How To Take The Stress Out Of Your Next Move Although you may find some people that enjoy cleaning, it's very rare to find anyone who enjoys moving. The process of packing up your entire life and then unpacking it can be very stressful. If you're planning to move, then the goal should be to pull it off without hassle. Here's how to take the stress out of your next move: Before The Move A little planning will go a long way to help you take the stress out of your next move. Set a schedule for yourself on the first day that you give notice. This should also be the day that you're booking your movers. The closer you get to the end of the month the more you'll find that they are booked up and maybe charging exorbitant rates. You want to make a schedule of appointments to turn off your electricity, gas, water, cable and Internet. Don't turn that all off on the day that you're moving. You don't want to get stuck cleaning the house in the dark. The gas company will need to turn on the stove and the cable company might need to do rerouting. These are definitely appointments you want to make well in advance. If you can get them to show up on the day of your move, then all the better. You also have to let the post service know that you're moving. They recommend giving notice 6 to 8 weeks prior to a move but sometimes that's not always feasible. The minute you know your new address is when you should start making the switch. Make another list of all the magazines, credit cards and other regular mail you get. And yes, you also have to let the IRS know. On The Day Of the Move On the day of the move if you have pets or kids it would be a good idea to keep them occupied for the day. If they can both go stay with a friend all the better. At the very least, get your dog or cat groomed the day so that they show up clean in your clean house. As you move in, you might meet some of the neighbors. It's always nice to make new friends. You'll probably want to ask them for recommendation for take out food because you deftly will be cooking that first night! Don't Bring Your Old Clutter As you pack up everything that you are moving, you're sure to find that there are a lot of things that don't need to be coming with you. These should be all the old furniture, appliances and other items you've already replaced. Plus there could be lots of outfits from the closet that you never going to wear again. This is where Junk King Denver comes into play. You can set up a junk removal session with these professional junk haulers and get rid of all that clutter. It will not be going to waste. Instead, it will be dropped off at charities or recycling centers. Junk King Denver makes fast work of getting rid of all your clutter. That's just what you need for your next move. How To Take The Stress Out Of Your Next Move