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Make Your New Year’s Resolution to Get Rid of Junk

Make Your New Year’s Resolution to Get Rid of Junk


Have you thought about your New Year’s resolutions yet? There are no hard rules on resolutions, though many people do resolve to be healthier, exercise more, or complete certain tasks that they have historically not stayed on top of. If your home always feels cluttered or if you often keep things you don’t need, your New Year’s resolution could be to get rid of junk and keep your home less cluttered.

What does making a resolution to get rid of junk really mean? It depends on your unique situation. A New Year’s resolution is typically very personal and aimed at addressing very specific things. If you’re going to resolve to get rid of junk, it could mean a few things. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you could declutter your home and how Junk King Minneapolis can help you.

Get Rid of Broken or Useless Things

Get Rid of Broken or Useless Things

The first part of your resolution to declutter your home may be to get rid of things you can’t or won’t use. This starts with getting rid of junk. Sometimes, junk ends up staying in your home for much longer than you anticipated. For example, if you bought a new sofa to replace the one with no support, you may have temporarily put the old one in the garage until you could get rid of it. But months later, it’s still there simply because you haven’t had time.

Other things may have been put on top of it, so now the sofa is buried under other stuff. It’s going to take more work now to get rid of it, plus it’s not as easy to see now. You see the stuff stacked on it, and that may be stuff you need to keep. The sofa is now somewhat out of sight, out of mind. Getting rid of junk like this that should have been hauled away months ago should be at the top of the list. This is the type of decluttering project that Junk King can easily take care of for you.

Even if you don’t have broken furniture or busted appliances taking up space, you might have smaller things spread throughout your home that are busted. Take some time to gather all of these things. You might be surprised at just how much you have. Getting rid of them can help you reclaim a good amount of space.

Don’t stop at broken items, either. Take a look at things you haven’t used in years. Do you need them? If not, why are you keeping them? Consider giving these things to family members or friends who might get use out of them. You could also sell them online or donate them.

Clean Out Areas where Junk Tends to Congregate

Your living room, kitchen, and bedrooms may be fairly junk-free, but what about the other spaces in your home? Junk tends to make its way to the garage, basement, attic, shed, and spare room. Do you know what all of the boxes you have in your garage actually contain? Are they stacked or on shelves in some order or spread out across the garage? How organized are your tools and yard equipment? You might find that you don’t actually have a lot of junk in the garage, but the fact that it’s so disorganized makes it seem like you do.

Of course, you could have a lot of junk in the garage that’s been buried underneath useful stuff. That’s why organizing these spaces is so important. Putting up shelving, labeling all of the boxes, and implementing storage and organization solutions to help you keep your tools and other equipment sorted will make your garage much more useful. It will also ensure that you can get your vehicles in, which is important during the winter months or when it’s going to storm.

For other areas such as the basement and attic, it can be easy to throw anything and everything into them. You may not go into either space very often, so whatever you’re storing there is almost always out of sight and out of mind. This means when you do finally go to declutter it, you’re going to have a fairly large task. Some of the items in your basement may be items you need to keep, but finding them among all the junk can take time.

You could also find that some of your stored items are no longer in good condition. Some things could have been damaged or destroyed if your basement or attic has had moisture issues or rodent problems. You may have to toss these things and make some repairs to ensure moisture and pests can’t get into your house. Keeping the space organized can help with this because you’ll see where the problems are occurring more easily.

Clean Out Areas where Junk Tends to Congregate

Think About Items You Don’t Regularly Use

If you look in your closet, will you see clothing you haven’t worn in years? Does your kitchen contain some gadgets you haven’t needed to use lately or, worse, have never been opened? This stuff may not be classified as junk because it is useful, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep it. These items are perfect for the donation bin.

What about decorative items, heirlooms, and other things you don’t necessarily use but can’t part with? You may be tempted to put all of these things out on shelves or on the walls. While you should certainly feel free to decorate your home, putting out everything can make it look cluttered. It also makes it more time-consuming to dust and clean.

Instead of doing this, consider putting out a carefully curated selection of decorative items, knick-knacks, and other pieces. This will help make your home feel less cluttered, which can impact your mental state. You can then rotate your décor every now and then, which also makes the home feel fresh. As you take each item down to put it away for a bit, you can re-evaluate whether or not you really want to keep it. Of course, keep all of these items in an organized space so you know exactly where they are.

Could You Organize Spaces Better?

Clutter typically only happens when things don’t have a specific place. Items get stored in whatever random place they fit when this happens. One thing to ask yourself when you’re tossing out junk is what you can do to prevent the space from accumulating trash again. For the basement, garage, or attic, it might be to install shelving and label things better. For your closet, it might be installing a new organization system or simply always returning things to their proper place. This could lead to a second New Year’s resolution such as always putting your laundry away as soon as it’s out of the dryer.

How Often Do You Need to Do a Major Cleaning and Purging?

If your resolution is to get rid of the junk that’s collected in your home over the year, you may consider it a “one and done” project. You get rid of that old chair, the busted refrigerator, and whatever else you’re done. After the Junk King truck pulls away, you might consider your resolution complete.

However, the question you then need to ask yourself is if you’re going to let junk slowly accumulate over the course of the year again. Is doing a major junk purge going to be an annual project? There’s nothing wrong with that, but at the same time, it can make your home more cluttered as the year goes on. Why not deal with junk as it comes up instead of storing it for months?

Junk King is here for you any time of the year. While we will gladly help you with large clean-out projects, we can also stop by to pick up a single appliance or other junk. We’re always just a quick call away, so you can resolve to stop procrastinating on junk.

Of course, even if you do decide to do a few major purges throughout the year, you’ll also likely need to do some minor organizing every week or so. Take the time to keep areas such as your closet and kitchen organized so you can effectively use those spaces. Taking a few minutes each day to straighten up your home can save you hours later.

Never Hesitate to Call Junk King Minneapolis

Don’t let any junk pile up around your home. Whether you’re getting rid of broken appliances, an old shed, that hot tub you haven’t used in years, or just accumulated boxes of stuff, we can help. We provide free estimates for every job, and there’s never any obligation. All of these quotes are fully transparent as well, so you’ll never be hit with any surprise charges or extra fees.

Want to know more or get a quote? Call us today at 1-888-888-JUNK (5865) or send us a text to 1-737-888-5865.

Junk King Minneapolis
7398 Washington Ave. South
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Hours: M-F: 7A-4P, Sa: 7A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Minneapolis area, including:

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