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Manteca CA Junk Removal

A trial recently got underway in California that could end in a major cleanup effort. Ten cities, including Manteca, are suing paint manufacturers to collect upwards of $1 billion to remove lead paint from older homes. The cities claim that the paint was sold despite the manufacturers knowing of the potential risks. The ban on lead paint in California goes back to 1978 but there are still many homes that have lead paint issues. This particular lawsuit has spent the last 13 years winding its way through the courts until finally landing a a trial. So, if you have a billion dollars how clean could you get your home? Chances are with that kind of cash you'd probably move out before cleaning up. Until you win the Powerball there is always Junk King Stockton standing by to help with your home cleanup. Junk King are the experts in junk removal arena. They won't be mopping floors or cleaning windows but what they can do is remove all the junk that has piled up around your place over the years. In terms of a clean home that is going to make a huge difference. What can you get rid of when you hire Junk King? Just name it. Folks in the Manteca area have already hired Junk King Stockton to remove such bulky items as old hot tubs, swing sets, wood sheds, patio furniture and construction waste. And that is just in the backyard! If you turn Junk King loose in your home and garage you're going to be amazed at how much space you can take back from all your stuff. Now is the chance to finally get rid of all your unused sofas, loveseats, tables, appliances and boxes of junk. Don't think for a moment that you'll have to lift any of those things. That's why you're hiring Junk King! The JK crew will pick up whatever you want tossed out from wherever it happens to be "living." The next question becomes what will you do with all the space? Set up a spare bedroom? Install a home office? Have an arts and craft room? There is no limit to what you can accomplish once you get all the junk taken away. In terms of customer service, Junk King STockton stands far above the other so-called haulers. This is because they are part of a national franchise and have strict standards to follow. Don't think that makes a difference? Check out all the positive reviews on Facebook and Yelp and you'll see that this branch of Junk King is living up to those standards. Don't let another week go by surrounded by junk. Call Junk King today and wave good-bye to all your junk.
Manteca CA Junk Removal


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