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How To Handle Big Appliance Recycling

Is a new refrigerator in your future? Is your washing machine washing its last load of laundry? If your major kitchen appliances are failing, then they chose the perfect time of year to break down. Most dealers are eager to make room for new models and want to clear their inventory of old models. That means you can score all kinds of deals on your next big appliance. The issue then becomes what to do with the old one. This is not something you just want to shove out onto the back porch. One call to Junk King Dallas Mid Cities will handle your big appliance recycling the right way. 147434_9398 Since its inception as a professional junk hauling service, Junk King has been dedicated to a green way of doing things. Before they picked up their first piece of old furniture or broken appliance, Junk King set up partnerships with local recycling facilities. Here in Dallas, there are many such centers that each handles a specific recyclable. You don’t have to worry about searching them out. That’s what you’re hiring Junk King Dallas Mid Cities for. Junk King will send over a pair of movers and the right equipment to unhook, load up and cart off any big appliance you’ve targeted for removal. This is a team that works fast and efficiently. They also have a lot of experience with this particular type of removal so that know how to maneuver these items down narrows hallways and flights of stairs. Along with your big appliance recycling, Junk King can also cart off the rest of your unwanted clutter on the same trip. This is a terrific opportunity to finally tackle all that junk in your garage. Think about what a difference that will make to get everything of value up on shelves. As for the rest of all that stuff, it can also be recycled or donated by Junk King. It is all part of their service. You can schedule your session online or over the phone. The sooner you call in, the sooner your stuff can be picked up. In some cases, that even means the same day. Let Junk King Dallas Mid Cities take care of your big appliance recycling and junk hauling. You’ll be glad you did.
How To Handle Big Appliance Recycling


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