The Best Approach For An Estate Cleanout If you have been put in charge of an estate, then there is often more than just paperwork. Usually that involves closing up a house. First, everything in that house needs to be taken care of. A lot of the items could be distributed amongst the family. The remaining can go on sale with an estate sale. What happens to those things that are left over that nobody wants? You can't leave those things behind or throw them out. Instead, bring in Junk King Phoenix. They'll know just what to do with all that unwanted stuff. An estate cleanout is a very popular task for Junk King Phoenix. They provide all the manpower and truck space that you need to make sure all the things you want taken away from the house can be gone in a single session. You could give the directive to, "take everything." That will certainly make the job easy for the Junk King Phoenix crew. You can also be selective. Junk King doesn't need to bring anything outside the house. All they need you to do is point to the things you want taken away. The crew will pick it up right from the spot and happily load it onto the truck. This is a very fast and efficient way to get rid of a lot of stuff. You don't have to worry about what you're getting rid of and it up in a landfill. That's because Junk King Phoenix would much rather donate or recycle the items that they collect. They've managed to maintain a very respectable 60% recycle rate. That is translated into hundreds of tons of things being repurposed and reused. Depending on the size of the estate cleanout, Junk King might send over additional trucks and manpower. The good thing about that is that you won't be paying any extra for those services. You'll flat rate will always be based on an estimate about packing. The Junk King Phoenix crew has a lot of experience packing a lot of stuff into their truck in as little space as possible. You know what the final price is before the work begins. You'll feel a lot better once your estate cleanout is taken care of. Junk King Phoenix can make that happen. The Best Approach For An Estate Cleanout