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Tag Archives: sacramento hauling

Sacramento Hauling – Five Reasons To Hire the Pros

When it comes to cooking up a great meal, you don’t want to have too many chefs in the kitchen. It’s far better to open up a bottle of wine and put out a plate of cheese and crackers while you commence to cooking. However, there are some other tasks around your home where you should most definitely bring in extra help. This is especially true when it comes hauling away the large items of junk that have been collecting dust and rust in your home. Here are the top five reasons to hire a Sacramento hauling company like Junk King for all your junk removal needs.
They’ve Got the Muscle: The number one reason why folks hang onto junk it because they simply can’t move it. Sure, you might be able to shove an old sofa out into the garage or push a broken washing machine onto the back porch but that’s usually as far as it goes. With a professional hauling company you don’t have to worry about straining your back. These movers know what they’re doing and have been trained to effortlessly haul away any item no matter the size or shape.
They’ve Got the Trucks: Suppose you don’t have big items to haul away, but a lot of little items. This could be boxes of old papers, broken toys or other trash. Could it fit into the trunk of your car or SUV? Sure. But how many trips will you have to make back and forth to the dump? And do you really want to risk scraping up your car hauling junk? Junk King will come with their own truck and it will be the right size to take away whatever you’re tossing out.
They Know Where to Dump: Do you know where the closet landfill is to your home? If you’re lucky it will be miles and miles away. Hauling away a massive amount of junk could mean a trip to a landfill. Is this really how you want to spend your Saturday afternoon off from work? Professional junk haulers know just where to go with your trash. And if there is an opportunity to recycle they will know the specific facilities for repurposing.
They Are Professionals: So, you need help removing junk. Are you going to hire a company who is certified and licensed like Junk King or find some workers off the street? Put it this way: who would you rather invite into your home?
You Need the Space: Getting rid of your junk means you’ll be getting back space. Some folks have turned a spare room into a literal dumping ground for their junk. This is a room that could put hoarders to shame! Maybe you don’t have a room like this but what about a closet? Or basement? Or garage? Where is the dumping ground in your home? Wherever it is, having it cleaned out allows you to reclaim that space and turn it into a more productive area. You could create a guest bedroom or your own private sanctuary. First you have to get rid of the junk!

Sacramento Mattress Disposal – Finally Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Is there anything better than waking up refreshed from a good night’s sleep? Sleep is as essential for our overall health and well-being. It is every bit as important much as food, water and air. During sleep our body finally gets to power down after a day of activity. It’s when our energy levels are rebooted to get us ready for a new day. It’s also a perfect time for us to heal because during sleep fewer demands are put on the body. Of course, one of the things that might be preventing you from getting a good night’s sleep is that lumpy mattress you’re sleeping on. Quick: how old is that mattress? If you have to think, it is definitely time to consider buying a new one. When that happens, you’re going to need someone to haul off the old mattress. Enter a Sacramento mattress disposal crew like Junk King. With one phone call, you can schedule your mattress removal on the same day that you’re new mattress arrives. Just imagine how great you’ll sleep that night!
Think about this: without sleep, we can lose focus, being irritable and have our senses and reaction time dulled. But sleep is much more than simply closing your eyes and shutting out the world. There are two primary sleep stages: rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM). REM sleep occurs when we are actually coming out of a deep sleep. This is the cycle when dreams are created and played out. It’s when the brain is basically “de-fragging” itself but sorting through memories and finding ways to store new information that was accumulated during the day.
During NREM, we are actually in deeper cycles of sleep. It is during the deep sleep that our body sets out to make all its repairs. Tissues are rebuilt, bones are toughened up and our immune system gets a boost. Imagine not being able to do that every 24 hours? Throughout a typical sleep pattern, our brain is constantly shifting between these stages.
The amount of sleep we need can be traced back to how much growth is happening in our bodies. Babies sleep the longest because they are doing the most growing. As we enter into puberty and teenage years, our bodies experience a new growth spurt which is why it’s so hard to get some kids up for school! Once we settle into our adult years, the typical “good night’s rest”  can be had with seven to eight hours. There is no escaping the simple fact that sleep does a body good.
Not only can the mattress disposal team get rid of your old mattress, but they might able able to haul off some other junk as well. If you plan ahead, you could have those haulers take away those dusty pieces of furniture sitting in your garage or shoved into an empty room. That can also take away boxes of junk you’ve got shoved into your garage.  Just like how your brain clears useless clutter during the deep stages of sleep, Junk King can clear away space in your home by getting rid of useless junk.   All of this is going to free up a lot of space and truly guarantee that you’ll get a good night’s rest.
To book a Junk King mattress disposal appointment, or any other type of hauling job, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Sacramento Hauling – Clear out your Garage

