tasting to inspire you to rush back to your own backyard grill to try your hand at some BBQ ribs or tri-tip.

Getting the right ingredients and cut of meat is only half the battle. You also have to make sure your grill is up to the challenge. What kind of shape is your current grill in? If it spent the winter in the backyard it took a beating. Even keeping the grill covered would still expose it to snow, rain and wind and that’s just the outside. On the inside of the grill you might find that your starter button is no longer working or your flames aren’t firing up as they should. All of that points to the simple conclusion that it’s time for a new grill and this is the perfect time to go grill shopping. Stores are eager to move their grills out at the beginning of the summer and you might find a decent bargain.

After buying your grill and waiting for it to get delivered, you’ll have to take care of the old model. Yes, it served you well over the years but now it’s time to say good-bye. A team of professional junk haulers like Junk King Colorado Springs will help make the “good-bye”  as hassle free as possible. This is because they’ll be able to load up that old grill on the back of their truck and have it properly disposed of. You’ll also be able to load up the trunk with even more junk that has seen better days like old patio furniture or clutter from the garage. When everything is clear, you can focus on what is truly important: perfecting your BBQ recipes!

Colorado BBQ Cleanup

Summer has arrived and that sizzling sound you hear will be your neighbors firing up their backyard BBQ grills. If there is one thing that should inspire you to get your grill on it’s that amazing smell of BBQ. Seasoned backyard grillers all have their own time tested methods for grilling up the best BBQ but one thing they will all agree on is creating the right environment for a backyard BBQ.

If you’ve got a new grill you’re happy with then you want to make sure to keep that grill in top shape. Believe it or not, food won’t stick to a clean grill. That’s why it’s essential they you give you grill a good scrubbing after every use. In fact, the best time to clean a grill is when it is still hot. The moment you take any kind of meat off a grill, you should let it rest before digging in. During that time take a good grill brush and give your BBQ the once over. By the time you’re down scrapping off the grill, you’re dinner will be ready.

Clearly, you need fire to grill. The old school method is a bag of charcoal, a dash of lighter fluid and a match. New and improved grills have propane lighters with automatic starters. One takes time to prep while the other is just a push of the button. However, with either choice you also have the option to kick up your grilling by adding flavor to your fuel. Mesquite wood is a perfect choice but there are many other flavor varieties of wood that can be added to pretty much any fire that will enhance your grilling experience.

Speaking of fuel, you also need to master the difference between direct and indirect heat. Thin cuts of meat are best prepared over direct heat while bigger items like chicken or some veggies are best grilled over indirect heat. This when you should separate your grill into two zones: Direct, with the fire flames going and indirect, with the heat but not the flames. Also, the top chefs suggest that you grill food at room temperature not cold right out of the ice box. Take your stuff out for at least 30 minutes before tossing it onto the grill.

Naturally, you’re going to need a decent BBQ grill to get all this accomplished. If you’ve got an old grill that spent the winter outdoors maybe it’s time to get that model replaced. You won’t be able to toss it out in the garbage. Instead you should contract the junk hauling team at Junk King Colorado Springs to cart your grill away. This same crew will also help out with getting the rest of your backyard into primo BBQ shape by hauling away old patio furniture, dead shrubs or anything else that doesn’t belong back there. The goal is to create a relaxing outdoor environment and make your neighbors jealous from all those amazing BBQ aromas!

Why Junk Removal is Getting Big in Colorado

There’s a lot going on in Colorado this summer. If you’re looking for a truly relaxing vacation there are probably plenty of idyllic spots around the state that you have yet to explore. Instead of taking a week or two off, why not focus on the weekends with a series of mini-vacations? That way you’ll be able to see and do a lot more. For instance, there are numerous art festivals held during the summer weekends all throughout Colorado. Denver has a First Fridays Art Walks which will take folks on walking tours of all the downtown art galleries ever first Friday of the month. There is also the Chalk Art Festival featuring street-painting that just shouldn’t be missed.

Speaking of festivals, you can also look forward to the Black Arts Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Golden Fine Arts Festival and the Five Points Jazz Festival. And no summer vacation in Colorado should be complete with visiting A Taste of Colorado during Labor Day weekend. That is the kind of event you want to go on a diet for just to get ready!

