Junk King Denver

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Monthly Archives: March 2020

Things To Do When Staying Home

Have you caught up on all your TV viewing yet? The shelter-in-place restrictions are giving folks a chance to finally watch all those programs they’ve been saving up on their DVRs. But even the best TV shows and movies will get old after a while. Staying at home like this can provide you with a lot more opportunities. Consider taking on some of these projects:

Plan a Road Trip

When the restrictions are lifted and life gets back to normal, you will definitely want to go on vacation from your staycation. Now is the perfect time to plan that road trip. Map out the route and destinations you want to explore. Be sure to add all those quirky roadside attractions and diners you’ve seen on travel and cooking shows.

Learn Something on YouTube

YouTube has a vast amount of content beyond cats playing piano and flash mob videos. Think about something you’ve always wanted to learn. Chances are there is a tutorial on YouTube that can help you take on that subject. Remember, practice always makes perfect and there is a lot of time to practice!

Create and Share Playlists

Spotify is a fun website that holds thousands of great songs. You can create your own playlists and share them with your friends. It can be “Great songs to cook with” or “Awesome tunes for cleaning the house.”

Start a Journal

Think of this as your quarantine diary. It is a strange time for all of us and you should write down your thoughts and feelings. Years from now you’ll enjoy reading what you went through.

Transfer Your Photos

How many photos do you have on your cell phone? Why not download all of them onto your computer and organize them into files. This way you know they will be safe. While you’re at it, print out those photos that mean the most to you. Everyone in the house should enjoy them!

Organize Everything

If you haven’t already tackled your spring cleaning, then this is the time to get it done. It is also the time to organize every closet and cabinet in the house. Pull out all of those things you want to get rid of and create a pickup pile. When you’re ready, the crew from Junk King Denver can swing by and remove all those unwanted items. We have created some new pickup protocols designed to keep everyone safe. Junk King Denver wants to help you get through this time by supporting your desire to get rid of clutter. You’ll feel better when it is all gone!

Junk King Denver
190 E. 9th Ave Suite 540
Denver, CO 80203
Hours: M-F: 8A-6P, Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Denver area, including:

Commerce City
Wheat Ridge
and these nearby zip codes:
80001, 80002, 80003, 80004, 80005, 80006, 80007, 80010, 80011, 80012, 80013, 80014, 80015, 80017, 80018, 80019, 80020, 80021, 80022, 80024, 80030, 80031, 80033, 80034, 80035, 80036, 80037, 80038, 80040, 80041, 80042, 80044, 80045, 80046, 80047, 80137, 80201, 80202, 80203, 80204, 80205, 80206, 80207, 80208, 80209, 80210, 80211, 80212, 80214, 80215, 80216, 80217, 80218, 80219, 80220, 80221, 80223, 80224, 80225, 80226, 80227, 80228, 80229, 80230, 80231, 80232, 80233, 80234, 80238, 80239, 80241, 80243, 80244, 80246, 80247, 80248, 80249, 80250, 80256, 80257, 80259, 80260, 80261, 80262, 80264, 80265, 80266, 80271, 80273, 80274, 80281, 80290, 80291, 80293, 80294, 80295, 80299, 80401, 80402, 80403, 80419, 80614, 80640