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Category Archives: Junk King Houston

Recycling News in Houston

In an effort to inspire its citizens that it represents the Houston City Hall went from using no renewable energy to becoming one of the biggest buyers of green energy in the nation. This was accomplished in just under three years. A hallmark of their energy program was upgrading the motor pool to include 25 Nissan Leafs and 15 hybrids. This combination of electric and fuel-efficient vehicles has lowered the cost of gas allotments for city workers and has reduced the overall carbon footprint of City Hall.

Another program that is being instituted by the Houston city Council is placing bicycles throughout the downtown area that folks can borrow to get around the city. That’s good for the environment and for the peddlers’ health. There’s also going to be wind turbines installed on top of the city’s new permitting center. All of this is being accomplished thanks to an influx of federal stimulus dollars along with the mayor’s push to promote budget savings through better energy efficiency. Even though Houston has long been known as the city of big oil there’s no reason why it can also be the city of big green!

Have you been inspired by any of these programs? You might already be doing your part by recycling items like soda cans, newspapers, magazines and other household trash that can fit in a weekly recycle pickup bin. You don’t have to stop there! Your recycling can also encompass those bigger junk items you want to get rid of especially when you call upon Junk King Houston to provide a little helping hand assistance.

Ever since Junk King rolled into Houston they have been helping the local folks get rid of all their unwanted stuff and reclaim valuable space in their homes. What most folks don’t know is that Junk King is dedicated to environmentally friendly practices. Simply put, they’re going to do their darndest to make sure whatever trash they pick up doesn’t make it to a landfill. This is actually easily accomplished especially when you know where all the recycling facilities are located throughout the Houston area. While there are some big centers that specialize in recycling paper and aluminum there are other more specialized facilities that focus on other products. This is where items like your old furniture and kitchen appliances will end up.

Many folks who call upon the Junk King Houston are especially pleased at how professional their crews behave. The junk haulers have been trained to treat your home with the utmost respect. This means they’re going to make sure that your floors aren’t going to be scuffed up or the paint on your walls chipped. Junk King also respects your time and insures that their crew will show up for the scheduled appointment and not make you wait like some other services. The bottom line is that when it comes to recycling you can’t find any better partner than Junk King Houston!

Houston Scrap Metal Removal

Have you heard the term “brazen thief?” This is a crook that is only focused on making a score and doesn’t care where, when or how he’ll accomplish that task. Case in point: On March 28 at around 5 a.m. a thief stole a large metal bread rack from the loading dock of the Stop and Shop Goodwives Shopping Center. Then on April 4th a second bread rack was stolen from the same place at around the same time. Coincidence or the work of a repeat offender? This comes on top of another robbery involving 400 pounds of copper wire. Clearly, there are some crooks out there targeting anything made of metal in the hopes of cashing in.

Scrap metal thievery is such a problem all across the country that many local governments are instituting special new regulations. Now in many states, anyone who sells scrap metal has to provide a state issued photo I.D. and fill out a form stating where the metal came from. This is meant to deter scrap metal thieves but it’s a huge pain for everyone else who isn’t breaking the law.

If you think that some of the scrap metal you have around your home might be worth some money, think again. To really score the big bucks you need a fairly decent amount of scrap metal. We’re talking a pickup truck full at least. Even with that much, it could cost you more in gas driving out to the closest junkyard. The better alternative is to hire professional junk haulers like Junk King Houston to come directly to your home or business and take away that metal without any hassle.

A pile of scrap metal is not something you can cram into the back of your SUV. Not only is it going to be hard to handle but there’s a pretty good chance it’s going to scratch up your car to no end. Junk King’s professional Houston junk hauling team will have a big enough truck to fit all you scrap metal and they don’t care if their truck gets scratched up. For them, every scratch means another job well done!

After filling up that truck with your scrap metal, ask yourself what else you have that can be taken away. This is a golden opportunity to clear your home of all kinds of junk. You can finally toss out that old armchair that nobody wants to sit in. Or that ping-pong table that nobody uses. Or those dumbbells that just got rusty waiting to be picked up. Whatever you consider junk is what can be tossed into the back of that truck. Not only will you be removing the temptation for a scrap metal thief but you’ll also be clearing up some vital space from your home. It’s a good call anyway you look at it!

