Junk King Dallas

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Best Way To Get Ready For Guests

When it comes to guests that you invite into the house there are two types. There are those you cleanup for and those that you don’t. The ones you don’t cleanup for usually are family members or close friends that don’t really care what state your house as in. As for the guests that you might have over for a special dinner or party then you definitely want your home to look as nice as possible. Too often cleaning up the house doesn’t become as much of a priority as shopping for food and cooking. That is often why at the last minute clutter is just shoved out of sight. That works with clothing, toys and shoes but it doesn’t work with things like a worn out sofa or a pile of old computer equipment. That’s the kind of clutter that can only be taken away by a professional junk hauling service like Junk King Dallas.


One call to Junk King Dallas puts your junk removal plan into the works. The first choice you have to make is picking the best time for your junk removal session. This can be any day you prefer as long as you can set aside a two-hour window. The team from Junk King Dallas will only use a fraction of that two-hour time but they use that as a buffer to get from one appointment to the next.

The next thing you have to do to get prepared for your junk removal session is to decide exactly what you want taken away. Some choices might be obvious. Those can be all the things that are out in the open down your basement, out the garage or up in the attic. But since you are going to have a moving crew and big truck at your disposal, you should take full advantage of them. That means sorting through all the stuff in your closets and all those boxes you have stacked up throughout the house. This is a great opportunity to finally get rid of all that clutter and really open up a lot more space in your home.

One call to Junk King Dallas helps makes sure your home will be ready for entertaining.

Junk King Dallas
13659 Jupiter Rd. Suite 208
Dallas, TX 75238
Hours: M-F: 7A-6P, Sa: 7A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Dallas area, including:

Balch Springs
Red Oak
Royse City
and these nearby zip codes:
75030, 75032, 75040, 75041, 75042, 75043, 75044, 75045, 75046, 75047, 75048, 75049, 75087, 75088, 75089, 75125, 75126, 75132, 75141, 75149, 75150, 75154, 75159, 75164, 75172, 75180, 75181, 75182, 75185, 75187, 75189, 75201, 75202, 75204, 75205, 75206, 75210, 75214, 75215, 75217, 75218, 75219, 75221, 75222, 75223, 75225, 75226, 75227, 75228, 75230, 75231, 75238, 75242, 75243, 75246, 75250, 75251, 75253, 75262, 75263, 75264, 75265, 75266, 75267, 75270, 75275, 75277, 75283, 75284, 75285, 75303, 75312, 75313, 75315, 75320, 75326, 75355, 75357, 75359, 75360, 75367, 75371, 75372, 75373, 75374, 75382, 75389, 75391, 75393, 75394, 75397, 75407