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Tag Archives: remote work

How To Be Productive With Remote Work

Anytime you went into the office the goal was to be productive. That goal hasn’t changed just because you are now working from home. You might actually discover that remote work is allowing you to be even more productive. Of course, there are always distractions! Here are some smart moves to put into action to help you be more productive with your remote work:

Take Schedule Breaks

Around the office, you probably didn’t need to be reminded to take a break. When the coffee mug was empty you headed off to the break room. You might have been able to spend a few minutes catching up with your coworkers. You also took a lunch break every day. Remote work should provide you with the same number of regular breaks even if it means scheduling them. Some of those brakes could simply just be standing up and stretching. When it is time for lunch, you should consider moving to another room. Breaking up your day like this won’t make it seem so claustrophobic.

Protect Your Time

Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you need to suddenly make yourself available around the clock.  You might be dealing with a family in the house or just need to wind down at the end of a workday. All of this means is that you need to protect your time. You should let your supervisors and coworkers know that at a certain time you are going to be “shutting down” and going off the grid. This might be hard if you have already answered work emails late into the night. But it is worth reestablishing those boundaries to protect your time.

Protect the Workspace

The ideal set up for remote work would be a separate office but that is not always practical. What you can do is set up a workspace and make sure it is protected. This shouldn’t be something that you set up in the morning and then have to take down at the end of the day. It should be a permanent space that your family knows not to disturb. That might be difficult if the computer you are using for work it is the only computer in the house. Still, it’s important to have those boundaries.

Keep Up with Cleaning

A clean space is a productive space. That’s true for where you are going to do you remote work and for the rest of the house. This is why you want to make sure that you don’t get overwhelmed by clutter. It might help to take some time to go through all your storage areas like closets and cabinets to pull out the unwanted items. Junk King Phoenix remains dedicated to helping customers all throughout the area to get rid of their unwanted rubbish. We established some new pickup procedures to make sure everyone can be safe. Getting rid of rubbish will help you feel better about staying at home. Let Junk King Phoenix lend a hand with that task.

Junk King Phoenix
2115 W. Shangri-La Rd Suite 6
Phoenix, AZ 85029
Hours: M-F: 7A-5P, Sa: 7A-4P, Su: 7A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Phoenix area, including:

Cave Creek
Fountain Hills
New River
Paradise Valley
Rio Verde
and these nearby zip codes:
85011, 85012, 85014, 85016, 85018, 85020, 85021, 85022, 85023, 85024, 85026, 85028, 85032, 85036, 85046, 85050, 85054, 85060, 85064, 85068, 85069, 85078, 85083, 85085, 85086, 85087, 85250, 85251, 85252, 85253, 85254, 85255, 85256, 85258, 85259, 85260, 85261, 85262, 85263, 85266, 85267, 85268, 85269, 85327, 85331, 85377, 85388