Houston Spring Junk Removal

Spring is for fresh starts and that’s just what you should be giving your home: a fresh start. This can be accomplished with a serious spring cleaning. There are many professional maid or cleaning services which offer special discounts at this time of the year. Even though they know you might not hire them on a permanent basis, it still might be worth the investment on your part to have a crew of professional cleaners to give your house the once over.

What’s great about using these types of professionals is that they’ll bring their own supplies. All you really have to do is open the door and let them have at it. Come back a couple of hours later and your home will sparkle like it never has before. Of course, there are limitations with hiring a professional cleaning service. They are only going to throw out obvious trash; as in whatever is in a trash can. They don’t know what you consider junk or a treasure. Sure, you might have that broken piano dusted to a fine luster but it’s still broke and nobody plays it. Shouldn’t you get rid of junk like that as part of your spring cleaning? Absolutely and that’s where you’ll need to bring in more professionals: Junk King Houston.

Junk King is a Houston-based business that is part of a national franchise of professional junk haulers. These folks make clearing out your clutter their business and business has been very good! That’s because once Houstonites discovered that Junk King rode into town, they knew they had a willing partner for their junk removal. Here’s how it works: You call up Junk King Houston and tell them what you want removed. Once you agree on atime, you’ll set an appointment and Junk King will take it from there. Because “professional” is the operative word here, Junk King isn’t going to keep you waiting all day like the phone or cable company. They pride themselves on showing up just when they promise to.

Upon their arrival, all you have to do is show the Junk King crew what you want taken away and they’ll handle the rest. Now, you could make it easy on the crew and have all your junk piled up on in the driveway. While that’s nice, it’s not necessary. Junk King Houston’s workers have no trouble going into any room you tell them or up and down any flight of stairs. All they care about is filling up their truck. As soon as they’ve taken away everything you want gone, you’ll sign off on the job and that’s that. Junk King will then see to it that your junk is properly disposed of at one of the dumping or recycling centers around Houston. This is the best way to start your spring cleaning. Once the junk is gone, then bring in those professional cleaners and give them a go. The house will look like brand new!

Storm Debris Cleanup in Houston

Probably one of the most thankless jobs in Houston would be as a local weatherman. Either the weatherman gets it wrong or takes the blame. Either way folks need to understand that there are certain things out of the weatherman’s control. Even with all the fancy satellites tracking storms, Mother Nature will always have the last word. Recently it was predicted that rain would fall in the Houston area. It’s easy to make these kinds of predictions. What you can never tell is just how much rain will fall. Most of Texas has been in a drought for far too long so any rain is going to be welcomed on some level. But even a storm dumping 2 inches of rainfall could cause trouble for many local residents.

Rain is needed to make your garden grow and your grass stay green but excessive rain can also warp trees to the point of breaking. When a storm causes leaves and other debris to fall into street gutters then the sewers become backed up. Now all of that floating debris ends up in your front yard. There’s really nothing you can do about any of this. A storm will do what a storm wants to do.

There are some precautions that you can’t take to minimize the damage. For instance, keeping your own gutters clear will make sure that the water flowing off your roof has someplace to go as opposed to backing up and making your rafters waterlogged. If there’s a call for a fierce storm with heavy winds you might want to secure any patio furniture you had in the backyard so that it won’t blow away.

As soon as the storm clears the cleanup effort can begin. In extreme cases trees that have been knocked down will have to be removed by professional workmen. This is especially true if there are fallen power lines involved in the situation. That’s not something you want to be messing with. As for all the other debris that might have floated into your yard you could take the time to clean it yourself which could be a backbreaking endeavor. The better option is to call Junk King Houston and let them handle the job.

Junk King is a Houston-based hauling company that makes junk removal their business. No job is too big or too small for a Junk King crew to handle. After a storm Junk King Houston works around-the-clock to service its customers and help them get their lives back in order. In between storms Junk King provides a valuable service to anyone who is looking to reclaim some space in their Houston home that is being crowded out by junk. What the Junk King crew can accomplish in a couple of hours is to load up a truck full of all that stuff you never wish to see again. Even if you call up Junk King to help you with storm debris removal is no reason why you can’t throw a couple of other items on the truck at the same time. In other words, get the most out of Junk King that you can!