There are certain times throughout the year when folks decide to get a fresh start with their lives. The most popular time is New Years – with a long list of resolutions that might last until February. Then there is the months of April and May for spring cleaning or the end of summer. The bottom line is that we can chose to renew ourselves anytime. Perhaps the best course of action for a fresh start is to clear out the physical refuse we surround ourselves with in our homes and businesses. That’s when calling upon the services of Junk King Sacramento can help you with that first step towards a clutter free life.

Junk King is a national franchise of expert haulers who make it their business to let you reclaim your home. Sure, you might think your house is really your own, but when you’re sharing it with a bunch of junk it doesn’t feel like that. We don’t plan to have junk overrun our homes, it just sort of happens piece by piece. First the broken fridge has to be shoved into the garage because we can’t haul it away. Since that is already there why not put those old fenders and tires in the garage, too? Of course, that means we can put in that busted television, the boxes of old clothes, and the rusty lawn mower. Before you know if, your garage is overrun. The last thing you could ever put in there is actually a car!

Junk King Sacramento feels your pain. Clearing out garages is one of their specialties. They can back up a sturdy and spacious hauling truck right to your garage door and in no time have that space cleared out from ceiling to floor. Once you’ve reclaimed the garage, there is no telling what you could do with that space. Need a home office? Extra guest room? Or a workbench for projects? Now you can, thanks to a little time with a Junk King crew.

Speaking of reclaiming space, what shape is your business in? Maybe you don’t own the company you work for but that doesn’t mean you can’t manage all the junk that has piled up. Why not take initiative and clean out the junk from your office? You could call up Junk King for a free estimate then present that to the boss. Chances are they’re going to appreciated the effort you took and let you supervise the clean up. Talk about brownie points! If you need some selling points make sure to let your boss know that Junk King’s employees are bonded and licensed. They also have gone green with the ability to recycle a large portion of your trash. It’s a win/win all around.

Just because you’ve decided on a fresh start doesn’t mean you have to do all the work by yourself. Once Junk King has taken care of hauling away your junk, your real work on a fresh start can begin.  Simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Sacramento Hauling: Inside and Outside Junk

The PBS series “Antique Roadshow”  has been a very popular hit among Sacramento antique collectors and curious minds of all kind. We’d all like to think we have a treasure hidden within our junk. Sometimes there actually is a genuine prize lurking in the closet or basement. Recent participants on “Antique Roadshow” have discovered paintings valued at over $500,000 and a jade collection worth over $1,000,000. Of course, those are the rarities. We all know that most of the junk we have sitting around our house is really, well, junk. As much as we’d like to discover a pot of gold, what we really should be doing is calling in a team of professional junk haulers to get rid of it all.

Most of our garbage falls into two categories: inside junk or outside junk. The inside junk is every piece of furniture, every appliance, every box that we’re not using and will never use. If you’re lucky to have a house with kids heading off to college, then you know what they’ve left behind are some stained carpets, dirty sofas and nasty futons. They should all be tossed out. Inside junk can also be whatever you have piled up on shelves, inside closets or crammed into attics that you’ve always meant to get rid of but never got around to.

