Junk King Bucks County

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Make The Most Of Your Sheltering In Place

As the saying goes, “home is where the heart is.” That has taken on a whole new meaning in these days of sheltering in place. The home is still filled with heart but it’s also filled with the whole family who isn’t going anywhere. That can actually be a good thing when you consider that staying at home is keeping your family safe and keeping everyone else safe. It is also time to savor all these special moments. That might mean doing some new activities. Here’s how you can make the most of your sheltering in place:

Have a BBQ

Everyone will be down for a BBQ. Firing up the grill and eating outside is always a treat for the family. This might be a good time to try out some new rubs and marinades. You can also grill peaches and other things that you haven’t tried before. There will be no shortage of BBQ recipes to find online!

Invent Your Own Board Game

You are probably running through all your board games. Why not come up with your own board game? You can do something simple like a new version of Candyland or go even bigger with an epic Dungeons and Dragons kind of game. Everyone can contribute to the rules and play. Once you’ve locked down the rules, you could film them and post online to share with everyone else.

Make a Family Scrapbook

You probably have dozens if not hundreds of photos stored in all the phones in your house. Why not print out a bunch of those photos and make a scrapbook together? This is one of those projects that you can keep coming back to and work a little bit at a time. It’s a great way to memorialize your family story!

Make More Room

This is less of an activity for fun and more of an activity just to make a cozier home. Take the time to head out to the garage or down in the basement and sort through all the stuff you have in storage. You might uncover some other games or costumes to play with. You will probably discover a lot of things to get rid of. That is where Junk King Philadelphia can help. We created some new rubbish removal policies that are meant to keep our workers and your family safe. Junk King Philadelphia wants to make getting rid of your rubbish easy while you focus on having fun at home.

Junk King Bucks County
1816 Mearns Rd
Warminster, PA 18974
Hours: M-F: 8A-6P, Sa: 8A-4P, Su: 10A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Bucks County area, including:

Blooming Glen
Bryn Athyn
East Greenville
and these nearby zip codes:
18041, 18901, 18902, 18910, 18911, 18912, 18913, 18916, 18917, 18974, 18991, 19001, 19007, 19009, 19012, 19019, 19020, 19021, 19025, 19054, 19055, 19056, 19057, 19058, 19092, 19093, 19099, 19101, 19102, 19103, 19104, 19105, 19106, 19107, 19108, 19109, 19110, 19111, 19114, 19115, 19116, 19120, 19121, 19122, 19123, 19124, 19125, 19126, 19130, 19132, 19133, 19134, 19135, 19136, 19137, 19140, 19141, 19149, 19152, 19154, 19155, 19160, 19161, 19162, 19170, 19172, 19173, 19175, 19181, 19182, 19183, 19184, 19187, 19188, 19190, 19192, 19193, 19194, 19195, 19196, 19197, 19244, 19255