Yard Clean Up in Houston, TX

Many families across Houston are deciding to eat a bit healthier. The best way to accomplish this is by simply adding more “green food” to your plate. This means a lot more salad, vegetables and even fruit. The trick is making sure that the green food you’re eating is as fresh as it can possibly be. Sure it’s easy to pop some frozen broccoli into the microwave and nuke that for dinner but you will be depriving yourself of essential nutrients that can only be found in fresh vegetables. That’s why many Houston families are also growing their own fresh veggies. This is a fun project that can involve the whole family and teach kids about better eating habits. Is there anything better than picking a salad from your own backyard?

If you want to get in on the vegetable growing craze you’ll find it doesn’t take a lot of effort. With spring approaching this is the best time to start your vegetable garden. By planting now you should have a great yield at the beginning of summer. There are only really three things you need to consider when planning a garden: Sun, soil and water.

Most vegetables need around six hours of direct sunlight every day. Plants like lettuces can tolerate more shade than tomatoes but there’s no reason why they can’t grow side-by-side provided you give the tomatoes their sunlight. As for the soil, you’ll want to supplement the natural ingredients of your dirt with fertilizer or compost. Either one of those components are going to infuse the soil with healthy amounts of nutrients that your plans will just love. Adding fertilizer to a garden is especially important when this is a first planting season. You want to begin the condition your soil to accept plants and seeds.

As for watering you need only follow the instructions that come on every packet of seeds to achieve the optimal results. The important thing is to be consistent with your watering. March is the perfect time to plant most varieties of vegetables. You might also want to consider building a fence around your garden just to make sure no neighborhood rabbits or squirrels have a salad before you can!

Getting your backyard ready for a garden planting will mean clearing out yard waste. This could be fallen tree branches, shrubs or piles of sod you’ll be turning over to make room for your garden. Of course, this being Texas there might also be the occasional Tumbleweed that has found its way into your backyard. While you’re picking out your seeds you should think about turning the task of yard cleanup to a professional team of junk haulers nearby – Junk King Houston. They’ll be in the best position to help clear out your backyard because they’ve got all the right amount of muscle and truck space. The muscles for lifting any heavy object and the truck space is perfect for all that dirt. There is one word of caution: once you start growing your own vegetables you might never go back to the grocery store for them again!

Houston Moving and Junk Hauling

For most people in Houston, moving day is something to get through and survive rather than a kind of day you might look forward to like Christmas. A lot of pressure can build up for a moving day. However, if you take an organized and systematic approach to the event, you should be able to come out on the other side reasonable unscathed. The big thing to remember is not to wait until the last minute for packing. Once you’ve settled on a date and have booked your movers, there is no reason why you can’t start packing up right away. Filling up a couple of boxes a day is a great way to knock out all the packing. Just think about all those things you’re not going to be using everyday (books, CDs, DVDS, seasonal clothes, etc.) and begin there.
Another thing to keep in mind when packing is that you shouldn’t reuse a box that has been through several other moves. When boxes start to wear out, you run the risk of them bottoming out. There is also no telling where your packed boxes will be stacked. In other words, you don’t want a “weak”  box holding up all the other boxes. Speaking of boxes; be sure to fill up any box you’re packing to capacity. A box that is under filled is more like to collapse when other boxes are put on top.
The best weight for a single box is around 25 to 30 pounds. It’s important to stay consistent with your box weight especially if you’re calling on friends to help out. A box that weights more than a mover expects it to weigh can lead to strains when picking it up.
You’ll also save a lot of time and stress by making sure your boxes are all labeled properly. These should correspond to the room they will eventually be moved to. Labeling your boxes will also help you find things you might need right away such as “work clothes” or “pots and pans.”
If you are wrapping breakables then you should wrap them all individually in packing material like bubble wrap or newspaper. You can even use your kitchen and bathroom towels to wrap items and end up packing two things at the same time!
As you begin to pack, you’re probably going to be discovering a lot of junk that you really don’t need to take with you to your new Houston home. This would be the perfect opportunity to schedule a pick-up appointment with some professional junk haulers before your move day – Junk King Houston. Being able to get rid of the junk you’ve been hanging onto will allow you to start off in your new home with more space. Since you’ll be sorting through this stuff, it will be easy to form a pile of junk for a pickup. Junk King Houston’s professional junk haulers will be able to cart off any objects large or small. If you don’t like your old sofa than get rid of it the right way!

