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San Antonio Grill Disposal and Recycling

Given the choice, most folks would prefer their dinners grilled. Whether its steak, fish, chicken or ribs, cooking them on an outdoor BBQ is the best way to enjoy a wide range of flavors. You don’t have to travel far around San Antonio before you find a grill being fired up somewhere. Even if you’ve been grilling all your life, there are still probably some tips you might not even be aware of. Taking on any one of these helpful hints can completely change your grilling game. Top of the list would be the advice not to grill cold meat. Yes, we’re being constantly warned not to leave meat out on a countertop because that’s where bacteria grows. That certainly holds true when it comes to thawing meat but not necessarily with meat that you’re bringing to room temperature. The challenge is heating a piece of meat from the center out. How many times have you cut into a steak to find it too undercooked in the center? Warming up that meat before it goes on the grill increases your opportunity for a more thorough cooking. Preheating is also essential to a good BBQ. You have to preheat your oven so why not preheat your grill? Always start grilling with at your perfect temperature for the meat you’re cooking. There are many grillers who like to poke, prod and flip their food. This is only going to get in the way of locking in those amazing flavors. Sear first. This means setting your meat on the heat and letting it “flash brown.” Do this on both sides and around the edges (counts for chicken too!). Once your meat is sear, place it on your grate and let the heat work. In other words leave it alone for several minutes then flip. It doesn’t have to be that complicated. You also want to avoid fueling your fire with fat. Sure it’s fun to see the flames flare up and hear that sizzle as fat or excess marinade drops down from your meat. However, what you’re doing with that flare up is causing char. That’s going to ruin your dinner in a snap. And just like cooking indoors, give your meat a chance to rest between the grill and the plate. Open another bottle of wine while your steak “settles down.” Before any of this great grilling can begin you have to make sure you’ve got the best working BBQ. Leaving a grill outdoors year round means it’s going to take a beating. At some point, you have to surrender and buy a new grill. That’s a good thing! What else is a good thing is letting a team of professional junk haulers like Junk King San Antonio handle the task of old grill removal. They can load up your old grill and just about anything else you want to get rid of. Clearing out the clutter from your home and yard is a perfect way to start the summer.
San Antonio Grill Disposal and Recycling


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