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Tag Archives: attic cleaning

Clean Up Your Attic – Finally Make it Something Useful

For a long time, attics have been getting a bad reputation. Most of this blame can be Hollywood’s fault. If it’s a horror movie and it’s in a house then it’s a safe bet that something scary is going to be living up in the attic. When you think about it, that makes sense. Our attics often become the depository of all our junk. Got an old trunk with grandma’s stuff in it? Up in the attic is goes. Got an old sewing mannequin that you’re not using? Up in the attic it goes. All those piles of the old clothes, books, furniture, ornaments and holiday decorations? You guessed it; up in the attic it goes. Clearly in the mind of a creative writer, anyone of those objects can be haunted!
What most folks miss out on is that with a little effort, your attic doesn’t have to be such a scary place. Instead, it can become a viable and welcome extra room. The first thing you’ll have to do is get rid of all that junk. Who are you going to call? The best attic clean out company –  Junk King.
You might have had help carrying all that stuff up to your attic so it only stands to reason you should get help carrying it all down again. The difference this time is you really only have to make one trip up the attic steps. Once you’re there with the clean-up crew all you’ll have to do is point to what needs to be taken away and the crew will handle the rest.
As soon as that attic is cleared out you can consider all the possibilities. If this is a space with exposed rafters then all it will take is a little dry wall action to turn it into a functioning room. After all, that’s how the rest of your house was set up. With this extra room, you could give some siblings a much needed break from each other by moving one of them up to the attic. It worked on the “Brady Bunch!” If the kids are all grown up and moved out, you could turn your attic into a quiet zone just for you. Of course that can still work if the kids are home! All you would need is a comfy chair, a lamp and a good book and you’ve created a wonderful oasis. Another great option is to turn the attic into a home office. This could free up some space on your kitchen counter or bedroom where you might have crammed a desk into a corner to accommodate your computer. You’ve got all that space up there; why not use it for more than just junk?
And just because you’re hiring a professional crew to clean out your attic doesn’t mean they are limited to just that space. While you’re at it why not let them go through your basement, garage, closets or backyard? You might just have some junk there that could be hauled away, too!
For the best in Columbus Attic Clean Outs or any type of junk removal services, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate
Junk King Columbus
819 Phillipi Road
Columbus, OH 43228
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-6P

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