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Best Ways To Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome Around The House

If your kid has gone off to college for the first time, then there has definitely been a major change around the house. You might be distracted if you have other kids still going to school. But if this was an only child, then it's not uncommon to feel empty nest syndrome. Here are some of the best ways to cope with that situation: bed-frame Give Yourself Permission to Feel Sad Your friends might offer words of encouragement after your kid has gone off to college. They may see that your set and remind you of how much free time you have and that you can go on a vacation as a couple. That's all very true but it doesn't mean you have to pretend that you're feeling happy. It's totally normal to be sad in those first couple weeks. Allow yourself the time to be depressed. Take the Opportunity To Expand If you were to write out a list of all the important roles you play in life, then what would be on that list? It might include things like coach, volunteer, business owner, coworker, sibling or friend. Those are all significant roles that you can expand once your child goes away to college. You're already good at those things. Now is your chance to be even better! Avoid Clinging Modern technology has made it a lot easier to staying contact with your college student. But a nightly Skype session isn't doing them any favors. In fact, getting overly involved in your college student's life might increase their own anxiety. They will still be reaching out to you when they want to talk. Try to fight back the urge to constantly check in even if it's with a text or email. They have a lot of discovery to do on their own and this is exactly what you prepare them for. Don't Rush To Remake Your Surroundings If your kid is just starting college away from home, then it's a safe bet they'll be coming back and forth over the next four years. This means you should convert their room into a yoga studio just yet. However, you can certainly get rid of excess clutter. This is a great time to finally clear out your closets and garage of all the unwanted things that have been piling up over the years. Instead of renting your own truck to haul that stuff away you can turn that job over to Junk King Cincinnati. They will provide a team of movers and a truck big enough to hold whatever it is you want carted off. You'll feel a lot better around the house once all your junk is removed thanks to Junk King Cincinnati.
Best Ways To Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome Around The House


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