Stay Organized Around The House With These Helpful Hints When you get into the habit of organizing your house, things just fall into place. There is a lot less running around in the morning and it is much more relaxing in the evening. Although many of these helpful hints work best with a family, even if you are living on your own you'll find them to be a game changer. This is what you need to do to stay organized around the house: The Night Before The night before a school or work day you should put out outfits that you going to wear in a designated area. Have the kids pack up their backpacks with their homework and books. If lunches have to be made, then doing in the night before will help. Any purses, briefcases, cell phones or keys should be dropped in a designated area by the front door. That way you'll know where they are when it's time to leave. You should decide on your breakfast the night before and set that up as best you can. For instance, if it's going to be cereal, then have the boxes and bowls on the counter ready to go. If your kids have a hard time getting a move on in the morning, then you might want to set their clocks ahead 10 minutes. Even if they figure it out it will still be a help. In The Bathroom The bathroom is a prime clutter zone. If you deal with a lot of hairspray, lotions and other accessories, then you should place them all in a small plastic tub with a handle. That can then be placed under the sink and taken out whenever you need it with everything in one spot. Shower caddies can make can make a world of difference for holding soap and shampoo. Having a water squeegee in the shower is a good way to keep that shower door clean. Just a few quick wiped down every time you take a shower will help. Inside the medicine cabinet, a magnetic strip is terrific to hold tweezers, nail clippers and scissors. Anything in the medicine cabinet that has expired should be tossed out. That's especially true for prescription medicine. Clear Out the Closet The best way to organize your closet is to pull everything out. You're going to discover a lot of things that you can get rid of. It's amazing how long you hold onto items like old computers and outfits you'll no longer wear. And everything that you determined to be rubbish can be efficiently taken away with one call to Junk King Dallas Mid Cities. They will provide you with a moving crew and truck big enough to hold whatever you're tossing out. Organizing is all about tossing out clutter and Junk King Dallas Mid Cities is the perfect partner for that job. Stay Organized Around The House With These Helpful Hints