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Category Archives: Sonoma Appliance Disposal

Residential Junk Disposal – Attic Cleanout

Most homeowners do not venture into their attics as they are generally clustered, leaving little space. This is what makes residential junk disposal services so important. Finding ways to acquire additional storage space is the ideal answer.

Residential junk DisposalResidential Junk Disposal Is The Solution

Now that the holidays are approaching take time out to empty and clear your attic.  You will certainly need the extra space to store all your Christmas and Halloween decorations.  Do not allow the clutter to  contribute to increased stress levels as it takes control of your home.

Arranging your attic can be a complex process, and is not as easy a task when compared to sorting your garage or shed. Accessibility is the biggest problem in most homes.  Some places, attics are generally for low space but some can be very roomy. However, most attics are not easy to traverse as they have narrow entryways.  This creates a big challenge when arranging your attic space as you need to be able to pass stuff in and out without interference.

To sort your attic space, you would need to classify all your rubbish first. Evaluate what’s in your attic and decide what is of importance to be kept, and what is no longer necessary.  Be sensible, so you don’t keep items that you will not need in the future.  The aim of decluttering is to have more clearance for storage.

If shelving is a workable storage answer, then you have to install shelves so that you can have your items sorted efficiently.  However, if the space is cumbersome, you can acquire stackable storage containers.  There are simple to use and all your items will be organized while being protected.

Now, is the time to really organize your things, so that all similar items can go together.  You can then fill your storage containers while marking each one.  It’s a good idea to make a list of everything in the container and position it at the top.  This way it would be simple to distinguish what is in the container as soon as you remove the lid.

To keep things readily recognizable, you should employ labels and organize your containers in terms of preference of use.  For example, the container that contains the items that are used on a frequent basis should be placed close to the entrance of the attic.

Contact Junk King for all your residential disposal services.  Be assured that your junk will be disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. We are #1 at what we do and that is keeping California clean, and at the same time help you improve the health of your surroundings.

Improper Ewaste Disposal Can Be Deadly

‘E- Waste’ is the modernized term, that is commonly applied to unwanted,consumer electronic equipment. PC’s, printers, televisions, VCR’s, stereos, cell phones and the list goes on, can all be considered ‘e-waste’ once their shelf lives are completed and are thrown out. These electronics, may carry components of aluminum, copper, plastics, ferrous metals and other heavy or potentially toxic substances, known to pose serious threats to man, and the environment. It is therefore critical to keep in mind, when purchasing electronics, to only buy what you need ,reuse electronics that still work and lastly recycle unwanted electronics, all  in effort to reduce e-waste. If you are not sure about the process of recycling your electronics, you can refer back to your receipt, from your purchase of ‘covered’ electronic devices, where an E-Waste Disposal Fee facilitates this process.

Why Recycle E-Waste ResponsiblyImproper-Ewaste-Disposal-Can-Be-Deadly-junk-king-sonoma-CA

Incorrect disposal of e-waste is considered a very serious matter, as it leads to environmental pollution, which in turn harms human health. Recycling, is therefore the smartest and safest option in regards to dealing with e-waste.

Since e- waste is comprised of numerous components, it is hard to generalize material content and so, pinpointing any particular effect, repercussion or its cause will most definitely be a very complicated and problematic process.Therefore, to recycle, e- waste requires specialized equipment to process and extract materials. Since this is a delicate and meticulous process,all operations are effectuated within a controlled system, to ensure health and safety.

Recycling e-waste has its many advantages, one of which is conserving the earth’s natural resources. By recycling materials, new products are produced and in turn reduces the need to further extract raw materials from the earth. It can also prove useful in the conservation of landfill space, as e-waste is becoming a growing waste stream. Mining reduction,can also be  added to the list as this lowers greenhouse gas emissions, aiding in the reduction of pollution and its adverse effects on the environment.

Technology is described as a collection of techniques and processes, used in the production of goods and services or in the accomplishment of objectives. Since its conception, it has thus  been known to bring about a profound, global, change, socially and culturally. Nevertheless,the global demand for more and more advanced forms of technology is constantly increasing, resulting in a surge in E-Waste production. An estimated 50 million tons of E-waste are produced each year.In the USA alone, discards up to 30 million computers per year and over 100 million phones in Europe. This could soon become a major issue  for countries and citizens alike. Therefore e- waste recycling, should definitely be considered by all. It should be considered to ensure health and safety, the well being of the planet as well as to create sustainable and economic opportunities. Contact Junk King when you want to dispose safely.

Appliance Recycling: What you Need to Know

When it's time to replace your old household appliances with something a little newer, you need to figure out how you're going to go about getting rid of the old one. For this, you should definitely consider your appliance recycling options. As a matter of fact, appliance recycling should be the only option that you even think about when dumping your worn down old appliances. Here's why:

I like my old appliances, so why should I get rid of them in the first place?

