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Tips For Senior Proofing Your Home

The older we get the more likely it becomes that we succumb to an accident around the house. That is why proofing a home is vital for anyone who is beginning to show signs of struggles with walking and coordination. That might apply to you or your parents. Here are some good tips to keep in mind for senior proofing any home. family-room-382150_960_720 What To Avoid Senior proofing begins with adapting to new conditions. These are minor changes that don't really interfere with the quality of life but can go a long way towards keeping things safe. For instance, you should stop using wax on floors to clean them. Instead of socks, you should wear slippers with a gripping tread. Any scatter rugs placed throughout the house should be tacked down or removed altogether. The idea of climbing on a ladder or chair to change a light bulb should be discouraged. There should never be any smoking in bed. When it comes to getting in and out of bed as well as chairs, take your time. Don't rush to stand up and make sure you got your balance before moving forward. In The Bathroom A nightlight is a great addition to a bathroom. The same can be said for any railings installed in the tub or shower. It will be helpful to make sure the water heater is set at 120° or below. There should always be bath mats on the floor and nonslip skids in the tub. Around The Kitchen It will be helpful in the kitchen to organize the cabinets so that heavy objects are stored at waist level as opposed to up above in a cabinet. Anytime you can buy an appliance that has an automatic shut off like a teakettle it is a good move to make. Like other areas in the house, the kitchen should be kept clean of clutter and well illuminated. Drug Safety There could be a lot of medications in the house that need to be taken on a regular basis. It's always a good idea to sort the pills for a week in special pill containers. That way there should be no confusion as to what day and when you should be taking those medications. It's also important to make sure the expiration dates on those prescriptions have an expired. Overall, the best thing you can do for senior proofing is to make sure there are no obstacles on the pathways from room to room. It might help to have a complete decluttering session. A company like Junk King Chicago West can be a big help with that task. They'll dispatch a pair of capable movers who will do all the lifting and loading. That's a great benefit to be sure! All you have to do is designate what you want taken away. Senior proofing starts with decluttering. Junk King Chicago West can help you de-clutter your home and make it safe from top to bottom.
Tips For Senior Proofing Your Home


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