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Got Junk Items in East Houston?

There's no telling what you might find in the trash. Okay, actually, you're probably just going to find trash but every once in while there is gold in that garbage. The day before his assassination, President Kennedy stopped over here in Houston and stayed at the Rice Hotel. While there he worked on a few speeches and made a couple of doodles on the hotel stationary. After the tragic events in Dallas, one of those doodles was plucked from the trash and turned over to JFK's loyal secretary. She authenticated it and added the doodle to the collection of JFK musings on paper. Today, that single doodle of a sailboat is going on the auction block where it is expected to fetch quite a hefty sum. Does this mean you shouldn't throw anything away? Well, if it came from a former President you would be advised to hold onto it. As for the rest of your junk, once you have deemed it to be useless it would be best to turn it over to Junk King East Houston. It might be hard letting go of some things. After all, you paid good money for this stuff and they were practical at one point. We're talking about things like a couch, recliner, mattress or washing machine. You probably got a lot of use out of them until they started to wear out and break down. When that happened you could have pushed those big items out of the way and into the garage or down the basement. At least you didn't have to look at them every day, right? Only now those things are taking up space. That is space that could be used for more practical things like storage of more important items. Wouldn't it be nice to actually park your car in the garage instead of keeping all of that junk in there? This is why you may need to hire Junk Kin East Houston. Setting the Junk King crew loose on your junk will have it scooped up in no time. Everything gets loaded on the back of the big Junk King truck. So you'll be getting a two man crew and a truck at your disposal. Translation: There is no excuse to hold onto your junk any longer. As soon as the Junk King crew loads up your stuff you can get back to your day. For the JK crew, they'll be making a few more stops to fill up their truck and then it's onto the recycling centers. Junk King is happy to promote a green way of doing business. You don't have to figure out what can be recycled. The Junk King crew will take care of that. It's all part of the total Junk King package. Call today at 1-888-888-JUNK to put that cleanup power to work for you.  
Got Junk Items in East Houston?


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