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Tag Archives: Furniture Disposal

How to Easily and Effectively Recycle Furniture in South San Francisco

If you look at the different furniture items in your home, chances are that the different chairs, sofas, couches, beds, cabinets, and other articles are all made from a diverse array of materials.


Furniture today is usually made of several different raw materials, including wood, leather, synthetic fibers and fabrics, plastics, metals, and more. While this diversity of materials certainly makes it relatively easy for interior designers to find the best materials for different home designs, it can pose a challenge for easy recycling when your furniture eventually does reach the end of its life. 

furniture removal guide group 2

Below, we take a look at the easiest, most effective, and most environmentally friendly way to get rid of your used furniture items. We then explain why every homeowner, resident, or business owner in the Bay Area should consider calling Junk King of South San Francisco for all their furniture recycling needs. 


The General Rule of Thumb for Furniture Recycling in South San Francisco  

hot tub disposal south san francisco

As a general rule of thumb, furniture recycling should follow the following formula:

  1. First, attempt to repair the furniture item if it is salvageable. Many older furniture items will be solidly built and might last another lifetime (or two) if a bit of repair work is done. For example, most furniture today is made from plywood and other types of thin engineered wood. Older couches and chairs, however, were more likely to be made from solid wood. Though you may need to reupholster or add a new fabric lining, the “core” of older furniture might last for several more decades due to its superior craftsmanship. 
  2. Donate older furniture items if they´re still in decent shape. There are most likely thousands of underprivileged families living nearby your place of residence who would benefit from decent used furniture. The average price of a mid-range bed is somewhere between $500 and $1,500 according to The Sleep Foundation. For families living from paycheck to paycheck, affording a new bed, dining room set, or couch is often outside of their financial possibilities. There are dozens of different thrift stores, non-profit organizations, and other charities that might be able to help you donate your used furniture to families in need. In South San Francisco, for example, The Salvation Army, Remoov, and Goodwill are just a few options where you might be able to take your used furniture to be donated or resold for a bargain price. 
  3. Recycle your used furniture as bulk waste as a last resort. Lastly, if your older furniture items are too worn or threadbare to be either repaired or donated, you can take your used furniture items to a bulk waste recycling center. Fortunately, furniture manufacturing companies around the country are attempting to achieve their sustainability goals by using recycled materials in their products and manufacturing furniture items that are easier to be recycled when the product is no longer useful. For that reason, many bulk waste recycling centers will be able to effectively break down the different materials in any given furniture item for recycling. In a typical couch, for example, polypropylene foams, wood or steel bases, and even the fabrics or textiles can also be taken apart and recycled instead of sent to the dump. 


Again, the rule of thumb for dealing with used furniture in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner goes like this: Repair if possible, donate if feasible, and recycle as a last resort. However, how exactly can a 70 year old person living on the 5th floor of an apartment building effectively get rid of their used furniture?


If you don’t have a heavy duty pickup truck for hauling your used furniture, of if you don’t have the strength or patience to try and haul a heavy, bulky bed out to the curb for pickup, what might be the easiest way to easily and effectively recycle your used furniture items? 



Easy and Efficient Furniture Recycling in South San Francisco with Junk King

dumpster-rental-South San Francisco


Junk King of South San Francisco is the best option for furniture recycling in the Bay Area. We are proud to be South San Francisco´s top-rated junk removal company. We know that many businesses and residents in South San Francisco simply don’t have the time to haul their heavy used furniture items to a recycling facility, thrift store, or other drop-off center. We believe wholeheartedly that everyone should have an easy and straightforward way to get rid of their used furniture in an environmentally friendly manner. 


If you don’t have a practical way to fix, donate, or recycle your used couches, beds, dining room sets, or other pieces of furniture, consider calling Junk King of South San Francisco. We are proud to be the number one rated junk removal service, providing superior value, service and effort to the customers we serve. If you live in South San Francisco, Junk King can help you comply with all the relevant recycling and trash removal laws and ordinances for your bulky junk items. 


full service junk removal


We are also proud to support the recycling initiatives and ordinances that are helping to make San Francisco one of the greenest (if not the greenest) city in North America. Over years of operation, we have developed a network of connections with certified recycling centers, donation and thrift shops, and other businesses and charities. This allows us to ensure that the used furniture items you throw away get a chance at “another life” instead of being sent to our already over-burdened landfills. 


For individuals, homeowners, and business owners located in Brisbane, Burlingame, Daly City, El Granada, Half Moon Bay, Millbrae, Montara, Moss Beach, Pacifica, San Bruno, San Mateo, or other parts of South San Francisco, Junk King is the best junk removal company to help you efficiently and responsible get rid of your used furniture items.


