Stay Organized Around The House With These Terrific Tips Are you tired of being surrounded by clutter? Then find a day that you can dedicate to organizing your home. That's the first step. The rest can fall into place when you use these terrific organizing tips around the house. In The Kitchen The kitchen is a very popular area for clutter. Start with the utensil drawer. Take everything out and toss out the things that are broken or beyond being cleaned. Wipe the drawer down then put in a flatware holder or drawer separator so that all your utensils aren't bunched up in a tangled pile. Move on to your junk drawer. We all have one that is full of keys, screws, rubber bands, take out menus and other debris. These can also be organized into small Tupperware containers. If you can find a purpose for something in that drawer, then toss it out. Make sure all those menus are still from restaurants that are open! Go through your pantry cabinets and toss out anything that has been expired. Everything comes with a date these days and so it's easy to know what should be trashed. Once you've removed everything you have a chance for reorganizing. Canned goods should be on one shelf and dry goods on another. Take the same approach on the inside a refrigerator to freshen that up as well. In The Home Office You should create a binder or folder that is full of all your important phone number contacts, warranty agreements and school emergency numbers. It's much better to have all of those things in one place then scattered throughout the office. You can tame your cords with many organizing gadgets or just even zip ties. Put your phone chargers in a small wicker basket. That way you always know where they are. Use a paper shredder to destroy any mail or bills that have personal information on it. Everything else should be kept in a folder. You can also scan and store documents rather than keeping them around. If you're holding onto magazines because of one particular article, then why not pull the article out and put it in a folder? In The Foyer Right inside the door of your home becomes a drop zone for all kinds of things. It's also where a lot of stuff gets lost even in plain sight! Have a table nearby the door that has a bowl for keys and a basket for mail. At the each day sort through the mail to toss out all the junk. If there is a closet in this area, then it's time to get rid of all the stuff that is taking up valuable room. Anything you have in use in over year should be tossed out. Remove Rubbish Once And For All As you go through your home organizing task you're sure to run across a lot of things you could probably do without. It might be a couple of boxes of junk or big pieces of furniture. Either way all of that rubbish can be removed with one call to Junk King Cincinnati. These are the professional junk haulers who never met a pile of rubbish they could get rid of in a timely manner. Junk removal session with Junk King Cincinnati will go a long way towards helping you get your home organized. Stay Organized Around The House With These Terrific Tips