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Make Your Home Go Greener With These Tips

Zero waste is a concept that many cities are aiming for. It means that they literally will not have any trash or waste that isn't being repurposed. It's a noble goal that requires cooperation from all kinds of businesses, residents and the community at large. You can do your part by stepping up your own recycling programs around the house. Here are some of the ways that you can go greener around your home: recycle-1077158-m Be Smart With Irrigation How much money do you think you're spending on water in your lawns? Although in the fall and winter rains take care a lot of that work, there are ways to lower those cost even more. Start by programming your system to rule water either in the early morning or late evening. That way the heat of the day won't evaporate the water. You should also install rain sensors to prevent sprinklers from turning on when there is a storm. Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances You may be shopping for some major kitchen appliances in the coming months. If it has been a while since you bought a refrigerator or washing machine, then you want to make sure to look for anything that is Energy Star rated. This means it has been designed specifically to be energy efficient. You might even discover that there are some rebates and tax credits available for buying these types of appliances. They may be a bit more expensive but that money is quickly offset by those rebates and lower energy bills. Maintain Your Water Heater An older model water heater uses gas to heat up to 70 gallons of water at a time. You can make that heater work more efficiently by simply lowering the temperature of the water by 5 or 10°. If you can also insulate the heater, then you will cut down on the warmth escaping. If you do replace your water heater, try and get that metal recycled. Go Solar One of the biggest changes you can make around your house would also be the most energy efficient. That would be adding solar panels to your roof. The average cost of a solar system in the United States hovers around $17,000. But again, you might be able to find rebates and tax credits that can bring that number down. With the right system, you could also end up selling energy back to the power company. Recycle Junk If you need to get rid of a lot of oversize items, then it makes sense to hire professional junk haulers. But not all junk haulers are the same. Junk King Dayton stands out from the crowd because they are dedicated to a green way of doing business. There make sure that whatever you turn over to them has a chance to be recycled or donated. They're managing to keep at least 60% of all they collect out of landfills. That's very impressive by anyone's standard. Going greener with your rubbish removal is easy when you got someone like Junk King Dayton on your side.
Make Your Home Go Greener With These Tips


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