We are proud to say that at least 60 percent of all the trash and junk we collect at each site is either recycled, reused, or repurposed. With used furniture items, that figure is generally much higher. Our furniture donation and recycling services gives individuals and business owners a way to get rid of their used furniture items while also having a positive impact on the environment and their local community. 


How to Contract Junk King South San Francisco for your Furniture Recycling Needs 


If you have used furniture items that you want to donate or recycle, you can schedule your next junk removal appointment with Junk King South San Francisco by simply calling 1-888-888-JUNK. We believe in fair and transparent pricing, and thus make every effort to offer live, on-site pricing, especially for larger jobs.


By actually visiting the site and seeing the furniture items you need hauled away, we can offer you an accurate price for the job. Our on-site price assessment is free and comes with no obligations to hire us. You can also text us a photo of the furniture items that you need removed at 737-888-5865, and we will text you back a price estimate. 

Free Junk Removal Price Estimator


Lastly, we also offer an efficient pricing estimate online. Just follow the link on the “Pricing” tab on our website, scroll to pricing estimator, enter your zip code, and choose estimate “By List Item” or “By Truckload.” We offer a $20 rebate for hiring us online. 


No matter how you choose to contact us, we here at Junk King South San Francisco guarantee to outcompete any written estimate. As a junk removal company that is licensed, insured, and is fully committed to running a recycling-based operation, we also are amazingly able to offer the most competitive (and transparent) pricing for all our junk removal services in the South San Francisco area. Call us today to get rid of your used furniture in an efficient and environmentally responsible way!

The Challenges of Bulky Item Pickup in South San Francisco

Bulky item Pickup


Did you know that the total amount of municipal solid waste discarded into landfills in the state of California amounted to around 40 million metric tons in 2019? Despite the fact that the Golden State has one of the highest recycling rates in the country, the amount of trash that ends up in our landfills has actually been increasing over the past decade. Local governments, small businesses, individuals, and private junk removal companies have all played an important role in attempting to reduce our collective waste footprint. Today, almost every town and city in California have some sort of recycling program available to residents, homeowners and business owners.


Unfortunately, despite relatively easy access to these programs, the recycling rate in the State has actually decreased from 50 percent to the current 44 percent (2018 statistics). Though our State-wide recycling rate remains above the national average 34.7 percent, the recycling rate is well below the state’s 2020 goal of 75 percent.


One of the reasons that more trash is ending up in landfills instead of being recycled is due to the large influx of bulky waste items entering the waste stream. Throwing your junk mail and empty milk cartons into the recycle bin is a relatively easy and straightforward way to recycle. When it comes to getting rid of large couches, appliances, carpeting, or other bulky materials, recycling these items is significantly more difficult for the average person.


Bulky waste is defined as any waste that you cannot fit into a bin or bag for regular trash pickup. From freezers that no longer function correctly, to old beds and mattresses that are collecting dust in your attic, to large amounts of construction debris that results from a whole-home remodel, people and businesses in South San Francisco predictably generate large amounts of bulky waste that can be hard to get rid of. Below, offer a quick overview of some of the challenges that come with getting rid of bulky waste items. We then explain why Junk King of South San Francisco is the best option to help you with all your bulky item pickups.


full service junk removal



Challenges with Bulky Item Waste Removal in South San Francisco


Junk King South San Francisco serviceman on a filled truck removing bulk Items


When your old refrigerator suddenly decides to die, or your cat has scratched a sofa beyond repair, getting rid of those old items is the first step in upgrading to newer items. For many individuals, however, the process of getting rid of bulky items can be significantly complicated. Some of the challenges that individuals, homeowners, and business owners might face in getting rid of bulky waste items include:


  • The threat of fines: For many people, the easiest way to get rid of a bulky item is to simply send it to the curb with the rest of the trash. However, this could lead you into legal problems. According to San Francisco´s Department of Public Works, “It is illegal to leave furniture or appliances on the sidewalk. Sidewalk Dumping can result in citations and fines unless you have a scheduled pick up from a licensed hauler or donation facility.”


  • The process of actually moving the bulky waste item: Throughout the Bay Area, most bulky waste item collection is a free service that is offered to all residents at no additional charge by the local waste removal company. However, this service does not include the actual process of hauling your bulky junk items to wherever trash pickup occurs. For elderly residents, people who live in apartments on upper stories, or for people who simply don’t have the time to move their old junk, this service is not of much use.


  • The challenge of treated wood: Much of the older furniture and other types of construction and demolition (C&D) debris that people want to get rid of may be treated with certain chemicals. According to a recent state law change, as of December 31st, 2020, “all refuse disposal and recycling facilities (of any type) no longer can legally accept treated wood waste…As a result, until further notice, treated waste wood is not eligible for collection or disposal at the San Francisco facilities.” These changes to the California Health and Safety Code make it even harder for people to get rid of certain types of bulky waste materials.


