Move Your Junk Out Before You Move In Before you move into any new home or apartment it's important that you take a lot of measurements. The first concern should be whether your old furniture is going to fit into the new place. They could be some narrow hallways or tight squeezes around doors that might prevent your sofa or loveseat from sitting into the new house. There's also measuring for rugs and drapes that have to be accounted for. The goal is to fit everything from your old place into your new place. That is why it is essential not to move any old junk. You don't want to waste valuable space with things that you're never going to use again. That's why you should hire Junk King Indianapolis to move out the old junk before you move into the new place. Moving means you have a chance to assess all of your property. You can determine exactly what you use again and what you don't need. You could also be hanging onto a lot of things that are broken that you might thought you could repair. If they have remained broken for several years, then chances are they are going to stay that way. All of that unwanted clutter should be turned over to Junk King Indianapolis. They'll know the proper way of disposing of it. Often that might actually mean donating some of your things to a charity. This is a great place where furniture, appliances and other household goods can end up. Nothing has to be poured into a dump with Junk King Indianapolis on the job. You can schedule your junk removal session either before you move out or right after. If you do it before you move out then there should be any confusion on the day of the move. You don't want your movers to accidentally pack up the stuff you getting rid of. It will also help free up even more space for those movers to get around. However, if you are returning to your old home to clean, then that can be the day that Junk King Indianapolis comes by for the final pick up. Let Junk King Indianapolis get rid of your old clutter before you make your next move. Move Your Junk Out Before You Move In