Outside junk are all the things that have sprung up around your yard, garage or porch. An old stove that broke down became inside junk but the minute you shoved it out onto the back porch it became outside junk. There are also all kinds of yard waste that can be taken away. Things like broken bird baths, dead bushes, leftover building materials, car parts and anything else you’ve got piled up around the outside of your home.

Of course, junk is junk to a moving crew. All you have to do is point to the items you want gone and gone they shall be. You could even slap on Post-it notes to everything that is scheduled for removal.

What’s great about hiring a Sacramento hauling company is that it’s really going to force you to go through your entire house to see what you can get rid of. After all, this might be your only shot at having professional movers coming over to get rid of garbage. Don’t be afraid to put them to work! It’s what they live for.

The other aspect to consider with getting rid of your junk is exactly where will it end up? Sacramento has a long standing reputation as a clean city. It got that way thanks to citizens who care enough not to dump their garbage anywhere. It’s also a leading recycling city. Your junk should be treated no different than your old newspapers and plastic bottles: have it recycled. Any junk hauling company doing business in Sacramento has to be “green.” They might not be able to have all of your items recycled but it’s making the effort that really counts. Even if just half of your junk can avoid the landfill, that’s going to be a major accomplishment. Speaking of accomplishments, think of all the fun you’re going to have with a clean backyard and wide open storage space? The sky is the limit!

Sacramento Junk Hauling with Junk King

Everybody strives to remove the stress from their lives. We go on vacations. We take yoga classes. We try to find our “happy place.” Whatever the method is, getting rid of stress can be a huge benefit not only for our overall health but for all the people around us. No stress in our lives means good times. One major contributor to stress is clutter. Not just the kind of clutter you might find in your kid’s closet (although that’s an entire whole other level of stress!) but the big piles of junk that just have to go.

You know this type of junk. It makes you grit your teeth and roll your eyes whenever you see it just sitting there in your basement or garage or backyard. When that kind of clutter causes you stress, call in a professional Sacramento junk hauling company like Junk King. One call to Junk King Sacramento and your stress is going to be “gone with the wind.”

See if you have any of these junk items laying around your Sacramento home or yard: broken appliances like dishwashers, dryers or fridges; building materials like drywall or sheetrock; electronics like old computers, TVs or monitors; furniture like torn up sofas, love seats, easy chairs or tables; yard waste like leaves, fallen branches or dead bushes; car parts like rusted fenders, old tires or engine parts. If you can say “yes, I’ve got that” to anything on that list then you need to call Junk King Sacramento right away! They can haul away any of that and so much more. Junk King also works great for Sacramento construction clean up – both big and small.

Nowadays, most folks are concerned about their carbon footprint, as well as they should be. There might even be some hesitation with getting rid of your junk because you don’t want it dumped in a landfill. Good news: Junk King Sacramento is green! They’ll be able to sort and recycle most of what you have to get rid of. By diverting your junk to the proper recycling facility, it will be repurposed and reused. Basically, your trash can become somebody else’s new goods!

Even if you don’t have piles of junk that needs removal, what about an upcoming project? Maybe you’re considering a remodeling of the bathroom or kitchen. Or perhaps a major landscaping overhaul is in your future. If so, then make sure you’ve got a Sacramento junk hauling company like Junk King on full stand-by alert.

A simple call to Junk King Sacramento at 1-800-995-JUNK will bring out their estimate team to take a gander at your “project.” They’ll be able to tell in an instant how long the removal will take and what it will cost based on the amount of space it takes up in their truck. Then you set up a follow-up appointment for Junk King to roll up and get the job down. And Junk King isn’t like the cable company which keeps you waiting all day. You’ll have a short two hour window for the job and be called 15 minutes before the crew shows up. In, out and nobody gets hurt! Say good-bye to your junk once and for all!