  • The difficulties in finding reputable donation and recycle centers: Many people may want to donate or recycle their bulky junk items. Old furniture can be renovated and many older appliances may have several years of life left in them. However, many private junk removal companies may simply take your bulky waste items directly to the local landfill. If you don’t have your own truck for hauling, ensuring that your used bulky items are either donated or recycled can be difficult.


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Why Choose Junk King of South San Francisco?


Junk King truck filled with waste


For all your bulky item pickup needs, Junk King of South San Francisco takes seriously their commitment to reducing the amount of waste ending up in local landfills. For individuals, homeowners, and business owners located in Brisbane, Burlingame, Daly City, El Granada, Half Moon Bay, Millbrae, Montara, Moss Beach, Pacifica, San Bruno, San Mateo, or other parts of South San Francisco, Junk King is the best junk removal company to help you deal with your bulky junk item. Not only do we offer appliance and furniture disposal, electronic waste recycling, bulky junk item removal, yard debris removal, and hot tub disposal, but we also do all of the heavy lifting and hauling for our clients. As long as your bulky waste it is not classified as toxic waste, we can help you remove the junk you have stored in your home or business.


Furthermore, we here at Junk King of South San Francisco are proud to say that at least 60 percent of all the trash and junk we collect at each site is either recycled, reused, or repurposed. Over the years of being in the junk removal business, we have developed an extensive network of connections with recycling centers, donation centers, thrift stores, and other business that ensure that your bulky junk items stay out of our already over-crowded landfills.


Free Junk Removal Price Estimator


How to Contract Junk King South San Francisco


If you are ready to free up some space in your home or business, you can schedule your next bulky junk removal appointment with Junk King South San Francisco by simply calling 1-888-888-JUNK. We believe in fair and transparent pricing, and thus make every effort to offer live, on-site pricing, especially for larger jobs. By actually visiting the site and seeing the junk you need hauled away, we can offer you an accurate price for the job. Our on-site price assessment is free and comes with no obligations to hire us. You can also text us a photo of the junk or trash items that you need removed at 737-888-5865, and we will text you back a price estimate.


Lastly, we also offer an efficient pricing estimate online. Just follow the link on the “Pricing” tab on our website, scroll to pricing estimator, enter your zip code, and choose estimate “By List Item” or “By Truckload.” We offer a $20 rebate for hiring us online.


No matter how you choose to contact us, we here at Junk King South San Francisco guarantee to outcompete any written estimate. As a junk removal company that is licensed, insured, and is fully committed to running a recycling-based operation, we also are amazingly able to offer the most competitive (and transparent) pricing for junk removal services in the South San Francisco area.


Ready To Book? Click & Save $20!

Junk in Numbers: Bulk Item Pickup in South San Francisco

In southern California, just outside of Los Angeles, a 500 foot mountain rises above the surrounding landscape. This mountain, however, wasn’t formed by the movement of tectonic plates or millennia-old glaciers. Rather, this hill is actually one of the largest landfills in the United States. The Puente Hills Landfill covers an astounding 700 acres and raises at least 500 feet (150 meters) into the air. The landfill was operational for 8 years, from 2005 to 2013, and accepted an estimated four million tons of waste. In just eight years, then, our consumer habits and the resulting streams of waste were able to create a massive mountain of junk that fundamentally changed the local landscape. 

Bulk Items loaded on a Junk King truck

The statistics behind the waste we create are staggering. Consider the following: 

  • The average person in the United States creates upwards of 4.9 pounds of trash per person per day; 
  • The total generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) in 2018 was 292.4 million tons
  • Of that total, nearly 35 million tons of MSW (11.8 percent) were combusted with energy recovery and more than 146 million tons of MSW (50 percent) were landfilled; 
  • Less than one-third of our municipal solid waste is recycled, and that number is projected to DECREASE in coming years; 
  • Around 600 million tons of construction and demolition (C&D) debris were generated in the United States in 2018, which is more than twice the amount of generated municipal solid waste.
  • Demolition represents more than 90 percent of total C&D debris generation, while construction represents less than 10 percent.

bulk item and trash removal

To deal with these enormously large waste streams, the junk removal industry is continuing to grow at a surprising rate. Today, the junk removal industry, which includes junk moving, hauling, and packaging, is a $10 billion industry a year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Unfortunately, many of the private junk removal companies have a limited focus on recycling or donating the junk that they pick up. To maximize the efficiency and profit margins of their businesses, many of these businesses simply haul junk directly to the nearest landfill. 