You need to learn when it's time to recycle your appliances

Have you been clinging onto that old washing machine for dear life? If your old appliances are worn down beyond repair, then you should get rid of them. Period. if you're not sure, consult an expert's opinion.

Why you should recycle your old appliances

Most appliances can be recycled

Even appliances that aren't technically on the government's "must recycle" list can and should be recycled. Many non-recycling dumping sites won't even take appliances at all, so you're best bet is to have all of your old, useless appliance recycled.

Appliance recycling helps the environment and the economy

Old plastic, metal and chemicals that just sit around aren't exactly green, and producing new materials for a single appliance is expensive. As with anything else in this global economy that we live in, these material expenses will affect costs for many things. Appliance recycling allows you to avoid all of this, because your old stuff won't end up in a landfill, and their materials can be used instead of making new ones.

The disposal of many appliances is regulated by the government

This is the most important reason that you want to go with appliance recycling — instead of arbitrary dumping — when you're done with your old stuff. Many household appliances contain hazardous chemicals and dangerous parts; to make sure that they don't damage the environment or hurt anyone, the government has very specific regulations for how you can get rid of an appliance. Refrigerators, for example, contain "ozone depleting" chemicals that can damage the ozone layer.

To prevent these chemicals from getting the chance to do any damage, the federal government requires that you only dispose of a refrigerator at an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved site. California takes these requirements even further, as the state's Department of Toxic Substances Control says that you can't throw away any major appliances unless you're a certified appliance recycler. This means that recycling appliances is a must if you want to stay out of trouble with the law.

How to go about recycling your old household appliances

Now that you know why you've got to make appliance recycling a priority measure when getting rid of your appliances, it's time to look at how you can go about it.

You need to be careful when you're recycling appliances

Household appliances are big and dangerous. If you're not careful with them, then someone is likely to get hurt during the removal process.

Always hire a pro for your appliance recycling needs

Even if you have a team of people big and strong enough to lug a hefty fridge out of your house, you still need to have a truck — and a means — to load it and a place to take it to. When you rely on a professional appliance recycling service, all of this gets handled for you.

Treat your old appliances how you should

You must recycle your old appliances — the right way. When it's time to start the appliance recycling process, contact us at Junk King, and we'll gladly help.

DIY Junk Disposal Versus Hiring a Professional Junk Removal Service

DIY Junk Disposal Versus Hiring a Professional Junk Removal Service Junk-King SonomaWhy do so many people continue to call Junk King after trying us for the first time? Because they discover that junk removal service is not only easier and faster, it’s also more safer and more cost-efficient than the DIY route.

Before you start calling friends with pickups and owing them favors, consider the reasons why professional junk removal service exists in the first place. Most people just don’t have the time or energy to successfully pull off a DIY cleanout. Here’s why:

Time: What’s It Worth to You?

What would you rather be doing? Professional junk removal protects your free time. Whether that’s rock climbing or binge watching, you probably don’t envision the perfect weekend consisting of lifting, dragging, carrying, and driving all over Sonoma to various drop-off sites. Not only does Junk King get the job done quickly, but we also stay on top of appointment scheduling so you aren’t stuck waiting for us.

Stress Levels: Is DIY Worth It?

Sure, a little spring cleaning makes a fun weekend project. When you have heavy items or bulk loads of trash, however, DIY junk removal quickly turns into a stressful, sweaty, shouting match among friends and family.

At Junk King, we do this for a living. Just like some DIY projects are better left to professional electricians, plumbers, and handymen, a big junk removal project calls for expertise. You’ll thank yourself while enjoying your weekend freely.

Cost: DIY Is Not Free!

Trash bags, boxes, hospitals bills, torn vehicle upholstery… small and large costs really pile up when you try to haul junk yourself.

Some of our customers say that they shied away from hiring junk removal service for years because they wanted to avoid the cost. After trying Junk King, they realize that the money is more than well spent. We’re so efficient that we keep our costs down. Heck, just the gas you might burn driving back and forth to the dump could cost almost as much.

Difficulty: Are You Really Up for Junk Removal?

Remember getting in over your head the time you decided not to hire movers? The same thing happens with junk hauling.

After a few hours of carrying furniture, pivoting sofas down flights of stairs, or lugging renovation debris, you will find yourself spent. That’s when injuries become more likely, and at the very least you might be exhausted for days afterward. When you hire a junk removal service team, we bring the manpower and experience to do the hauling more quickly and easily.