Houston Foreclosure Clean Out

A scan of national newspapers or the evening news shows will reveal that we’re a long way from getting out of the housing mess that started all the financial woes in this country. However, when you look closer to a city by city accounting there are some signs of improvement. For instance by all indications it appears that the Houston housing market is leveling out. Leveling out is a lot better than bottoming out. Yet with house prices stabilizing there are still many other homes that are in danger of slipping into foreclosure along with the thousands of homes that are already in foreclosure. Smart real estate investors will know that there is gold in those foreclosed homes.
A bank that owns the title to those foreclosed deeds considers it a toxic asset and that is something that they want removed from their books as quickly as possible. This is why so many investors are jumping into the foreclosed home market. They know they can make a quick purchase and potentially quicker sale for a profit. The big issue is getting the house ready for a sale.
If you’re thinking about getting into the foreclosed home market you may find yourself visiting many properties that are in an extreme state of distress. This could be due to the simple fact that the previous homeowners abandoned the property to let it sit without care. You know if you leave something alone long enough it’s going to start to deteriorate this is especially true for a house. Even letting the lawn go without mowing could quickly have you overrun with weeds. If plumbing is left unattended the pipes can seize up or crack and cause major flooding. Just the simple act of opening a window to let in some fresh air can mean a lot.
However, if there is a house that is been left alone to bake in the hot Houston sun is no telling what has been growing inside. If you should happen to step inside one of these properties don’t be dissuaded from the potential mess. You can get plenty of help with a professional foreclosure clean out crew.
A foreclosure cleanup crew like Junk King Houston will do all the dirty work of cleaning up all that dirt. While you’re preparing your own marketing materials and lineup potential buyers this cleanup crew can be pulling down dusty drapes, scooping up bags of garbage and giving the house a thorough top to bottom cleaning. At the very least they’ll be able to immediately any potential threat to your sale. This could still leave you with some dreary looking walls and floors but at least the bulk of the garbage can be removed.
There could be many improvements you can make the foreclosed home to increase its sales value but first you need to clean. If you know you’re going to paint it then it’s just a matter of clearing out the clutter without worrying about the floors for now. An experienced foreclosure cleanup crew will know just how to tackle project.

Houston Junk Hauling – Out with the Old and In with the New

The end of an era will be coming to Houston this summer. That’s when the NASA space shuttle Atlantis launches from the Kennedy Space Center on its final mission. It’s also the final mission for the entire 30 year space shuttle program. The shuttle Endeavour recently completed its last go round in space for a final tally of 25 flights and 299 days in space. When Atlantis completes its mission, there will be plenty of celebrating in Houston and probably quite a few tears. It truly is the end of an era where Houston played a major role.
Life will go on. In fact, the new buzz about space is how private companies will be taking over the industry. With a little competition we might actually see a lot more rockets taking off and could even find passengers heading into orbit for the thrill ride of their lives. This is what happens when private business steps in to fill the gap when government can’t handle the job. In fact, it is the job creation in the private sector that is going to be of the most benefit to our struggling economy. More jobs in that realm means good news for everybody. That’s why every new business ventures should be welcomed. In Houston, one such new venture has rolled into town and it’s all about junk.
Junk King is a national franchise with successful businesses stretched out all across the country. What they do is simple: They haul junk. You might be scratching your head wondering, “Why does there have to be a business for that?”  Well, consider your own situation. Do you have junk in your home? Nothing wrong with that. In fact, if asked most homeowners would admit to having acquire some amount of junk over their lifetime. It’s only natural. Of course, all those items we bring into our home don’t start out as junk, but over time that’s just what a lot of them transform into.
Take your kitchen appliances. Replace a stove or a fridge and that old item could now be classified as junk. You might hate to let it go so you stick it out on the back porch or in the garage. And there it sits rusting away until two things happen: A) you move and leave it behind or B) you hire Junk King Houston to come in and take it away.
The Junk King crews are professional movers who are experiencing in hauling away all kinds of unwanted stuff from furniture to engine parts to yard waste to remodeling project trash. All you need to do is call 1-888-888-JUNK for an appointment and let them know what you need to get gone. No job is too big or too small for the Junk King Houston. In fact, don’t be surprised if you see a Junk King truck roll up to the Kennedy Space Center later this summer. They might just be hauling away some shuttle stuff!
For the best in Houston Junk Hauling, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Houston Junk Removal

