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Category Archives: Dallas Mid City Junk Removal

How To Get Your Garden Ready For Planting

Prep work is a key part of making dinner. In upscale restaurants, there are assistant cooks whose job it is just to cut and dice ingredients. That is why you need to give careful consideration to prepping your garden to get it ready for planting. Here’s what you can get finished before the first official day of spring.



You might have stopped raking after the last leaves fell off the trees in your yard. Actually, leaving a bed of leaves on the lawn during winter is good for growth but now it’s time to clear that debris away. Once all the leaves are gone, you should put down a thin layer of compost to fire up growth for your grass.


Do you have bare patches in your lawn? Those are easy to fix. Loosen the surface by churning up the top four inches of soil. Then pour over a mix of grass seed and fertilizer. Tamp down and water as needed. If you’re not sure of the right grass seed, take some clippings to a nursery. They’ll be able to identify what you’ve got growing.

Check Your Tools

Garden tools are as complicated as a power drill but they still need to be maintained. Start the season by cleaning and sharpening those tools. If the grips are worn off or there is rust, then you might be better off replacing what you need.

Apply Mulch

Trees, shrubs and plants that you already have growing in your garden should get a fresh bed of mulch. This helps to moderate soil temperatures, maintain soil moisture, and keep weeds. Plus, it simply makes your garden look more beautiful. Mulch comes in a variety of colors, textures and shapes. You can be uniform or mix and match throughout your garden.

Aerate Your Lawn

Just because your lawn is exposed to the elements doesn’t mean it is getting all the oxygen it needs to flourish. That air needs to seep into the roots. This is where aerating can make a big difference. After aerating, you might want to put down fertilizer throughout. It will seep down much easier.

Clear Rubbish

The final prep for your garden should be a yard debris clearing session with Junk King Dallas Mid Cities. The Junk King team is the perfect squad to call on to remove old swing sets, hot tubs, above ground pools and fencing. Just imagine how much gardening room this will open up. One yard clearing session with Junk King Dallas Mid Cities is all it will take to get your garden ready  for planting.

How To Motivate Your Family To Clean Up

When you’re living with a “team,” cleaning up becomes a team effort. However, often your team gets distracted and the clutter piles up. This is where motivation comes into play. Here are some great ideas to get your family motivated to help clean up the house:


Homework First

Homework time needs to be included in any conversation about household chores. Just as there can be a dedicated time for clean up, there should also be a dedicated time for homework. This can be either before dinner or after. The key is consistency. Don’t fall for distractions. If they finish homework early, then they can knock out the cleanup stuff.

Set Up Activity Chart

An activity chart is a good way to remind everyone of their assigned tasks. IA chart can also track how they’re coming along with their responsibilities. The chart is an instant reminder of what needs to be done and everyone in the family will know who is doing what.

Establish a Reward System

Nothing motivates action better than a reward. What is your family’s “reward currency?” Is it take-out pizza? Trip to the mall? Frozen yogurt? Whatever the prize, it should happen at the end of the cleaning chores. It might also help you save a reward for the bigger clean up days. Kids don’t need a prize every time they pick up their shoes or bring their clothes down to the washing machine. As your kids get older, the rewards will change. An extra hour out with friends can go a long way towards motivating them to clean.

Make It Fun

Despite the grumbling you might hear, clean up can be fun. When the clean up starts, crank up the music throughout the house. Set a timer to see who can finish their task first. Everyone likes a race even if it involves picking up toys!

Bring In Junk King

At the end of a major house clean up session, you and your family might discover a lot of things that could be tossed out. A great motivator for this chore would be to hire Junk King Dallas Mid Cities. They’ll send over a pair of movers who can quickly haul away any pile of old clothes, shoes, toys or other household goods. They can also haul away the bigger items like furniture, appliances and electronics. Best of all, they do all the work. That will make your kids really happy! For your next home clean up project, book Junk King Dallas Mid Cities for fast junk removal. Your family is going to love how your house will look when the junk is gone.

Getting Ready For The Toddler Bed

There is a long list of milestones you can track for your child’s development. These can tell you when to expect their first words, their first steps and their first potty session. But as you have already learned, every child developments at their own pace. One child is speaking full sentences at two while another blossoms at three. The same approach can be taken for the transition from the crib to a toddler bed. The standard time for the switch is between 2 and 3 ½ but some kids go in sooner and other later. The important thing to remember is to take your cues from your toddler.


After Potty Training

Your toddler might notice cousins or friends have already moved to a toddler bed. That could make them ask when they’ll make the switch. If they haven’t locked down the potty training, then you might want to hold off. Even though you can still put them in training diapers in a toddler bed, you want to avoid the potential accidents that might come in the middle of the night. Ideally, your toddler should be going potty before bed and is able to tell you if they have to go in the middle of the night.

