Great Marketing Ideas For Your Start Up Business Achieving success in your business is all about getting the word out. It would be great if you could spend millions of dollars for television ads but that's not always practical for start up business. Instead, think local and build out your marketing campaign from your community. Here are some very affordable and smart ways to market your startup business: Put Social Media To Work Social Media Your business should have a page on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and LinkedIn. You can post the same things across all those platforms but the goal is to keep posting. The challenge is not to come across as if you are always selling something. Instead, find a way to engage your customer base that will have them liking your page and sharing. You could find some viral content like a funny video to share that might not have anything to do with your business but you get the credit. Your social media platforms are also a great way to get the conversation going by asking survey questions related to your business. Everyone like share their opinions! Sponsor a Local Team It is important that you build out name recognition for your business. A good way to do that is to sponsor a local sports team. There will no doubt be plenty of opportunities online many Little League organizations but you don't have to stop there. They could also be bowling leagues and adult softball teams to sponsor. Just be sure they spell your name right on the outfits! Give Away Promotional Gifts How many times are you stuck in traffic? Now think about the car in front of you. Do you read their bumper stickers? If you have a fun logo and bumper sticker for your company, then you could have advertising circulating all the time. A refrigerator magnet with your company logo or a clip to hang something will be something that your customers will see every time they make a trip to the refrigerator. Offer Free Consultation Not only should you be giving away free promotional materials but you should also offer some of your services for free in the form of a consultation. This set you up as the expert in your chosen field. For instance, a plumber might offer suggestions on their website blog about what to avoid putting down a garbage disposal. Obviously, this would prevent them from getting business but it spreads goodwill. Keep Your Business Clean Your most effective marketing tool is going to be positive word-of-mouth. That starts with the first impression your customer has of your business. If your business is cluttered with old promotional materials, manikins, display cases and other rubbish, then those customers are going to be turned off. All of that can easily be cleared away with one call to Junk King Salt Lake City. A team of capable movers will be dispatched to your business with a big truck. They're going to do all the lifting and loading for you. You'll get your business clean without lifting a finger! Let Junk King Salt Lake City help make your business spotless. Great Marketing Ideas For Your Start Up Business