Best Way To Take Care Of An Estate Cleanout If you have been put in charge of all the property associated with an estate, then you have two options. You can try to sell it off or simply get rid of it all. Actually, a good approach would be to do both. You'll find that setting up an estate sale is a good way to clear out the bulk of what you need to get rid of. It can also put some extra cash in your pocket. But it's very rare that a home full of furniture, appliances and other household goods would be completely emptied over the course of one weekend. That's when the cleanout phase can start. To take care of that you only need to hire Junk King Denver. Junk King Denver has a lot of experience with estate cleanouts. They have been handling this type of operation for over 12 years. What they'll provide for you is a two-man crew and a big truck. That is essentially all you need to clean out an entire home worth of furnishings. If it appears to Junk King that it will take a bit more time and more truck space, then they will happily send over additional crews and trucks. On a recent estate cleanout, it took six team members and three trucks to handle it all. Don't worry, you won't be paying for extra trucks or the labor. The best part of hiring Junk King Denver is that they're going to do all the lifting and loading for you. It doesn't matter if they have to make several trips up and down your stairs in order to get everything loaded onto the truck. The only thing that matters to them is that it's all clear. Remember, they'll be doing all the work so you won't have to lift anything you put your back at risk. As for the pricing, you'll only be charge a flat fee based upon how much space your junk is going to fill in the back of the truck. That could be one half, one quarter or the entire truck. The crews from Junk King have a lot of experience packing trucks as tightly as possible. They do this so they can make several stops but also so that you can get a great price every time. Take care of your estate cleanout the fast and affordable way by hiring Junk King Denver from the start. Best Way To Take Care Of An Estate Cleanout