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How To Find Your Next Perfect Apartment

Are you on the hunt for an apartment? You're not alone. Recent surveys have put renters at around 35% of the population. With all the requirements for closing on a home and the ongoing upkeep, for many folks it makes smart financial sense to stay as a renter. This is especially true for the legion of young single folks who make up the bulk of the renting population. Here are some suggestions for how to find your next perfect apartment. kitchen-485333-m Look For Renovations As you tour a new apartment, you might be treated to a fresh coat of paint on the walls and newly installed carpets. This tells you that your apartment is getting ready for new tenant and the landlord cares about keeping it up. There are those spaces that are in the midst of a major remodel. As tempting as it might be to score a place with a new kitchen or bathroom, you have to be assured that the apartment will be ready when you are scheduled to take occupancy. If you tour the place and it looks unfinished but there are no workers, then you should ask what's going on. Unappealing Curb Appeal Whenever checking out a new apartment, look closer. Check out the entire building from front lawn to laundry room. If you see weeds, cracks, dirt and other lousy curb appeal maintenance then you have to wonder what else the landlord is hiding. After all, if they can keep things spruced up for a new tenant, then how can you expect them to handle your leaky faucet? Pressure to Sign the Lease You should absolutely have a lease for your new apartment. However, this should be a lease you've had time to review. Although the landlord might tell you that there are all kinds of people waiting to rent the place, that doesn't mean you should automatically fork over a deposit and sign the lease without reading the fine print. At the very least, ask to walk around the corner for a cup of coffee and look over lease. Unsafe Conditions A missing fire extinguisher in the hallway. Windows painted shut or with security gates you can't open. No smoke alarms. These are the kind of unsafe conditions that should make you extremely leery about renting any apartment. Once you take over that space, you could be on your own for a lot of things but safety shouldn't be one of them. Keep the Clutter Out Once you have settled on your new perfect apartment it's time to get ready to move. Here is where you also need to make some smart choices especially with what you're packing up. As you go through all your belongings, you might discover you have a lot to get rid of. You should never bring all of this clutter with you to a new space. Instead, turn it over to Junk King Sacramento. One call to these junk removal professionals will have all your unwanted rubbish picked up in a timely manner. It will also be donated or recycled. Hire Junk King Sacramento to make sure your clutter stays out of your new apartment.
How To Find Your Next Perfect Apartment


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