Environmental Impact: Junk King Is Greener

Junk King’s fleet features many green vehicles, and we also cut down on fuel emissions by hauling the load in one trip. DIY junk removal often entails a neverending succession of trips to different dumps and drop-off centers because each site may only accept certain kinds of items.

Junk removal service also leverages our wide access to industrial recycling centers and charitable donation centers. More stuff gets reused or repurposed, drastically lowering the carbon footprint of your project.

Still not convinced? Ask Junk King for a free quote and then take a gander at the pile of trash you need removed. We’ll be there to haul it away — so you don’t have to.a

Make Your Life Easier With A Junk Removal Service


Make Your Life Easier With A Junk Removal Service Junk King SonomaThe idea of a clean and decluttered space sounds great, but a lot of hard work and logistical problems stand in the way. If you’ve never tried junk removal services, you may not realize just how much easier junk removal can be!

One Simple Junk Removal Solution

If you’re weighing options to get rid of bulky items or piles of debris, know that you have one simple solution that will completely take the stress and trouble off your shoulders. Here’s how Junk King has been making life easier for people and businesses around Marin and Sonoma:

Save yourself trips!

Getting rid of junk yourself requires a lot of trips to different drop-off centers and donation sites. That’s a lot of wasted gasoline, and countless wasted hours. Junk removal services can get it all done in one trip — including sending your different kinds of junk to the right recycling centers and charities.

Instead of driving all over the Bay Area to find different disposal methods or waiting around for charities to come pick up your stuff on their schedule, you can call Junk King to clear out all your garbage, debris, and bulk items in one truckload.

Take back your weekend!

Think of the junk removal team as some friends (with muscles and trucks) who can help you out with your big project. Get it done faster, and you’ll have more time to enjoy the weekend!

By the time the weekend rolls around, wouldn’t you rather be sipping some wine or out hiking the trails? Junk removal pros can swoop in to save the day — and your precious free time — so you can say goodbye to the garbage and move forward with your weekend.

Reduce stress!

Junk removal helps reduce stress during some of life’s more difficult moments. Keep Junk King in mind the next time you have a clean-up project that creates unwanted stress:

  • Estate cleanouts
  • Flood damaged items
  • Room, attic, and basement cleanouts
  • Remodeling debris clean-up

Streamline your rental property!

If you deal with tenants, you know that they leave behind massive amounts of garbage all too often. For both commercial properties and residential rentals, Junk King can be your partner who smoothes the transition between tenants.

Call us for junk removal when tenants move out, and we can remove trash piles, discarded furniture, broken electronics, office furniture and equipment, or anything else left behind. That giant tube TV your renter left? The boxes of old paperwork sitting in the office space? Get a junk removal team to haul it away.

Property managers who partner with Junk King can tout an eco-friendly commitment, too. Junk King operates with a fleet of green vehicles and recycles everything we can.

Easy scheduling!

With Junk King, you can make an appointment and we’ll stick to it. No more waiting for the doorbell or interrupting your schedule!

Book online or by phone, and Junk King will honor your appointment — and we call 15 minutes before we arrive just to confirm. There really isn’t a more convenient way to get rid of bulk trash and debris. It’s as easy as making one appointment with Junk King!

E Waste Recycling In Sonoma County

E Waste Recycling In Sonoma CountyOne novel approach to taking care of e-waste is what happened recently at a event sponsored by the local Sonoma government: All the stuff was put out for people to take if they wanted to. Whatever was left over at the end of the day was carted off to a recycling center. That might seem like a good idea on paper but it is really just “kicking the can down the road” or in this case “kicking the laptop.” If the stuff that was collected was out of date or didn’t work it’s not going to do anybody any good. The result of this event was six dumpsters full of e-waste still left over at the end of the day. You have to wonder if anything that was taken will end up back at next year’s swap meet. A much more efficient approach would be to simply hire Junk King Sonoma.

Junk King are the Sonoma County professional junk haulers who specialize in e-waste removal. It’s part of their overall eco-friendly philosophy. Since their inception as a business, Junk King has always gone green. In fact, up to 60% of everything they’ve every collected is recycled. That’s not just e-waste but things like old furniture, wood, concrete, scrap metal and even dirt. If you have piles of junk you want to get rid of you don’t have to bother sorting what should and shouldn’t be recycled. The Junk King crews have all been trained to recognize those pieces which can be reused. Junk King’s recycling program also means dropping off certain pieces to local charity to see if they can be refurbished and given to those in need.

Of course, most people like using Junk King because they don’t have to do any work. No lifting, no loading, no hauling. The Junk King crew handles all of that. Do you really have several hours in your busy schedule to devote to renting a truck, loading it up and then driving to a proper dump site? All the time Junk King needs is for the actually removal. Once that is done, you’re free to go about your business.