A person could spend their entire life in Houston and not even know some of the fun facts that make this city such a gem. First of all, according to the U.S. Census Bureau Houston is the fourth most populous city in the country following New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. It’s also the largest city in the south and in Texas; so take that Dallas! As an official city, Houston was founded way back in 1836 and covers around 8,778 square miles. That’s pretty close to the entire state of Massachusetts.
If Houston was its own country, it would come in at number 30 on the list of the world’s largest economies. What’s interesting about folks in Houston is that they dine out more often than any other city in the country. This translates into over 11,000 restaurants, cafes, bistros and b-b-q joints all across the city. Houston also has a 17 block theater district and is home to all kinds of museums and cultural centers. And let’s not forget about the colleges. There are 40 colleges and universities around Houston that offer a wide range of possible higher education options. Let’s face it; Houston has a lot going on.
Naturally, with all of this action and people there is going to be a lot of junk accumulated. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s part of human nature to collect things we end up throwing out. Some might call this being thrifty while others call it being a pack rat. Whatever designation you embrace, you probably aren’t alone when it comes to having piles of stuff that you could do without. When you’re ready to clear out the clutter, there is a new Houston business that will be standing by to help: Junk King Houston.
As you can guess by their title, Junk King is a leader in the junk removal business. They are a national franchise dedicated to helping folks reclaim all those attics, backyards, garages and closets from all the junk they’ve collected over the years. You might not think you have enough junk to hire a team of professional haulers. That only means you’re not thinking hard enough! Start with some old furniture you might want to get rid of. You can’t throw out a ratty sofa into the garbage, right? That needs to be hauled away. Now, add to that all those boxes of papers and magazines that you don’t have to hold onto any more. Go through your garage. Are there spare auto parts, rusted fenders or tires just sitting there collecting dust? What about the backyard? Do you have piles of wood scraps, fallen tree limbs or scrub brush? All of those items can be loaded up onto the Junk King Houston truck and taken away. And just think that long list started with one sofa!
Junk King Houston crews are fully licensed and insured. This means you’ll be inviting a team of professional haulers into your Houston home and you won’t have to worry about anything other than what you’re going to do with all that empty space!

For the best in Houston Junk Removal, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Junk King Houston Blog

Welcome to the Junk King Houston official blog!   This blog will be one of our primary lines of communication to our customers, friends, fans and anyone else who is interested in our Junk Removal services.

We plan on launching our business in early May. Be sure to check in for frequent updates and news about our affordable, efficient and eco-friendly junk hauling services for the Houston area.  Also, be sure to check out our official Houston Junk Removal page for more information.

Junk King Houston
2323 S. Voss Rd Suite 315F
Houston, TX 77057
Hours: M-F: 8A-6P, Sa: 8A-3P, Su: 10A-6P

Providing junk removal services to the Houston area, including:

Missouri City
Sugar Land
and these nearby zip codes:
77002, 77005, 77006, 77007, 77008, 77009, 77019, 77024, 77025, 77027, 77031, 77035, 77036, 77042, 77043, 77046, 77055, 77056, 77057, 77063, 77071, 77072, 77074, 77077, 77079, 77080, 77081, 77082, 77083, 77085, 77094, 77096, 77098, 77099, 77242, 77244, 77272, 77277, 77279, 77282, 77401, 77402, 77406, 77407, 77411, 77413, 77450, 77459, 77469, 77477, 77478, 77479, 77489, 77491, 77492, 77494, 77498, 77545, 77583