Question You Should Ask Your New Roommate Before They Move In Once your roommate signs a lease agreement and they move in, it will be very hard to get them to move out. That is why you want to find out as much about them as you can before that agreement is signed. This could have you asking some very personal questions but it's better to find out this stuff now then be surprised by it later. Here are some of the questions you should be asking any new roommate: What Is Your Romantic Situation? This is probably the most personal question you could ask a potential roommate but it definitely needs asking. Someone who is single is probably ideal. That doesn't mean there romantic status won't change while they are living with you but you could be on the same page starting out. A person who is in a relationship will often have that other person staying over. That might not be a problem at first but if it feels like that person has moved in, then it could be an issue when you are suddenly sharing a space with three people that is meant for two. Can You Put Down A Deposit? The answer to that question should always be, "yes." In the worst-case scenario, a deposit can be used if your roommate suddenly skips out on the rent. That deposit is also a good indication of their financial stability. If they have a hard time coming up with that money, then they might have a hard time coming up with money for other bills. Do You Like To Cook? The best roommate would probably be a professional chef. This is someone who is always going to be in the kitchen experimenting. Nothing wrong with that! On the other hand, if you like to cook as well, then you could find yourself bumping into your roommate a lot. You might discover that if you have the same schedules, then cooking and having dinner together is very enjoyable. What Were Your Past Living Situations Like? It's a safe bet that anyone who has had several roommates might also have roommate horror stories. How your potential roommate handled the that situation could tell you a lot about their own personality. Is this someone who cut and run at the first sign of trouble or are they always reaching for 911? While you are conducting your roommate interviews, you might need to spend some time getting their room ready. This is where Junk King Boston can be a huge help. These are the professional junk haulers who will send over a pair of movers that can clear out furniture, appliances, e-waste and other household goods from your home or apartment. Most of what Junk King Boston collects also ends up being donated to charity. That should make you feel good about getting rid of a lot of your old stuff. Find out all you can about your new roommate before they move in and get their room ready with help from Junk King Boston. Question You Should Ask Your New Roommate Before They Move In