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Awesome Recycling Facts

You probably know the basics about recycling at least when it comes to recycling around the house. Soda cans, water bottles and newspapers are the most popular things you can recycle from your home. It's easy to toss those things into the recycling bin for pickup. What you might not know is exactly how much recycling matters and just what are the benefits. That can all change when you read these awesome recycling facts. green-1357925__340 How many soda cans do you recycle in a day? Any can that's made from recycled aluminum uses only eight BTUs. That equals a 95% energy savings. Cans that are made from recycled aluminum release 40% less carbon emissions. Most aluminum cans are already made from 50% of recycled aluminum. That's not only good for the environment but it also saves up to 50% in energy use for those companies making the cans. Soda cans are the number one recycled material with a 68% recycling rate. Imagine if that number can get 100%! What about the paper? Any paper that is made from recycled paper results in 64% of energy savings. Recycled paper uses 80% less water to make. And just 1 ton of recycled paper is enough to save 17 trees from being cut down. Trees we can keep around the better off we'll all be Recycling is all about reduction. For instance, if everyone in the country was able to reduce just 10 pieces of junk mail they get each week, then we could save up to 100 million trees a year. How can you do that? There are sites online that can remove you from junk mail lists. If everyone swapped out non-recycle paper towels for 100% recycled paper towels, then we could save 864,000 trees a year. But the benefits don't stop there. If just 10,000 people switched to 100% recycled office paper just for one year, then the collective annual impact would be almost the same as taking 230 cars off the road. Multiply those numbers and you can see how big an impact recycled products can make. You can actually improve your recycling around the house when you hire a company like Junk King Orlando to get rid of your unwanted rubbish. That's because junk King Orlando is dedicated to keeping as much of what they collect out of a landfill as possible. They would much rather make a drop off at a charity or recycling center to get rid of that junk. When it comes to expanding your home recycling Junk King Orlando is the perfect partner.
Awesome Recycling Facts


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