Discard of Electronic Waste Properly
When electronics such as refrigerators, stereos, computers, televisions and other common electronic products are unwanted or no longer function and must be discarded they are referred to as electronic waste.
Inside several of these electronics some of the components are known to contain extremely hazardous materials like aluminum, copper, plastics, ferrous metals and other potentially toxic substances known to pose serious threats to human health and the environment.
Electronic Waste Disposal Best Practices
Though it is hard to generalize and pinpoint the material content of every single device people should still exercise proper disposal or practice recycling E-waste to play their part in ensuring the health and safety of the public and environment.
With that said the global demand for more and more advanced forms of technology is constantly increasing resulting in a surge in E-Waste production. An estimated 50 million tons of E-waste are produced each year. In the US alone discards up to 30 million computers and over 100 million phones annually.
In effort to deal with this authorities have created legislation such as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and agencies like the United States Environmental Protection Agency that govern and regulate the proper disposal of waste throughout the country. In addition to further enforce safe disposal practices government reserves the right to impose heavy penalties or even possible jail time to violators.
In the state of California to better manage this growing challenge the Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 was enacted. This established the covered electronic waste (CEW) recycling program to aggressively handle the cost of reducing E-waste production.
Persons throughout the country can play their part by recycling, selling or giving away electronics that they no longer need and for products beyond repair again recycling is the best alternative. Instead of resorting to improper and illegal e- waste practices locate an organization or waste removal service that will remove and recycle any unwanted electronics.
A person may not know how or what is the best way to recycle or even dispose of their e-waste so to help with this issue waste removal services have specially trained personnel and all the necessary equipment to manage all of your e- waste removal and recycling. Furthermore they also facilitate the transport of items where there are later processed.
Over time this approach along with effective, initiatives and management has enabled government and citizens alike to make a positive impact as it relates to the reduction of E-waste. It is also critical that every citizen play their part whenever necessary to ensure that their communities, country and the environment as a whole is kept safe and healthy. Contact us for more information.
Discard of Electronic Waste Properly