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Storm Debris Cleanup in San Antonio

There’s never any telling what kind of damage a storm might leave behind. In a blink of an eye a crash of lightning could take out a power line plunging San Antonio into darkness. This happened a while back and left over 100,000 people without power several days. The question then becomes are you ready to survive a power outage? Here are some things to consider as a way of getting ready for a potential power outage. First of all, you want to make sure you've got a handy light source ready to go. This should mean a flashlight that is easy to grab. You don't want to be stumbling around the dark trying to remember where you put that flashlight. There are some great flashlights that can be mounted directly onto the wall that are both powered by batteries and recharged by electricity. Once you have that flashlight in hand you can search out other flashlights to distribute among any family members who are with you. It might be a good idea also to have a battery operated camping lamp that you can turn on. While you might have an inclination light some candles it's best to avoid striking a match in the dark when there is no power. The worst-case scenario would be a fire starting up and you not being able to call the fire department. While it is true that there's no telling just when a storm might strike that doesn't mean you can't always have some canned goods and stored water at the ready. If the power does go out you'll probably want to eat up any perishable items you have in your refrigerator while it's still a little bit cool. There are some smart folks who really prepare for the worst by having a backup generator. You'll tell who these are because they'll be the only ones in your neighborhood with the lights on! As soon as the power has been restored you might have some more things to contend with; namely all the storm debris that could be dumped in your yard. You can prepare for this by having the number for Junk King San Antonio ready to dial (1-888-888-JUNK). Junk King is a San Antonio company that specializes in junk removal of any kind. For their normal work week the Junk King San Antonio crew handles several scheduled appointments to remove anything from construction waste, old furniture, kitchen appliances or any other type of garbage that's too big for the weekly trash pickup. Junk King really gets to put their services to the test after a storm when they race out to remove all that storm debris. It doesn't matter to Junk King whether that debris includes fallen trees, shingles from a roof or even a wayward row boat they'll make sure it's taken away as quickly as possible. That is service you can count on!
Storm Debris Cleanup in San Antonio


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