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Green Improvements Every Homeowner Should Make

By now, recycling your kitchen trash should be second nature to you and your family. It's easy to get into the habit of separating paper, plastics and soda cans for the recycling bin. Once you've committed to recycling you can extend your eco-friendly plan. Here are some great green improvements every homeowner should make: earth-158805_960_720 Opt For Reusable Water Bottles How many bottles of water do you think you drink any given day? You absolutely should stay hydrated but not all of that water has to come from a plastic bottle. That can be a very expensive habit. Instead, opt for reusable water bottles. You can set up a water cooler in your home, which is much more affordable than cases of water. You can also use tap water run through a filter. If you get everyone in your family to reusable water bottles, then you'll see the savings right away. Install a Low-Flow Showerhead Despite what you might have seen on Seinfeld, a low-flow showerhead provides you with plenty of pressure to get yourself clean. It just uses up to 60% less water. That can make the difference between saving 3 to 5 gallons every minute in the shower. You can also buy showerheads that are adjustable and switch to low-flow. Do that a couple of times a week and you'll still be saving. Turn off the Tap A very common habit is to turn on the tap and keep it running while you're washing your face, brushing your teeth or doing the dishes. You should try and focus on turning off the tap when not in use. Again, it's all about the gallons of water that is simply flowing down the drain and your pain for. Fix a Leaky Faucet If you hear a leaky faucet at night, then it can become a major annoyance. But you might not care if the faucet is leaking in the kitchen. However, any leaky faucet is something that should be fixed right away. Letting the leak trip for a single day can add up to gallons of wasted water. Recycle Junk You might think that getting rid of junk like old furniture or appliances is going to contribute to a landfill. Not if Junk King Phoenix is in charge. They've dedicated themselves to an eco-friendly way of disposing of all the things they collect. Most of your junk will be recycled or donated to a charity. That's just how Junk King Phoenix operates. You get the reduce your carbon footprint and they do all the work. That sounds a great deal. Green improvements are easy to make when you've got a junk recycling partner like Junk King Phoenix.
Green Improvements Every Homeowner Should Make


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