When it comes to pricing policies, Junk King Sonoma can’t be beat there either. Unlike other so-called professional haulers, Junk King is only going to charge you a single fee based on volume. That would be the volume of your junk on the back of their truck. It’s going to be packed in pretty tight in order for the crew to make a bunch of stops so you’re sure to get a good deal every time. Call Junk King today to handle your e-waste and junk recycling the right way!

Sonoma Old TV Disposal

get rid of old televisionAre you ready for football season? You’ve got your home team jersey, your schedule, your best nacho recipe and your fantasy league all fired up and ready to go. What you might be missing is a decent television to watch the games on. Maybe this is the year that you’re finally going to break down and get that big screen flat TV. There has never been a better time to buy a TV like this. Back when flat screens first came onto the market the average cost for a decent set started around $10,000. Not you can get an amazing TV at a fraction of that cost. Plug in the surround sound system and you’re good to go not only for football but for movies, too! Since you spend a lot of time with your television don’t you deserve to have the best quality picture and sound?

A good approach to buying a new flat screen would be to head out to your local appliance store and check out the stock. See which TV had a good picture and is the size that you want. Then take note of the make and model. With the right app, you could scan the tag on the in-store television and find a cheaper price. Show that to the store you’re in and they’ll probably match it. If not, get home and log onto the Internet. You might find an amazing deal on Amazon for the same TV you saw in the store.

While you’re waiting for your new screen to ship, you have the time to call up Junk King for a Television Disposal appointment. This is not something you want to stick in a spare room or down the basement. If you’re never going to plug that old TV set in why hold onto it? Of course, you can’t throw it out with the trash because along with computers and office equipment a television is considered e-waste. That means it has to be properly disposed of at a certified recycling center. When you hire Junk King Sonoma that is just where you’re old TV will wind up.

The Junk King crew who will show up for your removal appointment will have no problem loading up your old set onto the back of their truck. When that is done you can also turn over any other unwanted bulky item to them. This is your shot to finally clear out your closets and garage of all the clutter. Give it all to Junk King Sonoma and let it be gone from your life for good!

Sonoma County Appliance Disposal

Old Appliance DisposalSpring isn’t the only time for a big cleanup. Recently, 371 Sonoma County volunteers turned up for the 29th Annual Fall California Coastal Cleanup Day. At the end of the day, they had amassed an amazing 4,366 pounds of trash. Yes, for those who know their weights and measures that would be two tons of garbage!

“Sonoma did great,” commented Eben Schwartz, marine debris program manager for the California Coastal Commission. “They cleaned up 50 miles of coastline, which is about all of it.”

It was a wet and blustery morning but that didn’t keep these dedicated folks away. All across the state there were over 51,000 volunteers who picked up a total of 471,000 pounds of trash. Let’s hope the coast stays so clean that they won’t have to pick up any more trash.

How much do you think your trash weighs? Sure you might have a weekly amount of several dozen pounds but what about the bigger items? Suppose you want to toss out an old stove or fridge you’re replacing? Clearly, you’re going to need a big truck and some strong movers. That’s just what you’ll be getting when you hire Junk King Sonoma.

As part of a national franchise of professional junk haulers, Junk King Sonoma is happy to help homeowners and business owners clear out whatever they need to be removed from your home! They won’t have a problem loading up those kitchen appliances. The same can be said for bulky pieces of furniture, mattresses and electronic waste. Everything will get packed onto the back of the Junk King truck by the crew and you won’t have to do a thing except point to what you want removed.

In terms of pricing, Junk King Sonoma has the competition beat. They’re only going to charge you a flat fee based on the amount of room your junk takes up on the truck. That’s an estimate you’ll agree to before anything is loaded. If it turns out your stuff takes up more space, you’re not going to be charged any extra. If it takes up less space, you could see a refund coming your way. Try to get a deal like that anywhere else. You can’t!

Junk King likes to work fast. That’s why you can often call up in the morning and have your junk gone by lunchtime. This beats driving it around yourself and looking for a dumpsite. Speaking of dumpsites, Junk King is going to do everything within its power to make sure the majority of what you’re throwing out will be recycled. This makes them a company that is good for Sonoma and good for you. Call them today to set up your junk removal appointment!

Junk King Sonoma
1364 N. McDowell Blvd Ste 8
Petaluma, CA 94954
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Sonoma area, including:

Glen Ellen
Rohnert Park
Santa Rosa
and these nearby zip codes:
94926, 94927, 94928, 94931, 94951, 94952, 94953, 94954, 94955, 94975, 94999, 95401, 95402, 95403, 95404, 95405, 95406, 95407, 95409, 95412, 95425, 95439, 95441, 95442, 95444, 95448, 95452, 95472, 95473, 95476, 95492