Sacramento Hauling

With every move a person makes into a new living space comes the startling discovery of an enormous amount of junk that has been accumulated over the years. For many people a move into a new home or apartment is a perfect time to get rid of all that unnecessary junk. For others, they end up moving that junk along with them to the new place because it’s just easier that way. Actually, there is an easier way: calling in a Sacramento hauling company to take away all that garbage.
The main reason we have so much junk sitting around our homes is because we simply don’t have the resources to get rid of it. Along comes your Sacramento hauling service to provide you with those resources. Ironically, what is now old junk started out as new stuff that had to be brought in by some method. But bringing something in seems easier then getting rid of it. Typically what falls into this category of junk are the big items we are replacing in our lives. In the kitchen it could mean upgrading any of the major appliances such as a stove, dishwasher or fridge. What are you going to do with the old one?
Often people get these big appliances moved out to the garage or back porch promising to “take care of that.” But how many days, weeks, and months go by and that eyesore is still there gathering dust and rust? A Sacramento hauling company can show up, load up and drive off in less time that it took to bring the item into your house in the first place.
The other large items that end up “sticking around” are all the old pieces of furniture. Hiring a Sacramento hauling company would be perfect to take away all those out of style and smelly sofas, loveseats and armchairs. Once you’ve held onto furniture for several years, normal wear and tear will inspire you to buy new pieces. What happens to the old stuff? It might end up in a backroom or down in the basement because you really don’t want to get rid of that, right? Wrong.
At some point it’s just going to be a source of clutter that needs to be cleared away. If a sofa was smelly in your living room, it’s going to be even worse down in the basement. You could stick it out on the curb and hope someone will pick it up but what if they don’t? Then you’re really stuck. That’s why bringing in a Sacramento hauling service right off the bat is the best option for getting rid of your old sofa and fast.
Sometimes the mere act of removing your junk can open up a world of opportunities around your house. If you call up a Sacramento hauling service to take away an old living room sofa, well, clearly you’ll have to go shopping for a new one before the big game on Sunday! Removing junk from your garage can open up storage space or allow you to set up a home gym or workbench. Whatever your ideas are for improving your home, start with a call to a Sacramento hauling company.
The best in Sacramento Hauling is Junk King Sacramento- providing affordable, efficient and eco-friendly hauling services in California.  Call 1-800-995-JUNK or book online.
Junk King Sacramento
12181 Folsom Blvd, Suite A
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-5P

Providing junk removal services to the Sacramento area, including:

Diamond Springs
El Dorado
El Dorado Hills
Elk Grove
Fair Oaks
Rancho Cordova
West Sacramento
and these nearby zip codes:
94203, 94204, 94205, 94206, 94207, 94208, 94209, 94211, 94229, 94230, 94232, 94234, 94235, 94236, 94237, 94239, 94240, 94244, 94245, 94247, 94248, 94249, 94250, 94252, 94254, 94256, 94257, 94258, 94259, 94261, 94262, 94263, 94267, 94268, 94269, 94271, 94273, 94274, 94277, 94278, 94279, 94280, 94282, 94283, 94284, 94285, 94287, 94288, 94289, 94290, 94291, 94293, 94294, 94295, 94296, 94297, 94298, 94299, 95605, 95607, 95608, 95609, 95612, 95615, 95616, 95617, 95618, 95619, 95620, 95623, 95624, 95627, 95628, 95630, 95653, 95670, 95671, 95691, 95695, 95741, 95742, 95757, 95758, 95759, 95762, 95763, 95776, 95798, 95799, 95811, 95812, 95813, 95814, 95815, 95816, 95817, 95818, 95819, 95820, 95821, 95822, 95823, 95824, 95825, 95826, 95827, 95828, 95829, 95830, 95831, 95832, 95833, 95834, 95835, 95836, 95837, 95838, 95840, 95851, 95852, 95853, 95860, 95864, 95865, 95866, 95867, 95894, 95899