Another benefit of living in Colorado this summer is the ability to support local businesses. But this doesn’t just have to be all the restaurants, cafes, bars and shops. You can also support Colorado service businesses. One such business that many local folks have embraced is the best professional junk hauling team around, Junk King Colorado Springs. This is not someone who happens to have a pickup truck that they’ll drive around in looking for junk. This professional junk hauler is someone you can depend on and who is fully licensed and insured.

Junk King is one of those service providers that you might not need as often as a plumber or handyman but they’re every bit as important when it comes to improving the quality of your life. How can getting rid of junk improve the quality your life? Top of the list is the fact that you’re going to be reclaiming space in your home. Even moving out an old sofa from the garage could free up enough space to let you part the car there!

Anyone who has lived in a home or apartment for a long time will naturally accumulate a certain amount of junk. That junk is what you can’t toss out in the garbage. Yes, there was a time when that junk was special but those days a long gone especially if you’re not using that pool table or piano. Junk can also be yard waste, old patio furniture, lumber scraps and outdated office equipment. Do you really need to be hanging onto all of that? You don’t have to when you call up the local junk hauler working in your neighborhood. Say good-bye to your junk and say hello to a great Colorado summer!

Home Downsizing Tips in Colorado Springs

Deciding to downsize begins with asking yourself some very important questions. Setting aside the practical aspects of how much more affordable a downsized life will be to maintain, what you need to consider is what of your personal belongings can you live without? Start with those things that are really important to you. Yes, all your mementos and keepsakes need to find prominent spots in your new living environment but what about all your furniture? Is every piece of furniture in every room in good condition? Then you’ll have plenty to pick  from starting with your favorite and most comfortable pieces.

When picking the kinds of things you want to take with you in your downsized space you should also consider furniture that can serve a dual purpose. For instance, a coffee table that has storage drawers is a better choice than one which doesn’t. The same could be said for furniture with easy to clean fabrics. If the idea is to make your life simpler then perhaps you should have furniture that requires major cleaning or antiques you can’t even sit on. The goal is to optimize everything you bring into your need space for the maximum benefit.

What is left over can be handed down to other family members or donated to a charity. But what about all the furniture that is broken or worn out? You know the pieces that you put into your basement or garage because you were sick of looking at them? These would could be officially called “junk” and need to be gotten rid of before you make the move.

There might also be piles of stuff you’ve squirreled away that is actually broken or useless but you knew you couldn’t throw out in the garbage. These are things like old computers, televisions, monitors or other kinds of electronic equipment. Do you think you could really interest anyone in a VCR player? Do they even make VCR tapes anymore?!

As soon as you have determined what you can live without and what nobody else will want you should contact your local team of Colorado professional junk haulers – Junk King Colorado Springs.  These will be the hard working crews who can really help with the downsizing effort. Professional junk haulers from Junk King are just that: professional. This means they will treat your time and your home with respect. They’re not going to keep you waiting all day for the scheduled pickup. They also won’t be dragging around heavy furniture to scratch up your floor. They’ll know how to carry out these bulky items properly. They’ll also have the truck space which can hold whatever you need to get rid of.

Getting rid of the junk will allow you to truly assess what you need to take with you on this next chapter of your life. One thing is for sure, without all that extra junk, you’ll be starting out in a much better space.

Junk King Colorado Springs
3230 N Cascade Ave Suite D
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-6P

Providing junk removal services to the Colorado Springs area, including:

Colorado City
Colorado Springs
Cripple Creek
Green Mountain Falls
Woodland Park
and these nearby zip codes:
80106, 80116, 80808, 80809, 80813, 80814, 80816, 80817, 80819, 80863, 80866, 80901, 80902, 80903, 80904, 80905, 80906, 80907, 80908, 80909, 80910, 80911, 80912, 80913, 80914, 80915, 80916, 80917, 80918, 80919, 80920, 80921, 80922, 80923, 80924, 80925, 80926, 80927, 80928, 80929, 80930, 80931, 80932, 80933, 80934, 80935, 80936, 80937, 80938, 80939, 80941, 80942, 80946, 80947, 80949, 80950, 80951, 80960, 80962, 80970, 80977, 80995, 80997, 81001, 81002, 81003, 81004, 81005, 81006, 81007, 81008, 81009, 81010, 81011, 81012, 81019, 81022, 81023, 81025, 81036, 81039