Securing the Room

With a toddler bed comes a great temptation to explore. After all, there are no “bars” holding them back. You can establish rules of staying in bed until the morning but we all know how that might work out. A good fix is to make sure they can’t open the door. There are child safety hooks that can prevent that from happening. You might have already child proof their bedroom but it would be a good idea to give the room another sweep to look for any potential hazards. Pay attention to curtain cords and closets.

The perfect toddler bed is one that is low to the ground and can be placed in the same position in the room as the crib. That will make things seem more familiar. Before you bring in the bed, you’ll have to figure out what to do with the furniture that they’ve outgrown. One session with Junk King Dallas Mid Cities can take care of that. These professional junk haulers can be in and out of your home with all those heavy items in no time at tall. You can even schedule them on the same day as the delivery of the toddler bed so you won’t skip a beat. Let Junk King Dallas Mid Cities help get the room ready for a toddler bed. You’ll be glad you did.

How To Handle Bulk Item Removal

Monday through Saturday, you’ll find municipal garbage trucks on patrol somewhere in the city making their rounds picking up trash and emptying dumpsters. These crews start early and don’t end until the route for that day is complete. As long as the roads are open, they’ll be working. It is a convenience we all appreciated and often don’t give a second thought to until we need extra “help.” That would be when there are things you want to get rid of that don’t fit into the trashcan.


The city is extremely selective when it comes to what extra items they’ll pickup. There are all kinds of restrictions on size, weight and how often they’ll make the pickup. Don’t even try to get them to take away an old television. Plus, you have to drag whatever you want them to remove down to the curb. That’s not ever easy. The better approach would be to hire Junk King Dallas Mid Cities. They’ll take care of your bulk item removal but on your terms.

You won’t be waiting for a week (or longer) to lock down your junk removal with Junk King. They like to keep moving and that means scheduling appointments on the same-day or within 24 hours. Junk King also works to your schedule. Sometimes that might mean later in the evening or on the weekend. Not a problem.

As for hauling the stuff down to the curb, that’s not going to happen with Junk King on the job. You’ll be working with a two-man moving crew who will do all the heavy lifting for you. That includes going down into the basement or up into the attic. Just imagine all the things you could get rid of with two capable movers doing all the work.

You’re not going to be limited to just one item with Junk King, either. They’ll be rolling up in a big truck. If you want to fill that truck with all the stuff you need to get rid of, then Junk King can make it happen. Call Junk King Dallas Mid Cities today and  your bulk items can be gone by tomorrow.

Ways To Improve Your Home Appraisal

Any time a home is sold on your block, you’re probably wondering if your home could get the same price. Even if you aren’t putting your home on the block, it is still helpful to know its current value. That can only happen with the help of a certified appraiser. There are steps you can take to improve your home appraisal value. Here’s what you need to do:


List Major Renovations

You don’t need to remodel your kitchen for an appraisal. However, if your kitchen was remodeled since you move in, then this is important information to give to your appraiser. The same can be said for renovations for your bathrooms, closets or backyard. The money you invested in those projects should be reflected back on the value. Make a list of these projects for the appraiser

Minor Repairs

Before the appraiser comes by to inspect your home, you’ll want to catch up with all those minor repairs on your “to do” list. Although an appraiser isn’t going to go “deep” like an inspector would, they will still notice leaky faucets and doors that don’t close properly. Those kinds of problems can impact your home’s value.

Boost Your Curb Appeal

Are there fresh flowers in the front gardens? Is the lawn mowed? Are the rain gutters clean? These are all things you can do to boost your home’s curb appeal and they are all things that will get noticed by the appraiser. Also, check for any cracks in the walkways or drive ways. Those should be repaired as well.

Remove Rubbish

Junk that is stored neatly on your property is still junk. That could also have an impact on your home’s value. You want to make sure all your storage areas are clear of clutter and well organized. The appraiser will be looking in your closets, too. How much more storage space could you open up if you got rid of the rubbish? This isn’t a task you have to take on by yourself. Junk King Dallas Mid Cities is standing by to offer assistance. That assistance will come from a pair of movers and their big red truck. That’s all you’ll need to clear out those storage areas and make your home more presentable. If you want to boost your home appraisal, then let Junk King Dallas Mid Cities get rid of your junk once and for all.

Avoid These Mistakes For Your Home Business

Is this the year you’re going to quit your job and start a home business? You certainly won’t be along. There are thousands of folks who make a living without ever getting stuck in traffic! Thanks to all their hard work, you have the advantage of getting your business off to a good start by avoiding these mistakes.


