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Great Recycling Facts To Share

Recycling wouldn’t be the least bit effective if only a handful of people did it. Recycling works best when everyone gets involved from homeowners to apartment renters and from schools to businesses. How active are you with recycling? You might get a boost by sharing these great recycling facts: earth-158805_960_720 What is the benefit of recycling? It comes from saving energy. More energy is used to produce something from raw materials versus recycled materials. How much energy? Recycling just 48 soda cans is equal to saving one gallon of gas. Paper was one of the first materials to be recycled on wide scale basis. Since 1990, the paper recovered through US recycling efforts would fill 200 football stadiums to a height of 100 feet. Every ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees and 462 gallons of oil. One pound of newspaper can be recycled into six cereal boxes or egg cartons. The list of benefits from recycling is endless! Now think about the trash you toss out each day. What about your lunch? A typical disposable lunch, with items like single-serve yogurt, Ziploc bags, and juice boxes, creates 4-8 oz of garbage each day. Add it all up and it comes out to around 67 lbs. of t trash each year and that’s just from your lunch. This is the time of year that Americans throw away one million extra tons of garbage every week. The average U.S. citizen uses 200 lbs. of plastic per year but only 3% of that amount is actually recycled. There are also around 220 tons of computers, TVs, DVD players and other e-waste dumped in landfills each year. That’s way too much. Are you feeling inspired to recycle even more? There are plenty of things around your house you can recycle and it’s not just paper, plastics and glass. When you hire a company like Junk King Palm Beach, you can add furniture, appliances, clothing and yard debris to your list of recyclables. Junk King doesn’t do the actual recycling but they’ll make sure your stuff gets to the right drop off spot. Junk King Palm Beach is the perfect partner to help you expand your home recycling program.
Great Recycling Facts To Share


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