Fun Recycling Facts To Share Recycling is part of our daily lives. Even if you don’t toss a water bottle into a recycling bin today, you probably opened a container made from recycled paper or drove on a road made from recycled asphalt. Recycling touches a lot of our world. How much do you know about recycling? You’ll know a lot after checking out these fun facts: Recycling is all about saving energy. How much energy gets saved when you recycled one ton of paper? That comes out to 682 gallons of oil, 7,000 gallons of water and 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space. That’s a lot of saving on many levels. About paper… 95% of all the data in the world is still stored on paper. And most of that data is never looked at again. That means there are tons and tons of paper sitting in filing cabinets, binders and storerooms that will just gather dust instead of being recycled. Yes, emails might have changed the way we communicate but we’re still using a lot of paper. Tough habit to break. Plastic water bottles make up a large portion of the recycling stream. When you recycle a single plastic bottle, you’re conserving enough energy to light a 60-watt bulb for up to six hours. Remember, it takes less energy to recycle an item than it does to create it from scratch. That’s the whole game, right there. In the next hour, Americans will have thrown away 2.5 million plastic bottles. What happens if they end up in a landfill? Literally nothing because it takes 500 years for a plastic bottle to decompose. There is also a real danger to animal life when we don’t recycle. Thousands of marine creates die by mistakenly swallowing a plastic bag. They think it looks like a jellyfish. Tragic. It’s a good enough reason to ban plastic bags. What about soda cans? Every year, we toss out enough soda cans and bottles to reach the moon and back… 20 times. That’s a lot of cans out there. How are you doing with your home recycling program? It is easy to get into the habit of recycling but you shouldn’t stop at plastic, paper and aluminum. You can also recycle all the junk you want to clear out of your house. At least you can if you hire Junk King Philadelphia for the job. These professional junk haulers have partnered up with several recycling facilities around the area and are happy to drop off your stuff to those centers. Keep up your recycling and get your junk repurposed with help from Junk King Philadelphia. Fun Recycling Facts To Share