Spending Too Much Time At Home

Working at home is going to mean a drastic shift from working in an office. You’ll be alone. That’s good for getting your work done but not so good in terms of remaining social. Even though you’re working at home, you shouldn’t always stay at home. Make it a point to go out to lunch with friends at least once a week.

Allowing Interruptions

Your home business needs to be on schedule. It can be a very flexible schedule but you still need to dedicated time to the task at hand. It is very easy to allow interruptions to eat up your day at home. Those interruptions can also be things like doing laundry or cooking dinner. You wouldn’t leave work do to that would you? Same approach for your home business. Try to keep home and work separate even if they are under the same roof.

Not Having a Dedicated Office Space

Having a business at home means you need to focus. It is hard to do that if your office is actually the kitchen table. Not only will there be a lot of traffic but you’ll often have to stop what you’re doing to clean up the space for meals. That is counterproductive.

Instead, try to find a space in your home that you can dedicate to an office. It might be a spare bedroom or garage. It will probably help to get rid of some unwanted rubbish from those areas. That is where Junk King Dallas Mid Cities can help. They’ll send over a pair of movers that will make short work of hauling away just about anything you want to get rid of. Think of how much space you can reclaim when that old futon is carted off. Get your home business off to a positive start by working in a clean space. Junk King Dallas Mid Cities can handle that task today.

How To Have A Stress Free Holiday

The holidays and stress seem to go hand-in-hand. Yes, this is supposed to be a fun time the year when friends and family get together to share a left and some good cheer. However, it usually happens that we take on too much and end up getting stressed. That is especially true if you are the one who is doing the bulk of the decorating, shopping and cooking around the house. You might enjoy doing all of those things but that doesn’t mean you won’t feel overwhelmed at times. Here is some good advice on how to have a stress free holiday:


Make a list

Santa Claus had it right. You should make a list and check it twice. Not only should you plot out your calendar for the coming weeks in terms of what you need to accomplish but also dive deep on your daily task list. Before you hop out of bed, take a moment to work through in your mind all the things you need to accomplish in the next couple of hours. Figure out what is a priority and what might be pushed off. Once you understand all the things you have to do you can take a very calm approach to the rest of your day.

Set a budget

The only way you make it through the holidays is to set a budget. That way you will know exactly what you should be spending and you won’t be stressed out when the bill start coming in January. Remember, just because it’s Christmas and you want to do nice things doesn’t mean you have to overextend yourself. There’s no reason to go broke for the holidays.

Make things easy

If there’s any way that you can take a shortcut, then by all means do that. For instance, you might find that shopping online is a quick and efficient way of getting all your gift buying tasks complete. Yes, there is a tradition of battling the malls at Christmas time but why put yourself through all that extra hassle? If you can find the exact same things online that you would buy the store, then you King get your shopping done in an hour versus six hours. Which one is better for your sanity?

Ask for help

Is also important to ask for help during the holidays. A lot of that help can come from your family but just as much can also come from hiring professionals. For instance, if you need to get rid of some clutter and rubbish that’s taking up valuable space around the house, then one call to Junk King Dallas Mid Cities takes care of it. These are professional junk haulers who enjoy helping people get ready for the holidays by clearing out all kinds of junk. You will certainly feel a lot less stressed for the holiday when Junk King Dallas Mid Cities has taken away all your unwanted clutter.

Best Approach To Packing For Your Next Big Move

Is there a big move in your future? Whether you are going into a new apartment or your dream home, you have a lot of packing ahead of you. The goal is to make sure you’re ready when the movers show up. The last thing you need to be doing is tossing things into a box while movers are waiting to load it up. It would help if you begin packing on the same day that you give your notice. That will mean you have 30 days to get everything into boxes. That’s more than enough time to pack up any size house. It’s also a very stress-free way of doing things. In fact, with this approach you could have everything packed up a week in advance of your move.


When packing boxes, is important to fill them up. This doesn’t necessarily mean weighing them down with things but instead you want to make sure there’s no empty space in the box. This will prevent the box it’s being stacked on top of it from crushing it down. You can put in old newspapers or other packing materials to fill the gaps but a better option would be to pack all your clothes in those random boxes. You can even use some of your clothing to wrap fragile items like glassware.

Nothing should go on to the moving truck that is empty. That means you can fill up your suitcases and even your trashcans with all kinds of things. A suitcase with wheels is perfect for a stack of books.

When you pack up your closet, use a garbage bag pull down over several items on hangers. That becomes an instant garment bag. As you go through your closet and no doubt find a lot of outfits that you have no intention wearing again. In fact, you’re sure to come across a lot of clutter throughout your home that you could get rid of. Not just a bunch a small things but also big pieces of furniture that you’re replacing at the new place. You definitely don’t want to bring that stuff with you. Instead, it’s time to hire Junk King Dallas Mid Cities.

