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Helpful Tips For A Safe Holiday

Ask anyone about their holidays and they’ll most often say, “There’s a lot going on.” That includes a lot of running errands, getting the house decorated and cooking in the kitchen. It is easy to forget about some simple safety guidelines with all that is happening but that is exactly what you need to stay focused and make sure everyone in your circle has a safe holiday season. Here are some things to keep in mind: christmas-table-1443860 For Driving Shopping centers are going to be crowded nearly every day between now and Christmas Eve. That means there will also be a lot of kids and potentially distracted drives in those lots. Keep an eye on any one loading their car. There could be a child close by. As for driving, your need to make sure you and your teen driver isn’t distracted. You both should be using hands free apps. Also, if you know your teen is in the car, don’t text or call them. Wait until they get home or reach their destination. In the Home You want your home to look fantastic for the holidays but that shouldn’t be at the expense of safety. Once kids are part of the equation you need to decorate with them in mind. That is true if they live in your house or you know they’ll be visiting. Start with the tree. Breakable ornaments should be at the top of the tree and out of reach. Keep the safe ones down at the bottom. You’ll also want to take care of your tree by keeping it watered. Before putting up lights check the wires for any frays. A lot can happen since the last time you put those lights up. You should also test them before you put the tree or outside the house. It would be horrible to string them up only to find a missing bulb causes the entire strand to go out. Candles are a nice touch for the holidays but can be a tempting target for the young ones. Ideally, you should keep any candle at least a foot away from anything that can burn. And they should definitely be out of reach for the kids. If you want to play it totally safe, then check out battery operated candles. You might be surprised at how realistic they look. Finally, you want to make sure your home is clear of clutter and rubbish. This is a genera safety concern but also one that will bring you peace of mind. One call to Junk King Palm Beach can get all your unwanted rubbish gone for good. Just think of how great your home will look without any junk.
Helpful Tips For A Safe Holiday


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