According to one recent study, the United States is at serious risk of running out of sufficient landfill space within the next two decades. Increasing our recycling rate, repurposing old junk items, donating usable items, and other strategies to keep waste out of the landfills will all be of extreme importance in the coming years. 

Unfortunately, a recent poll from the Pew Research Center found that around one-quarter of the U.S. population does not have access to curbside recycling programs. For large bulky items, however, recycling can be significantly more challenging as many municipal recycling programs will not offer regular pickup of couches, construction debris, large appliances, and other bulky junk items. 

Free Construction Debris Removal Guide

Private junk removal businesses, then, should play a central role in filling this gap within the waste management industry. There are an estimated 7,000 junk removal companies operating in about 14,000 locations. If these companies took seriously the challenge to increase the amount of junk that is either recycled, donated, repurposed, or “upcycled,” an enormous amount of waste could be diverted from local landfills. 

Junk King of South San Francisco is one example of a full-service junk removal company that takes seriously their commitment to reducing the amount of waste ending up in local landfills. David Meacham, the owner of Junk King of South San Francisco says that: “Our team of crew members that we’ve built here are dedicated to helping South San Francisco reduce its environmental footprint and help people lift that metaphorical weight of their clutter off their shoulders.”

Hiring Junk King for Bulk Item Pickup

Here at   , we offer the number one rated junk removal service, providing superior value, service and effort to the customers we serve. If you live in South San Francisco, Junk King can help you comply with recycling and trash removal laws and ordinances. While some people might think that this service will end up costing you an arm and a leg, we have competitive prices that make it easy and affordable to get rid of your bulky junk items or bulk item pickup. 

Furthermore, we here Junk King South San Francisco support the recycling initiatives and ordinances that are helping to make San Francisco one of the greenest (if not the greenest) city in North America. We have several connections with certified recycling centers, donation and thrift shops, and other businesses to ensure that the junk we haul away gets a chance at “another life.” 

We understand that accumulating junk is a problem that almost everyone experiences at some time in your life. Whether you are downsizing to a smaller home or simply want to free up some space in your garage of basement, our junk removal professionals can help you get rid of your unwanted junk in an environmentally responsible way. We also offer a commercial junk removal service for businesses within the South San Francisco community. 

commercial junk removal services

For individuals, homeowners, and business owners located in Brisbane, Burlingame, Daly City, El Granada, Half Moon Bay, Millbrae, Montara, Moss Beach, Pacifica, San Bruno, San Mateo, or other parts of South San Francisco, Junk King is the best junk removal company to help you deal with your bulk junk. We offer appliance and furniture disposal, electronic waste recycling, bulky junk item removal, yard debris removal, hot tub disposal, and much more. As long as it is not classified as toxic waste, we can help you remove the junk you have stored in your home or business. 

Unlike other junk removal services who simply drive your trash to the nearest landfill, we make a sincere effort to recycle or donate as much as possible. Our mission is to ensure that at least 60 percent of all the trash and junk we collect at each site is either recycled, reused, or repurposed. Our company is here to ensure that individuals and businesses can get rid of their excess junk while also having a positive impact on the environment, and their local community. 

How to Contract Junk King South San Francisco

If you are ready to free up some space in your home or business, you can schedule your next junk removal appointment with Junk King South San Francisco by simply calling 1-888-888-JUNK. We believe in fair and transparent pricing, and thus make every effort to offer live, on-site pricing, especially for larger jobs. By actually visiting the site and seeing the junk you need hauled away, we can offer you an accurate price for the job. Our on-site price assessment is free and comes with no obligations to hire us. You can also text us a photo of the junk or trash items that you need removed at 737-888-5865, and we will text you back a price estimate. 

Lastly, we also offer an efficient pricing estimate online. Just follow the link on the “Pricing” tab on our website, scroll to pricing estimator, enter your zip code, and choose estimate “By List Item” or “By Truckload.” We offer a $20 rebate for hiring us online. 

No matter how you choose to contact us, we here at Junk King South San Francisco guarantee to outcompete any written estimate. As a junk removal company that is licensed, insured, and is fully committed to running a recycling-based operation, we also are amazingly able to offer the most competitive (and transparent) pricing for junk removal services in the South San Francisco area. 

Contact Us


Junk King South San Francisco
171 Industrial Way
Brisbane, CA 94005
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-4P, Su: 8A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the South San Francisco area, including:

Daly City
El Granada
Half Moon Bay
Moss Beach
San Bruno
San Mateo
South San Francisco
and these nearby zip codes:
94010, 94014, 94015, 94018, 94019, 94030, 94037, 94038, 94044, 94066, 94080, 94083, 94096, 94401, 94402, 94403, 94404