Junk King Dallas Mid Cities will be able to clear out all your unwanted clutter in a matter of minutes. You can schedule them either for the day before the move or the day after. You also don’t have to worry about anything going to waste. Junk King Dallas Mid Cities will probably donate the bulk of what you turn over to them. That should make you feel good about getting rid of your stuff. Before your next big move, the only smart move to make is to bring in Junk King Dallas Mid Cities to haul off all the unwanted stuff.

How To Get Rid Of An Old Lawnmower

At a young age, you got familiar with the concept of “taking out the trash.” This is typically the first job a kid has as a way of earning their allowance. You learned back then that it’s easy to fill up the house trashcan, said it out the curb and then let the workers come by and pick it up. It’s a process that is repeated every single week throughout the country. However, there are some items that won’t fit into that trashcan. When you come across something like an old lawnmower that you want to get rid of you have three choices: keep it, get rid of it yourself or bring in the pros.


If you keep an old lawnmower, then you’re going to be taking up a lot of valuable space in your garage or backyard shed. This is the kind of thing that is always going to get in the way. You may also find yourself constantly moving it out of the way in order to get to the things you really need. This is certainly not an efficient use of space or your time.

If you were to get rid of it yourself, then you have to make sure you’ve got a truck big enough to haul an old lawnmower. That might be easy to fit onto the back of the pickup but just exactly where would you be taking a lawnmower? That might mean several hour drive out of the city to the nearest landfill. Once you get there, you may find yourself waiting in line behind a lot of huge garbage trucks making their drop-offs for the week. This is certainly not a fun way to spend your Saturday afternoon.

Perhaps the best approach is to bring in the pros and that would be a call to Junk King Dallas Mid Cities. This junk hauling company has been in this line of work for over 10 years. In that time they have picked up literally tons of unwanted furniture, appliances, electronics, household goods and old lawnmowers. Even though you may just be hiring Junk King to take away that old lawnmower there’s no reason why you can’t get rid of the rest of your unwanted clutter on the same trip. Take a moment to consider how your home can change once it is clear of rubbish. Don’t hold onto an old lawnmower and junk. Give it all to Junk King Dallas Mid Cities today.

Hurricane Harvey Is Poised To Break All Financial Records For Storm Damage

Even before the rain has stopped and the floodwaters receded, authorities are already predicting that Harvey will be one of the most expensive storms ever. According to the most recent census data, the eight counties of the Houston metro area are valued at $353 billion. The coastal areas from Beaumont to Corpus Christi add another $39 billion in residential value. That is coming close to pushing the residential value at just over $400 billion. That was the value before the storm hit.


By mapping the flooded areas so far and estimating the value of the impacted properties, authorities a finding that $145 billion worth of property are at direct risk. Twelve years ago Hurricane Katrina is said to have cost just over $100 billion in property damage. Only $40 million was covered by private insurance with another $16 billion covered by the National Flood Insurance Program.

Unfortunately, most insurers do not offer flood insurance as part of their standard policy. Coverage for flood damage has to be bought as a separate policy from FEMA. This really only comes into play if homes are situated in vulnerable areas. Most lenders require that homeowners get flood insurance in those cases. But what makes hurricane Harvey so different is that the area impacted is so large that even zones that weren’t designated as flood zones are being overrun by water. This means that families will lose home and possessions without any chance of reimbursement.

There’s also the interruption to the Houston shipping channel and oil refineries that will have an impact well beyond Texas. There could most likely be a spike in gas prices in the coming days and weeks. Until those refinery and shipping channels get back online those prices are to remain high.

The focus now is on rescue and recovery. It won’t be until the floodwaters are totally receded will the true sense of damage be appreciated. Thankfully, there are companies like Junk King Dallas Mid Cities that are standing by to provide fast storm damage removal. No doubt, some of these crews will be making their way to Houston to lend with the cleanup efforts. It’s going to be a long time before things get back to any sense of normalcy for a lot of Texans.

Junk King Dallas Mid Cities
5750 Park Vista Circle Suite 108
Keller, TX 76244
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Dallas Mid Cities area, including:

Flower Mound
Fort Worth
North Richland Hills
and these nearby zip codes:
75019, 75022, 75027, 75028, 75099, 75261, 76021, 76022, 76034, 76039, 76040, 76051, 76053, 76054, 76092, 76095, 76099, 76137, 76148, 76155, 76180, 76182, 76190, 76193, 76244, 76248, 76262