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Waste Management in the Home

Are you aware that Americans are responsible for generating a massive 220 million tons of waste annually? Wow! This figure is certainly astounding and is far larger than any other nation worldwide.

Why Waste Management Shouldn't Be Neglected By The US GovernmentWaste Management

Due to these troubling figures the government in collaboration with several environmental organizations have developed numerous strategies, methods and policies in effort to provide solutions and alternatives as it relates to managing and reducing the huge number of waste generated within the United States.

To get more into detail when speaking about waste management it generally refers to all the activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. It also functions to provide alternative solutions for recycling items that don’t belong to trash.

Essentially this is done to encourage safe disposal of garbage as well as to avoid water contamination, pollution or any major health issues especially when dangerous and hazardous waste is involved.

Over time pollution has grown to become a very concerning and controversial issue worldwide especially since it poses serious threats to the public and to the environment. Extensive research and studies conducted have since been able to identify improper solid waste disposal as one of the main causes of pollution.

This unfortunate revelation has lead authorities to plead with the public to exercise safe disposal practices as well as to impose heavy penalties to violators as failure to do so can be very detrimental to the population and the planet collectively.

Another serious consequences of poor disposal practices is water contamination. When water is contaminated with foreign substances like chemicals, medical waste or fertilizers its chemical composition is altered making it harmful to use. This can be very dangerous to the public and can cause adverse health effects on significant portions of the population.

Discarding hazardous materials in toilets or drains can also lead to the interference of waste treatment processes and cause effluents that run into the ocean to be polluted resulting in harm to marine life. So again proper disposal of waste and waste products should be strictly emphasized to ensure safety.

Waste management is something that every individual, household and business owner globally should be involved in. With that said all people regardless of age are encouraged to promote and exercise all the necessary practices as it relates to proper garbage disposal in effort to contribute to keeping the environment clean and ensuring the health and safety of others.  Contact us for more information.

Waste Management in the Home


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